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细胞极性(cell polarity )

已有 4252 次阅读 2012-7-8 23:14 |关键词:的 blank target 卵细胞 中心体

Cell polarity

An individual cell can have different membrane components and cytoskeletal structures in different parts of the cell. This is called cell polarization. Perhaps the most classical example is the epithelium of cut, where epithelial cells are organized to form the lumen of the cut. Each cell in this complex is in close contact to neighboring cells and has several types of structures to mediate the attachment and signaling to other cells. The most important contact for the polarization in epithelial cells is the tight junction. It attaches the outer leaflets of the cell membranes in neighboring cells so tightly that membrane proteins can not overcome this barrier. This offers epithelial cells a possibility to form two different poles, namely an apical domain facing the lumen, and a basolateral domain facing the other cells and basal lamina. (Rodriquez-Boulan, E. et al., 1989). The protein composition of these domains can then be organized to fit the function of these domains. Other examples of polarized cells include liver parenchymal cells, neurons, sperm cells and osteoclasts. In addition to these cells having two or more large specialized membrane areas at least in certain stages, microdomains have been shown to exist even in fibroblasts. These seem to be generated with the help of the cytoskeleton.

The polarity of cells has been widely studied using viruses and their glycoproteins as tools. The G-protein of Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is targeted to the basolateral domain in the epithelial MDCK cells while the haemagglutinin of Influenza A virus is targeted to the apical membrane.(Rodriquez-Boulan, E. et al. 1980) These two viruses have also been studied in neurons, in which, after synaptogenesis has occurred, these glycoproteins are targeted to dendrites / soma or to the axon, respectively. (Dotti and Simons 1990) http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514268296/html/i767222.html



生物谷报道:来自宾夕法尼亚大学医学院细胞与发育生物学系,武汉大学生命科学学院病毒学国家重点实验室,杜克大学医学中心的研究人员解开了决定细胞极性关键因子:Rho-家族GTP-结合蛋白Cdc42p的调控之谜,为研究细胞极性研究提供了重要信息,这一研究成果公布在The Journal of Cell Biology杂志上。

领导这一研究的是宾夕法尼亚大学细胞分子生物学家毕尔飞( Erfei Bi,Ph.D)副教授,现任海南大学客作教授。参与这一研究的还有在这一实验室进行博士后研究,同属于武汉大学的高向东(Xiang-Dong Gao,生物谷注)博士。

细胞具有极性。细胞极性(cell polarity)对正常的细胞功能非常重要,在细胞分化、细胞迁移、细胞质分裂、以及组织器官的形成等众多生物学过程起着关键性的作用,而且极性的丢失与癌症等疾病状态有关。举例来说,对神经细胞而言,所谓极性是指一个神经细胞通常有两种纤维,即树突和轴突,其中树突专门用来接收信号,轴突则只用来发送信号。


在这篇文章中,研究人员以酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae,生物谷注)模式生物作为研究对象,对细胞极性建立过程中Cdc42p的调控进行了研究。

他们发现Cdc42 鸟苷三磷酸酶激活蛋白(guanosine triphosphatase–activating protein,GAP,生物谷注)Rga1在分裂位点构建了一个隔离带(exclusion zone,生物谷注),从而阻断了这一位点的极化(polarization),并且在缺失Rga1 GAP活性的时候,新的芽菌会在旧分裂点形成。因此研究人员认为Cdc42激活因子与GAPs共同建立了分裂的中心区,从而极性指向邻近区域,而不是在之前的细胞分裂位点。


Published online 31 December 2007
The Journal of Cell Biology, Vol. 179, No. 7, 1375-1384

Adjacent positioning of cellular structures enabled by a Cdc42 GTPase-activating protein–mediated zone of inhibition

Zongtian Tong1, Xiang-Dong Gao1,2, Audrey S. Howell3, Indrani Bose3, Daniel J. Lew3, and Erfei Bi1

1 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104
2 State Key Laboratory of Virology, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
3 Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710

Correspondence to E. Bi:

Cells of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are born carrying localized transmembrane landmark proteins that guide the subsequent establishment of a polarity axis and hence polarized growth to form a bud in the next cell cycle. In haploid cells, the relevant landmark proteins are concentrated at the site of the preceding cell division, to which they recruit Cdc24, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the conserved polarity regulator Cdc42. However, instead of polarizing at the division site, the new polarity axis is directed next to but not overlapping that site. Here, we show that the Cdc42 guanosine triphosphatase–activating protein (GAP) Rga1 establishes an exclusion zone at the division site that blocks subsequent polarization within that site. In the absence of localized Rga1 GAP activity, new buds do in fact form within the old division site. Thus, Cdc42 activators and GAPs establish concentric zones of action such that polarization is directed to occur adjacent to but not within the previous cell division site.

Abbreviations used in this paper: GAP, GTPase-activating protein; GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor; PBD, p21 binding domain; SEM, scanning EM.

