干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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斯坦佛医学院建全球第一个干细胞生物学与再生医学博士学位项目 recommend agree tpwang 2011-5-15 734721 bid 2011-7-6 07:34
欧洲生化学会联合会邀请报告-第三个千禧年的基因组 attachment agree botizhou 2011-7-5 26369 fwyou 2011-7-5 23:58
细胞重编程的进化生物学 attachment agree botizhou 2011-7-5 17756 tpwang 2011-7-5 17:39
欧洲生化学会联合会青年科学家论坛 attachment agree botizhou 2011-7-5 08105 botizhou 2011-7-5 15:55
再生医学:保健先锋 attachment agree botizhou 2011-7-5 011994 botizhou 2011-7-5 15:52
New Clues to How Cancer Spreads agree zorro 2011-7-4 013848 zorro 2011-7-4 23:36
New Technique Advances Bioprinting of Cells attachment agree zorro 2011-7-4 18489 zorro 2011-7-4 23:27
cell research 上的一篇文章 attachment agree fananran2003 2011-6-30 417023 wxyWXY 2011-7-4 21:56
Stem-cell scientists grapple with clinics attachment agree zorro 2011-7-1 211655 sajiemeian 2011-7-4 13:29
ISSCR颁发创新奖、公共服务奖和杰出青年研究人员奖 agree yxc 2011-7-2 014194 yxc 2011-7-2 15:31
ESCs Help Deliver 'Good Genes' in a Model of Inherited Blood Disorder agree huangcong1988 2011-6-24 111860 张也行 2011-7-2 00:30
具有多能再生潜力的小鼠气管粘膜下腺导管来源的新型干祖细胞群 attachment agree botizhou 2011-7-1 09569 botizhou 2011-7-1 17:29
日本科研小组首次用iPS细胞培育出内脏器官 hansey 2010-3-12 314636 xiao_jiajia 2011-6-29 15:57
2011年干细胞治疗决策指南 heatlevel agree  ...2 botizhou 2011-6-7 1742918 sunsong7 2011-6-28 17:08
研究揭示干细胞如何失去多能性(附原文) attachment agree xiaoqi 2011-6-18 313278 llecstem 2011-6-28 13:58
Stem Cell Scientists Discover New Airway Stem Cell attachment agree zorro 2011-6-28 08425 zorro 2011-6-28 12:04
Tiny Cell Patterns Reveal the Progression of Development and Disease agree zorro 2011-6-28 09300 zorro 2011-6-28 11:41
国际干细胞实验室新闻[20110620] attachment recommend agree botizhou 2011-6-22 19467 llecstem 2011-6-28 11:26
stem cell news 110620-26 attachment agree kittybruce 2011-6-27 010480 kittybruce 2011-6-27 23:33
FDA批准细胞治疗皱纹 recommend agree botizhou 2011-6-23 223316 jane2011 2011-6-27 14:40
Scientists Discover How to Control Fate of Stem Cells attachment agree zorro 2011-6-26 210478 yxc 2011-6-26 21:29
Survival Niche for Cancer Cells(癌细胞的niche) agree huangcong1988 2011-6-18 315484 yaoguanping 2011-6-26 14:20
哪位能发一些关于ISSCR 9th Annual Meeting的新闻? username 2011-6-25 212284 liufutang 2011-6-26 13:28
2011年中美临床和转化医学国际论坛会议日程 (2011年) agree  ...2 可怜的孩子 2011-6-23 1065306 yxc 2011-6-26 10:13
Reprogrammed Cells 'Remember,' Retain Characteristics of Their Cells of Origin agree huangcong1988 2011-6-24 312618 xaocou 2011-6-25 12:43
Self-Made Eye: Formation of Optic Cup from Embryonic Stem Cells agree huangcong1988 2011-6-24 010742 huangcong1988 2011-6-24 22:10
Scientists Discover Switch to Speed Up Stem Cell Production agree huangcong1988 2011-6-24 09838 huangcong1988 2011-6-24 22:00
表皮移植多能干细胞 attachment agree botizhou 2011-5-24 514008 细胞海洋 2011-6-24 19:54
日本干细胞研究或可实现用猪生成人类器官 xiaoqi 2011-6-24 214756 细胞海洋 2011-6-24 19:47
基因组医学:干细胞 基因组学和转化研究 attachment agree botizhou 2011-6-13 610812 sajiemeian 2011-6-24 14:56


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