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利用大鼠自己的神经干细胞治疗糖尿病大鼠 [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-10-9 23:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-10-11 10:08 编辑
( X& }! m8 z6 k9 ^  p, W  o
' |6 `7 Y( a2 b" c8 G


9 P+ P# m" ~4 h1 Y# i) r3 W* y
' _2 t0 H, ~- h9 t5 ~5 D, O& Ynaturalkillerce导语:日本科学家利用大鼠大脑嗅球或海马体中获得神经干细胞,在开启胰岛素产生的蛋白Wnt3a和一种阻止胰岛素产生的天然抑制剂的抗体作用下,后将它们放置在可移除的胶原薄片上移植到大鼠胰腺上,能够恢复I型和II型糖尿病模式大鼠的血液胰岛素到未患糖尿病时的水平,同时血液中升高的葡萄糖水平也恢复正常。更为重要的是,这一切都未经过基因操作。综上所述,糖尿病的治疗方法可能位于我们的大脑之中。这比之前利用人子宫内膜干细胞治疗糖尿病模式小鼠的效果要好很多。不过这种方法能否延伸到人身上还有待进一步实验,尽管已有实验表明可在人嗅球上获得成体神经干细胞。现编译如下:
: h$ Q0 l( L! M4 [& i

) g: {0 T: s! d4 u/ d


. |" f1 J; {3 g7 \' e
实验背景:7 z0 L$ C: e4 M# a7 [
胰腺中的β细胞产生调控葡萄糖水平的胰岛素。人们不论是患I型糖尿病---天然β细胞被免疫系统所破坏,还是患II型糖尿病---β细胞不能产生足够的胰岛素,都对身体带来不良后果。% u. g! P" t* r( f% i8 A. c
& x" [& D3 [+ `0 E5 A
实验结果:1 H; a% g1 l) v& A& y/ y$ w( H! u" [
为了替换丢失的或不能发挥作用的β细胞,来自日本国立高级产业科技学院(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)的Tomoko Kuwabara和他的同事们寻求大脑中神经干细胞的帮助。研究人员经由鼻子从大鼠中提取神经干细胞,并将它们转变为能够产生胰岛素以便治疗糖尿病的胰腺细胞,从而表明糖尿病的治疗方法可能位于我们的大脑之中。
) ]( l/ X. q1 d& t6 ^% I) |
+ O5 r" q0 A2 a& Y$ O) M实验结果之一:经由鼻子从大鼠大脑中提取神经干细胞经处理后移植到大鼠胰腺; X# @, ]* X4 `4 t. g2 p
首先,研究小组从大鼠嗅球(olfactory bulb)---大脑中处理气味的部分---或从涉及记忆的海马体(hippocampus)提取微量组织。无论是在大鼠和人中,这两个区域都可经由鼻子而被接触到。3 x/ |5 [/ C& V+ S( r1 o
  [7 K; J) m% g3 L% U# Q9 a3 [. b
2 V/ A/ ?9 P1 C, V! \* R! i
- Q+ ?" y% G) e3 c/ S4 @在增殖这些干细胞两周之后,研究人员将它们放置在作为可移除的支架(scaffold)起作用的胶原薄片上,这就允许研究人员将结合有这些细胞的薄片放置在大鼠胰腺上,而不用对该器官本身造成伤害。) k- J( d( F  b- k1 j+ k, y7 e
- {2 J8 h- r/ b% y9 U# A
一周之内,在接受治疗的I型和II型糖尿病模式大鼠血液中胰岛素浓度与那些没有患糖尿病的大鼠中的浓度相匹配,而且升高的血液葡萄糖浓度也恢复正常。. J% s! \! {5 m* g! ~" Q0 V+ z
% Q3 R8 e* F' @& C$ d$ o2 F
这些细胞成功地治疗糖尿病,且持续了9个月时间直至研究人员通过移除含有细胞的薄片而中止治疗,在此之后,大鼠糖尿病症状又恢复。2 `: `) l5 L7 ?" E! d4 X& E

) A# p+ Y6 t$ |# Q% _实验意义:; h) x! A* ?& `8 y7 P( m* U3 L6 b
0 b4 J$ L+ i# b- y重要地是,这些细胞在体外没有经受基因操作。世界上很多其他实验室一直试图改变将从身体的其他部分,如胃肠道、肝和血液,获得的干细胞,从而将它们转变为β细胞,但是这些都需要基因操作,而这在利用接受基因操作后的细胞治疗病人时可能会带来安全担忧。: N+ A+ C; _' m4 G7 [( @: O/ p

