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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞行业新闻 人子宫内膜干细胞恢复帕金森模式小鼠大脑多巴胺水平



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人子宫内膜干细胞恢复帕金森模式小鼠大脑多巴胺水平 [复制链接]

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优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-9-1 19:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-9-1 20:03 编辑 % K" x! X4 y" I8 d6 Q* T

8 p# R) F9 F/ p3 Y0 {Endometrial Stem Cells Restore Brain Dopamine Levels:Mouse Study May Lead to New Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease& Y8 w1 K0 r0 E" l
Thursday, May 6, 2010
8 G+ g- q& ~$ n$ b- d. t$ I* g, n; Q7 N

3 s# X; r( X/ T1 j$ o7 BNeurons developed from human endometrial stem cells. The cells appear green, and their nuclei appear blue." R1 r, Y8 d- ~$ `6 S

% |6 q5 s/ V! N9 D3 ~+ m6 h( u, [2 {7 B, I; g7 ]" t) l6 M
Endometrial stem cells injected into the brains of mice with a laboratory-induced form of Parkinson’s disease appeared to take over the functioning of brain cells eradicated by the disease.
! v- @. w& c5 [! I; a
4 d& `! \7 i! ]The finding raises the possibility that women with Parkinson’s disease could serve as their own stem cell donors. Similarly, because endometrial stem cells are readily available and easy to collect, banks of endometrial stem cells could be stored for men and women with Parkinson’s disease.2 b  q' m3 K! k0 O

! y5 q* S; ?1 ^"These early results are encouraging," said Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D., acting director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the NIH Institute that funded the study. "Endometrial stem cells are widely available, easy to access and appear to take on the characteristics of nervous system tissue readily."$ F( q0 A, M% h
* C; K" Z. l5 j$ E0 }" u
Parkinson’s disease results from a loss of brain cells that produce the chemical messenger dopamine, which aids the transmission of brain signals that coordinate movement.
( D+ k( A( t. Y! r7 v/ Q
: C8 q6 B" C" r  Q- wThis is the first time that researchers have successfully transplanted stem cells derived from the endometrium, or the lining of the uterus, into another kind of tissue (the brain) and shown that these cells can develop into cells with the properties of that tissue.: T4 H0 z+ U5 g/ X; e) ^" @

5 O* t- o  j2 v( e4 d: ?8 x7 SThe findings appear online in the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.# m: O0 ^+ a) K! E- X2 f
8 \& O% x) r5 n
The study’s authors were Erin F. Wolff, Xiao-Bing Gao, Katherine V. Yao, Zane B. Andrews, Hongling Du, John D. Elsworth and Hugh S. Taylor, all of Yale University School of Medicine.) g; u1 w1 A( M5 f  w

: s5 |+ C+ _! N$ c$ \4 G& v3 b- PStem cells retain the capacity to develop into a range of cell types with specific functions. They have been derived from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, embryonic tissue, and from other tissues with an inherent capacity to develop into specialized cells. Because of their ability to divide into new cells and to develop into a variety of cell types, stem cells are considered promising for the treatment of many diseases in which the body’s own cells are damaged or depleted.5 p* G4 u& Y( c5 j2 _

* n1 \. I# V) ^7 UIn the current study, the researchers generated stem cells using endometrial tissue obtained from nine women who did not have Parkinson’s disease and verified that, in laboratory cultures, the unspecialized endometrial stem cells could be transformed into dopamine-producing nerve cells like those in the brain.
; f+ Z% f; j" [$ d
7 M2 m6 D! Y( x9 B2 HThe researchers also demonstrated that, when injected directly into the brains of mice with a Parkinson’s-like condition, endometrial stem cells would develop into dopamine-producing cells.
+ Y4 E3 B% A8 l( W# ?# \$ h* m
* k! k1 [  u, ?3 S; a( oUnspecialized stem cells from the endometrial tissue were injected into mouse striatum, a structure deep in the brain that plays a vital role in coordinating balance and movement. When the researchers examined the animals’ striata five weeks later, they found that the stem cells had populated the striatum and an adjacent brain region, the substantia nigra. The substantia nigra produces abnormally low levels of dopamine in human Parkinson’s disease and the mouse version of the disorder. The researchers confirmed that the stem cells that had migrated to the substantia nigra became dopamine-producing nerve cells and that the animals’ dopamine levels were partially restored.
- x. Q5 g. K. P* f
* U! z2 i1 B# \The study did not examine the longer-term effects of the stem cell transplants or evaluate any changes in the ability of the mice to move. The researchers noted that additional research would need to be conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the technique before it could be approved for human use.! P7 y2 s; V( u- _2 X: A; [3 p

