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干细胞随笔 今日: 0|主题: 578

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The root of all evil ?(ZT) attach_img recommend agree marrowstem 2010-6-6 421921 marrowstem 2010-6-6 21:01
后化疗时代:基因沉默——个体化癌症治疗(ZT) attach_img recommend agree marrowstem 2010-5-31 429103 ruochenzu 2010-6-2 15:38
Synthia attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-5-23 317727 我是丁香 2010-5-26 11:22
The Secret Life of Chaos. marrowstem 2010-5-24 011771 marrowstem 2010-5-24 20:41
阿司匹林(ZT) attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-5-20 315737 marrowstem 2010-5-22 15:58
癌肿会自行消失吗? agree marrowstem 2010-5-15 122340 marrowstem 2010-5-15 14:30
肿瘤研究百年大事记 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 marrowstem 2009-10-30 3993832 wlandragon 2010-5-9 11:25
杀灭癌细胞可能是一场打鼹鼠游戏 agree marrowstem 2010-5-5 218030 prettybear 2010-5-5 19:14
癌细胞的微环境 recommend marrowstem 2010-4-15 317976 tomyang1987 2010-5-5 11:04
肿瘤的自我毁灭之路 agree marrowstem 2010-5-2 318267 tomyang1987 2010-5-5 10:57
砒霜治“血癌” 瑞金开花 港大结果 marrowstem 2010-3-26 419707 柠檬草签 2010-4-30 15:04
Nature:基因组研究开启癌症个体化治疗新纪元 attach_img marrowstem 2010-4-24 524951 ambassador 2010-4-24 22:46
胡适说 marrowstem 2010-4-22 013438 marrowstem 2010-4-22 20:32
谁是真正的基因Superstar? attach_img agree  ...2 marrowstem 2009-10-6 1034692 chuanbaozang 2010-4-22 16:34
山中来信 agree marrowstem 2009-11-14 221700 饶冠华 2010-4-22 15:21
打油诗一首 纯属娱乐 recommend agree marrowstem 2010-4-21 117859 chuanbaozang 2010-4-22 15:04
游子呤:清明 marrowstem 2010-4-3 113710 tspaulzhao 2010-4-3 10:33
生命的“质点”在哪里? attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 marrowstem 2010-2-28 2747176 rainsky1314 2010-4-2 15:51
Game never end agree marrowstem 2010-4-2 115847 hcoohboy 2010-4-2 11:31
What's Science? attachment marrowstem 2010-1-17 916941 ambassador 2010-3-26 11:44
Koch’s规则可以用来探询癌症病因吗? attach_img agree  ...2 marrowstem 2010-3-17 1343391 prettybear 2010-3-22 11:00
看不见的危机 agree marrowstem 2010-3-21 113970 tspaulzhao 2010-3-21 21:10
肿瘤研究史上的几个学说(ZT) agree  ...23 marrowstem 2010-3-9 2753632 ambassador 2010-3-19 11:42
分化化分 agree marrowstem 2010-2-21 525223 marrowstem 2010-3-8 20:17
那一阵风告诉我们的自然(ZT) recommend marrowstem 2010-3-6 332326 LiuRoc 2010-3-7 16:20
为什么实体瘤不能通过干细胞移植法来获得治愈? agree marrowstem 2010-1-16 832948 wzx6660 2010-3-4 17:30
Where do CSCs come from?  ...23 marrowstem 2010-1-25 2056404 wzx6660 2010-3-4 16:55
09年国内生命科学的重要进展(ZT) recommend agree marrowstem 2010-1-18 438900 wzx6660 2010-3-4 16:38
已丑除夕暖春 marrowstem 2010-2-14 018131 marrowstem 2010-2-14 14:04
癌症同样可以预防 marrowstem 2010-2-10 121705 Oates 2010-2-11 01:42


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