酿酒酵母菌属于酵母菌科。单细胞,卵圆形或球形,具细胞壁、细胞质膜、细胞核(极微小,常不易见到)、液孢、粒 线体及各种贮藏物质,如油滴、肝糖等。繁殖方式有3种:①出芽繁殖,出芽时,由母细胞生出小突起,为芽体(芽孢子),经核分裂后,一个子核移入芽体中,芽体长大后与母细胞分离,单独成为新个体。繁殖旺盛时,芽体未离开母体又生新芽,常有许多芽细胞联成一串,称为假菌丝;②孢子繁殖,在不利的环境下,细胞变成子囊,内生4个孢子,子囊破裂后,散出孢子;②接合繁殖,有时每两个子囊孢子或由它产生的两个芽体,双双结合成合子,合子不立即形成子囊,而产生若干代二倍体的细胞,然后在适宜的环境下进行减数分裂,形成子囊,再产生孢子。

Development of cell polarity and
control of cytokinesis in budding yeast
Associate Professor

作者: 来源:生物通 发布者: 亦云 类别:新闻扫描
日期: 2006-08-20 今日/总浏览: 8/39
         佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)的生物学家等人发现了一种导致细胞极性的特殊分子遗传机制,这一研究具有里程碑的意义。细胞形状和组成物的不对称对于细胞正常功能来说至关重要,这一在果蝇卵子细胞里的发现将会帮助阐明人类肌肉营养不良症(muscular   dystrophy)和癌症是怎样发生的。这项研究是由FSU的助理教授Wu-Min   Deng和生物科学系的博士生John   S.   Poulton开展的,希望能对细胞极性及其发生有一个全面的理解。该研究成果发表在8月14日的PNAS网络版上。
         为了赞赏FSU科学家的这一开创性工作,NIH将竞争激烈的"R01"   (Research   Project   Grant)授予Deng。自2004年加入FSU以来,Deng领导了一个果蝇卵子发生研究项目,目的是揭示细胞与细胞之间交流的机制。相关的发现发表在2005年的《Development》杂志上。
         他们目前的研究项目——“EGFR信号通路下调Dystroglycan基因与果蝇卵母细胞前后极性的形成”——在很大程度上依赖于最先进的激光共聚焦显微镜(laser   confocal   microscope),该仪器是由FSU生物科学成像资源部提供的设备。项目的经费资助部分来源于美国心脏协会。       (生物通:亚历)

2008 Apr 15;121(Pt 8):1141-50.
Cell polarity and cancer--cell and tissue polarity as a non-canonical tumor suppressor.

Division of Human Biology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Ave N., C3-168, Seattle, WA 98109, USA.


Correct establishment and maintenance of cell polarity is required for the development and homeostasis of all metazoans. Cell-polarity mechanisms are responsible not only for the diversification of cell shapes but also for regulation of the asymmetric cell divisions of stem cells that are crucial for their correct self-renewal and differentiation. Disruption of cell polarity is a hallmark of cancer. Furthermore, recent evidence indicates that loss of cell polarity is intimately involved in cancer: several crucial cell-polarity proteins are known proto-oncogenes or tumor suppressors, basic mechanisms of cell polarity are often targeted by oncogenic signaling pathways, and deregulation of asymmetric cell divisions of stem or progenitor cells may be responsible for abnormal self-renewal and differentiation of cancer stem cells. Data from in vivo and three-dimensional (3D) cell-culture models demonstrate that tissue organization attenuates the phenotypic outcome of oncogenic signaling. We suggest that polarized 3D tissue organization uses cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesion structures to reinforce and maintain the cell polarity of pre-cancerous cells. In this model, polarized 3D tissue organization functions as a non-canonical tumor suppressor that prevents the manifestation of neoplastic features in mutant cells and, ultimately, suppresses tumor development and progression.

PMID:18388309 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18388309
生物通 www.ebiotrade.com  时间:2008年12月04日来源:Cell

生物通报道,冷泉港实验室,Stony Brook大学遗传学系,斯隆-凯特林研究所细胞生物学项目组的科学家最新的研究发现细胞极性在癌症的发生过程中起重要的作用。
生物通报道,冷泉港实验室,Stony Brook大学遗传学系,斯隆-凯特林研究所细胞生物学项目组的科学家最新的研究发现细胞极性在癌症的发生过程中起重要的作用。相关成果公布在Cell上。
研究者以果蝇为模型研究细胞极性与肿瘤发生的关系,新的研究结果表明,一旦细胞丢失细胞极性蛋白,如 Scribble,将导致恶性的结果发生,促进癌症发生,导致细胞变成不受控制疯狂增殖的类型。
细胞极性(cell Polarity)是多种不同类型细胞的共同特征,对多数细胞的分化和功能是必需的。细胞极性是指细胞中,某些胞质成分按一定空间顺序不均等分布,从而形成各种细胞内容物的浓度梯度,正是由于细胞极性的存在导致了细胞的不对称分裂。
细胞极性(cell polarity)对正常的细胞功能非常重要,在细胞分化、细胞迁移、细胞质分裂、以及组织器官的形成等众多生物学过程起着关键性的作用,而且极性的丢失与癌症等疾病状态有关。举例来说,对神经细胞而言,所谓极性是指一个神经细胞通常有两种纤维,即树突和轴突,其中树突专门用来接收信号,轴突则只用来发送信号。






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