3 Z- j: K) E2 j, `+ {According to the researchers, stem cells derived from endometrial tissue appear to be less likely to be rejected than are stem cells from other sources. As expected, the stem cells generated dopamine producing cells when transplanted into the brains of mice with compromised immune systems. However, the transplants also successfully gave rise to dopamine producing cells in the brains of mice with normal immune systems.  X1 e' b1 y3 c/ B

. ~0 m1 h2 ~3 r3 M6 jAccording to Dr. Taylor, because women could provide their own donor tissue, there would be no concern that their bodies would reject the implants. Moreover, because endometrial tissue is widely available, banks of stem cells could be established. The stem cells could be matched by tissue type to male recipients with Parkinson’s to minimize the chances of rejection.
7 I* U( l7 O. y; q8 k8 y" M  S9 U& E" Y# ]7 k' `5 e+ i1 y
In addition, Dr. Taylor added that endometrial stem cells might prove to be easier to obtain and easier to use than many other types of stem cells. With each menstrual cycle, women generate new endometrial tissue every month, so the stem cells are readily available. Even after menopause, women taking estrogen supplements are capable of generating new endometrial tissue. Because doctors can gather samples of the endometrial lining in a simple office procedure, it is also easier to collect than other types of adult stem cells, such as those from bone marrow, which must be collected surgically.: e- |2 N4 U7 u  w0 c
1 G: g. @4 x$ S7 K+ b: x; d
"Endometrial tissue is probably the most readily available, safest, most easily attainable source of stem cells that is currently available. We hope the cells we derived are the first of many types that will be used to treat a variety of diseases," said senior author Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., of Yale University. "I think this is just the tip of the iceberg for what we will be able to do with these cells." (http://www.nichd.nih.gov/news/releases/050610-endometrial-stem-cells.cfm)
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-9-1 19:57 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-9-1 20:00 编辑 / t  @; i4 g$ E
; q4 e. {3 Y+ x$ y2 H' J1 ]
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: c" E( c/ b6 C  l' z

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-9-1 22:15 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-9-1 22:20 编辑
4 W+ G. Y4 j% ~( B# l) P- k* t  ^+ c6 l9 v
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% r( S8 L+ _: M
$ Z5 `5 M2 ~# K* ]$ f本则新闻简单概括如下:
% i+ ]$ T, l! W- e0 j1 S+ ?2 F% V  [2 F; L3 _8 `: Q9 ?3 n& p
帕金森疾病是由于产生化学信号多巴胺的脑细胞丢失造成,而这些脑细胞产生的多巴胺有助于协调运动的脑信号传递。8 @% C6 z9 m6 W( ]: `! `

/ v* |3 Z7 R- S1 }% _研究人员从9名没有患有帕金森疾病的妇女子宫内膜组织中获得干细胞,并在实验室培养下,这些非特化的子宫内膜干细胞能够转化成产生多巴胺的神经细胞,类似于大脑中的那些细胞。研究人员第一次将这些非特化的子宫内膜干细胞注射进帕金森疾病模式小鼠大脑纹状体。5周之后,他们发现这些干细胞已经定居于大脑纹状体和相邻的区域黑质中(帕金森病人和帕金森模式小鼠中,黑质产生异常低水平的多巴胺),并证实迁移到黑质的那些干细胞成为产生多巴胺的神经细胞,从而导致小鼠大脑中的多巴胺水平得以部分恢复。
: `+ S# I' J) z9 }8 c# Z! b
. |; q# U* f' X. }7 T研究之价值:该项研究为利用子宫干细胞治疗人类帕金森疾病提供希望,因为相对于其他来源的干细胞,子宫内膜干细胞更为容易获得,便于收集,可以方便为帕金森疾病的男人和女人构建子宫内膜干细胞库,从而为找到合适配对的干细胞以便最小化排斥效应提供可能。而且这些干细胞移植到免疫系统受损的小鼠大脑中,也成为产生多巴胺的细胞。
  A8 b5 k  ]4 V" w, e8 F: s" v! T1 s
不足之处之一:该项研究没有检查这些干细胞移植的长期效应,也没有评估帕金森模式小鼠运动能力的变化。) M! M2 p# z3 k" I* B: r+ V2 ^
不足之处之二:在应用到人类之前,需要进行再多的研究来评估该项技术的安全和效率。# d( z7 {6 R" I4 f# f! a, K
不足之处之三:不仅在免疫系统受损小鼠和帕金森疾病模式小鼠大脑注射这些干细胞发展为产生多巴胺的细胞,就是在移植到正常小鼠大脑中也能发展为产生多巴胺的细胞。( M: U  W, v% B: O( x( C# Z3 @
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-9-28 09:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-9-28 09:51 编辑
3 Y6 P( l  x3 w! N# L1 {! k( v: d3 ~) _- `
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子宫内膜干细胞 :人类最丰富的干细胞资源

