干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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Blood Simpler: Researchers Parse the Origins of Hematopoietic Stem Cells attachment agree zorro 2011-6-9 110062 zorro 2011-6-9 10:54
肿瘤干细胞:癌症治疗新靶标 细胞海洋 2011-5-21 413372 新疆八钢 2011-6-8 22:54
塑化剂可影响间充质干细胞分化 attach_img agree FreeCell 2011-6-8 919227 大少爷 2011-6-8 15:58
英国人开发出自体干细胞绑带用于临床试验 agree FreeCell 2011-6-7 138918 hhha 2011-6-8 10:44
Stem Cell Treatment May Offer Option for Broken Bones That Don't Heal agree zorro 2011-6-8 08549 zorro 2011-6-8 09:18
PNAS上的5月份的一篇文章 agree fananran2003 2011-6-7 115069 pinger 2011-6-7 22:29
纽约斯隆/凯德琳癌症纪念研究中心的Lorenz Studer博士Cell子刊解析miRNA与干细胞分化 attachment agree 细胞海洋 2011-6-7 520148 w1986725 2011-6-7 20:50
科技部张先恩:中国在诱导多功能干细胞等方面在国际上生重要影响  ...2 aoppolle 2011-5-24 1232476 kenken 2011-6-7 16:36
法国细胞和基因治疗学会第10届大会 attachment agree botizhou 2011-6-7 07330 botizhou 2011-6-7 16:19
中科院院士2011有效增选候选人名单公布,裴端卿,干细胞生物学 heatlevel agree  ...2 tpwang 2011-5-23 1779625 皮皮000 2011-6-7 16:12
干细胞疗法预防白血病复发获重要进展 agree 大少爷 2011-6-7 323592 BioMan 2011-6-7 13:30
2011干细胞技术临床转化应用讲座与培训在同济大学获圆满成功 细胞海洋 2011-6-7 112870 农夫有点田 2011-6-7 12:56
cell stem cell:MicroRNA 表达谱揭示了与P53相关的两种不同的人多能性干细胞状态 attachment agree treestem 2010-12-9 519824 liuyuwater 2011-6-7 09:29
你的干细胞可以在-80度保藏20年 attach_img agree FreeCell 2011-6-7 012192 FreeCell 2011-6-7 00:32
仍是旧闻:Cells Derived from Different Stem Cells: Same or Different? agree huangcong1988 2011-6-6 29738 huangcong1988 2011-6-6 20:12
MicroRNA Cocktail Helps Turn Skin Cells Into Stem Cells attachment agree huangcong1988 2011-6-6 410841 huangcong1988 2011-6-6 20:09
旧闻:Adult Stem Cells Take Root in Livers and Repair Damage agree huangcong1988 2011-6-6 110387 marrowstem 2011-6-6 17:11
IPS可逆转帕金森氏综合征 attachment agree FreeCell 2011-5-22 716166 huangcong1988 2011-6-6 14:15
Cancer stem cell news attachment disagree Jordan 2011-6-5 213870 细胞海洋 2011-6-5 20:06
国际干细胞实验室新闻[20110523] attachment agree botizhou 2011-5-24 39004 nihaohao 2011-6-4 21:55
Nat.Methods:科学家研发出培养多能干细胞新系统 agree aoppolle 2011-6-3 215044 sannia 2011-6-4 18:50
清华教师在干细胞世系分化研究中取得重要进展 attachment heatlevel  ...2 细胞海洋 2011-5-31 1231569 qmm0303@163.com 2011-6-4 16:30
Cell: 干细胞疗法预防白血病复发获进展 (转) agree xiaoqi 2011-6-4 018193 xiaoqi 2011-6-4 11:14
BioTime两种干细胞纳入NIH人类胚胎干细胞注册项目 细胞海洋 2011-6-4 07020 细胞海洋 2011-6-4 08:07
stem cell news 110529-0602 attachment agree kittybruce 2011-6-3 012940 kittybruce 2011-6-3 22:23
衰老的鼠可以返老还童了 recommend heatlevel agree  ...2 wuxia_2009 2010-11-30 1045409 sunjianhua2000 2011-6-3 14:26
Stem Cells:锶可促进间充质干细胞成骨分化 aoppolle 2011-6-3 013898 aoppolle 2011-6-3 13:30
Key Molecule for Stem Cell Pluripotency Discovered(附原文) attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 huangcong1988 2011-5-30 1844713 bin 2011-6-2 18:37
细胞治疗商业化峰会 attachment agree botizhou 2011-6-2 013983 botizhou 2011-6-2 09:57
锶可促进间充质干细胞成骨分化 agree fwyou 2011-6-2 015704 fwyou 2011-6-2 09:35


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