. Q9 A. l' e. z意义之二:能从病人自己身上获得神经干细胞,避免排斥风险或服用免疫抑制药物
2 x+ h0 k* p4 [& _( D7 E4 @因为当前研究所用的细胞是来自它们被移植入的同一动物,因而它们也能够避免排斥风险或需要服用免疫抑制药物,正如人们接受供体胰腺细胞移植时的情形那样。& U4 @2 g! H: `$ ^; {% p  F+ e! p
- q, X2 J" z2 F9 P# e' K, r& @) u. o
意义之三:在帖子“人子宫内膜干细胞用来治疗糖尿病小鼠”:http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-45663-1-1.html 中研究人员利用人子宫内膜干细胞治疗糖尿病小鼠,在体外在含有特殊营养物质和生长因子的培养基中孵育大约3周时间,使之分化为胰岛素分泌细胞,然后移植到糖尿病小鼠中,发现血糖水平保持稳定,但是仍比正常小鼠要高,而且对I型糖尿病比较有效,II性糖尿病效果不佳。而该研究则是血糖恢复到正常水平,而胰岛素也恢复到与未患糖尿病大鼠相匹配的水瓶,此外,该研究对I型和II型糖尿病均有效,从而更具有普遍性。
5 T% o8 x8 A1 o  a0 h
( o$ F( l- r* r+ ^( u" z% ~意义之四:为在人类身上利用神经干细胞治疗糖尿病打下良好基础7 m. N2 H3 C. ~  h1 x0 f
研究人员相信在人身上获取神经干细胞是安全的。这样人们利用内窥镜(endoscope)进行手术从嗅球获得成体神经干细胞将是可行的,因为其他的研究团队已经进行这样的实验,从而证明这种方法是有实际意义的。这项研究的最重要的改进之处在于无需进行基因操作就可从糖尿病病人身上获得表达胰岛素的细胞。但有必要在可获得的人神经元干细胞和从病人身上获得的嗅球神经干细胞中证实这些结果。" _$ f( B5 t) s, _

, Q. D/ ?+ I. j/ s不足之处:' H9 ]* B4 G2 \& u
' J$ [+ f- s, Z8 D
  p# \. \7 u& n% l  |1 K不足之处之二:该方法成功地治疗糖尿病,且持续了9个月时间直至研究人员通过移除含有神经干细胞的薄片而中止治疗,在此之后,大鼠糖尿病症状又恢复,这表明需要不断更换并移植神经干细胞,尽管获得的神经干细胞能在体外进行不断增殖,但是这未免增加治疗成本和难度。有没有更好的方法,只需进行有限几次移植就可解决问题呢?
$ ^( P$ W" q2 i9 g( w# u9 U
1 t0 u; D, U7 C' A( q原始文献:6 f: T& m& X# g, [" L2 U8 h) E
Journal reference: EMBO Molecular Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/emmm.201100177,http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/emmm.201100177/pdf
( c5 \: A! D. ZEMBO Molecular Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/emmm.201100178,http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/emmm.201100178/pdf) U! c- k) N1 {' y$ D# g6 w
. ^5 I9 ^: \# c3 P; l
6 u2 c! l- P: V# D+ B神经干细胞移植或许可用于糖尿病治疗:http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-47250-1-1.html
# R2 t2 s4 h# x) S( J* S( q人子宫内膜干细胞用来治疗糖尿病小鼠:http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-45663-1-1.html/ y5 a( W5 X  j, M+ k2 t$ F) U
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-10-9 23:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-10-10 00:02 编辑 / p8 O* z2 R9 Z2 {
0 p% u3 [/ t% v: N* c) e: w6 _

Diabetic rats cured with their own stem cells

% r1 Y% L7 S& d. \5 I

00:01 07 October 2011 by Andy Coghlan

$ p: t( L6 Z, e6 J+ g/ W

$ L- {9 A( g( L# q+ XFor similar stories, visit the Stem Cells Topic Guide
, m) H4 F- C& B/ nA cure for diabetes could be sitting in our brains. Neural stem cells, extracted from rats via the nose, have been turned into pancreatic cells that can manufacture insulin to treat diabetes.
6 ?# M, S+ G" t1 O2 ^
& S% X1 u& P5 |& G8 B4 \* _1 YBeta cells in the pancreas produce insulin, which regulates glucose levels. People with diabetes either have type 1, in which native beta cells are destroyed by the immune system, or type 2, in which beta cells cannot produce enough insulin.  ^& {% Y+ t- t1 m0 N+ ~: Q