* \) q7 G6 f+ W$ u6 ]% g

来源:中国干细胞网 日期:2011-8-26

+ U/ e6 y$ h9 L
干细胞是一群自我复制与定向分化能力细胞,对于克服了临床常规治疗局限性有着重要的意义,为人类疾病的治疗打开了全新的思路。而干细胞来源一直是该领域研究人士关注的话题,现阶段应用于临床的干细胞主要包括:胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)、诱导性多能干细胞(iPS细胞)、成体干细胞,如:间充质干细胞(MSC)和造血干细胞(HSC)。在刚刚结束的\"2011细胞治疗技术研讨会\"上浙江大学的项春生教授与大家分享了 他在\"宫内膜干细胞这一新型干细胞的特征及应用\"研究。 . K7 A, X+ C) {: |

% U6 K+ \5 p' X6 k1 S8 u干细胞是一群自我复制与定向分化能力细胞,对于克服了临床常规治疗局限性有着重要的意义,为人类疾病的治疗打开了全新的思路。而干细胞来源一直是该领域研究人士关注的话题,现阶段应用于临床的干细胞主要包括:胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)、诱导性多能干细胞(iPS细胞)、成体干细胞,如:间充质干细胞(MSC)和造血干细胞(HSC)。在刚刚结束的\"2011细胞治疗技术研讨会\"上浙江大学的项春生教授与大家分享了 他在\"宫内膜干细胞这一新型干细胞的特征及应用\"研究。 * k1 q4 t8 F. C/ ^% S# ~* d2 ~' Q
6 g: O7 W4 h& C5 o
他谈到,宫内膜干细胞是多能干细胞,具有增殖能力强 、不导致染色体变异、不导致肿瘤发生等特征,宫内膜干细胞相对于其他干细胞,有较明显的特点:此类干细胞数量多,它是骨髓干细胞的30倍,因而经血将有可能成为全球最大的干细胞来源;体外增殖能力强:24小时扩增一倍,可增殖390次,传代高达50次;分化潜能性大:能表达Oct-4 、SSEA-4和CD 117等干细胞标志物,与胚胎干细胞和骨髓干细胞相近,表明在再生医学上的巨大潜能;免疫原性低,是一类免疫缺陷细胞,不须经过严格配对使用,异体移植无免疫排斥反应或反应较弱;采集方法简单:给女性提供一种简单、无痛、没有压力的方法掌握自己未来的健康,并能让包括亲属在内的他人的健康多一份保障;经血干细胞收集、分离、储存有知识产权的保护。
' _8 {' ?8 V. L  ]* I# E: C% T  k1 ]8 R' F% c
鉴于宫内膜干细胞潜能,将来可用于治疗帕金森症的研究,细胞形态学的研究,多巴胺水平的增加和器官移植等的研究,还可用于治疗脑中风的研究和增加宿主细胞的生存率研究。项教授指出宫内膜干细胞在血吸虫肝硬化病和心源性肝硬化病的临床治疗中也表现出良好的效果。 ; y2 K& G% B" E% R

; x! r. \9 n  S. H) G( U( w" U7 |#关于项春生教授#
8 A+ W$ z* A0 Z9 c6 d# \- A3 d( W4 U
浙江大学本科生、北京大学研究生、加拿大滑铁卢大学博士生。曾任美国陆军传染病医学研究院(USAMRIID)研究员,美国Stratagene公司研究员,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校生物芯片研究中心主任,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资深研究员、生物芯片中心主任。现任浙江大学求是特聘教授、博士生导师、传染病诊治国家重点实验室副主任;国家973计划首席科学家。浙江省海外高层次人才计划(千人计划)入选者。美国J. Craig Venter研究院兼职研究员,生物芯片研究室主任。

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发表于 2011-10-10 16:57 |只看该作者
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