. d7 Y" W! z; e/ t- Q9 W, OTo replace lost or malfunctioning beta cells, Tomoko Kuwabara of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba Science City, Japan, and colleagues turned to neural stem cells in the brain.& W; I  R; d& q
7 m; A' d5 s2 g: x2 h
Nasal extraction
; X$ Y  V; d1 H5 n. V7 i4 B- {& d8 g! H0 D, A+ K
First, they extracted a tiny amount of tissue from the rats' olfactory bulb, the part of the brain which deals with smell, or from the hippocampus, involved in memory. Each area is accessible through the nose, both in rats and humans.
- i/ a+ m2 P' w2 i# i! W" `  {. |+ n- c9 ~
Next, the team extracted neural stem cells from the tissue and exposed them to Wnt3a – a human protein that switches on insulin production – and to an antibody that blocks a natural inhibitor of insulin production.5 }" j6 U# X5 e

+ _+ e. [/ x$ j' l, @* jAfter multiplying the stem cells for two weeks, they placed them on thin sheets of collagen which act as a removable scaffold. This allowed the team to lay the sheets incorporating the cells on top of the rats' pancreas without harming the organ itself.6 \2 v6 [$ ]# a) I7 G3 r4 h

5 _( g; U2 m" T% S# j+ l8 QWithin a week, concentrations of insulin in the blood of both type 1 and type 2 rats that had received treatment matched those in non-diabetic rats. Elevated blood glucose concentrations also returned to normal.! @$ S* Z2 I; `& n
# N/ b# Z& Z* E- Y  i
The cells successfully tackled diabetes for 19 weeks until researchers halted the treatment by removing the sheets of cells, after which the rats' diabetes returned.
- q& D# `- E' v
2 }1 r, B: r; l3 x; _% qNatural change
; _" [: V5 A: |' [
1 C# B3 C, D8 T! M  mCrucially, the cells did not have to be genetically manipulated outside of the body.
# K: p" P, A3 O" L$ _4 `
. s, G' _  h, W& v# J: P% P3 AMany other labs around the world have tried altering stem cells from other parts of the body, including the gut, the liver and blood, to change them into beta cells. But these all require alterations or genetic manipulations which could pose safety concerns when transferring the treatment to humans., y* W& d1 k# t9 w, C% r; N
! I7 |+ x* x# i2 w. @; J) Y
Because the cells in the current study come from the same animal in which they are transplanted, they also overcome hurdles of rejection or the need for immunosuppressive drugs, such is the case when people receive donor pancreatic cells.
' j% c) \* s! ^% L; K3 g/ F8 T
; n5 Y# o/ `1 ]9 J% V- ONo manipulation
5 [7 N5 C9 }0 R
4 B% y' ]# h, }! |The researchers believe that it would be safe to access neural stem cells in humans. "It would be possible to extract adult neural stem cells from the olfactory bulb surgically using an endoscope," they say, adding that other groups have already done such extractions, proving that they are practical.
" p4 K& s! O8 |
; n: ^% X& `  L/ N' d* c"The most important improvement offered by this study is the derivation of insulin-expressing cells from diabetes patients without the need for genetic manipulation," say Onur Basak and Hans Clevers of the Hubrecht Institute for Development Biology and Stem Cell Research in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in a commentary published alongside the work (EMBO Molecular Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/emmm.201100178).
# r/ N* s! ?- [& @1 Y  U7 U* D6 U
2 C* C  D1 j% }9 U% H# x# e( Z"It will be essential to validate these results in available human neuronal stem cell lines as well as patient-derived olfactory bulb neural stem cells," they add.
+ L; K7 u4 {& }/ `& U3 X# f% x! y. D: a. |
Journal reference: EMBO Molecular Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/emmm.201100177
6 \; W4 |& |: b, T+ n5 g2 E8 p. X9 ?4 x
http://www.newscientist.com/arti ... own-stem-cells.html

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-10-10 15:13 |只看该作者
神经干细胞移植或许可用于糖尿病治疗- W! q& [/ s* o% h; P8 N0 h0 a8 a
, U5 Z8 g* D! @) b5 D( ~1 _# i

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-10-16 21:53 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子. W$ Q; T$ \% B2 w; t
: k8 t4 C3 X' [% J- P" F6 s9 l& l
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