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治疗窗(Therapeutic Window)

已有 11686 次阅读 2012-3-20 22:02 |关键词:治疗 窗 微软雅黑 normal





Therapeutic window

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The Therapeutic window (or pharmaceutical window) of a drug is the range of drug dosages which can treat disease effectively while staying within the safety range. In other words, it is the dosages of a medication between the amount that gives an effect (effective dose) and the amount that gives more adverse effects than desired effects[1]. For instance, medication with a small pharmaceutical window such as Tegretol must be administered with care and control, e.g. by frequently measuring blood concentration of the drug, since it easily gives adverse effects such as agranulocytosis[2].

More specifically, it is the range between the ED50 and the starting point of TD50 curve. It is believed that this index can help to avoid most of the potential side effects.[3] It is worth noting that the window can vary by situation. In some cases, the therapeutic window can even be completely "closed", meaning that the adverse effects exceed the desired effects at all doses capable of providing the desired effect.[4]

This index is believed to be more reliable than either the therapeutic index or the protective index, since this index considers the biological variation among individuals to a larger extent. The downside, however, is that it (like the protective index) also introduces an element of subjectivity.


Therapeutic Window

A well-defined range of a drug’s serum concentration at which a desired effect occurs, below which there is little effect, and above which toxicity occurs; the window differs among patients and may be determined empirically





1: the range of dosage of a drug or of its concentration in a bodily system that provides safe effective therapy <the narrow therapeutic windowthe effect may go from therapeutic to toxic with an increase of just 10 micrograms per milliliter [in] blood concentrationLisa Davis> 

2: a usually short time interval (as after a precipitating event) during which a particular therapy can be given safely and effectively <has a narrow therapeutic window: the drug must be given within three hours of a stroke in order to be effectiveGenesis Report-RX






细胞处于能够吸收DNA的状态称感受态,处于感受态的细胞称作感受态细胞。   受体细胞经过一些特殊方法(如:CaCl2RuCl等化学试剂法)的处理后,细胞膜的通透性发生变化,成为能容许多有外源DNA的载体分子通过的感受态细胞。




转化过程所用的受体细胞一般是限制修饰系统缺陷的变异株,即不含限制性内切酶和甲基化酶的突变体(Rˉ,Mˉ),它可以容忍外源DNA分子进入体内并稳定地遗传给后代。受体细胞经过一些特殊方法(如电击法,CaCl2 ,RbCl(KCl)等化学试剂法)的处理后,细胞膜的通透性发生了暂时性的改变,成为能允许外源DNA分子进入的感受态细胞(Competent cell)





航天发射窗(launch window)






  就是周期价位,在一定周期内 价位到达目标就会受压或受阻这就是时间窗口。一般是指价格在上涨或下跌一段时间后,可能出现反转



1. 潘金莲撑开窗户,撑窗户滴棍子掉下 去了,于是西门庆看到了,于是他们相遇了。如果 潘金莲同学当时没有开窗,那么她就不会遇到西门 庆。

2 如果没有遇到西门庆,那么她就不会被迫出轨, 那样武松哥哥就不会怒发冲冠为红颜,这样他就不 会奔上梁山。

3. 武松就不会奔上梁上,不会奔上梁山之后,哪怕 水泊梁山107将依旧轰轰烈烈,但是宋江和方腊的 战役,方腊也不会被武松单臂擒住。

4 只要武松治不了方腊,枭雄方腊就能取得大宋的 江山。

5 只要方腊取得了大宋的江山,就不会有靖康耻, 不会有偏安一隅,不会有金兵入关。

6 金兵不入关,就不会有后来的大清朝

7 没有大清朝,当然也不会有后来的闭关锁国,没 有慈禧太后。

8 没有慈禧太后,没有闭关锁国,自然也不会有八 国联军侵略中国啊,不会有神马鸦片战争啊。

9 没有这些杀千刀的战争和不平等条约,中国说不 定凭借五千年的文化首先就发展资本主义了。
10 发展了资本主义,发展到今天,说不定中国早 就超过了美国、小日本神马的,赶超了几百年了。 已经是最发达的最强悍的国家了。

11 所以,谁打个电话给潘金莲,告诉 她;你有事没事开神马窗啊!


假如潘金莲不开窗户,就不会遇到西门庆;不遇西门庆就不会出轨;不出轨,武松不会逼上梁山;武松不上梁山,方腊不会被擒,取得大宋江山; 就不会有靖康耻、金兵入关,不会有大清朝;不会闭关锁国,不会有鸦片战争。 美国就不会是超级大国,中国将是世界上唯一大国,其他诸侯都6是浮云! 金莲呀,闲着没事你她妈开什么窗户?





Convergence: Seeing The Windows Of Opportunity
By | Sunday, September 5, 2010 at 4:30 pm

Whether you are looking to start a new business or seeking a new career, understanding the dynamics of convergence is very empowering. It can position you to capitalize on upcoming opportunities, which are usually exciting and financially rewarding. I describe how I was able to take advantage of convergence in the article, “If you can’t find a job, try creating your own opportunities”.

Many of the greatest business ideas and inventions have been driven by a convergence between an emerging market need and the availability of a solution for that market need. Using technology as an example, when a technology becomes sufficiently affordable and available to address a growing market need, we reach a conversion point and a huge window of opportunity.

When the window first opens, there are not many competitors so margins are healthy. As the market matures, more competition enters the fray, margins begin to erode and the market becomes saturated. Eventually, the technology matures to a point where it is so low in cost that it is difficult to maintain a business model that worked when the window first opened.

Consider YouTube for a moment. Suppose that 15 years ago you had thought about doing what YouTube does today. It would not have worked because fifteen years ago, most people connected to the infant internet with low speed modems. It would have taken all night to transfer a video. PC’s were much slower and the applications to make videos were available only to a select few. Moreover, the price tag to host such a service would have been astronomical primarily because of the enormous data storage requirements and bandwidth costs.

On the other hand, if you had carefully looked at the market and the developing technologies, you would have seen that faster modems were on the horizon promising significant increases in connection speeds. In time, these speed increases would lead to low cost high-speed internet access. You also might have noticed that Yahoo Chat, MSN and ICQ were taking off like wildfire. So was instant messaging. This was the birth of Virtual Social Networking. Add to this faster PC’s, inexpensive video applications, affordable cameras and reasonably priced high-capacity hard drives. Now you have all the makings of a convergence. A window opens and entities like YouTube and Facebook jump into it. Do not doubt for one minute that some organizations like these were not looking ahead to this convergence and preparing for it.

Convergence happens all the time. Positioning yourself to take advantage of a convergence is always a good idea. An example today would be solar energy, or photovoltaics. Many factors play into this convergence. The price of solar panels is slowly coming down. They are becoming more efficient at producing energy and are smaller than previous versions. The price of oil, gas and hydro are all going up, as is their impact on the environment. Ultimately, solar energy offers the potential for clean energy at a much lower cost. The market size is enormous. Essentially, every roof in the world represents a potential sale. It wasn’t that long ago that Bill Gates said; “a computer on every desktop”. Today, someone out there is saying, “a solar panel of every rooftop”. If they aren’t, they should be!

You don’t need to start a huge company to take advantage of convergence. Perhaps you are a sales rep looking for a new career or a technician seeking a new challenge where you can apply your skills. Keeping an eye on technology developments and emerging markets that are one, two and five years out is a smart thing to do. If you see something that interests you, then spend some time every day researching this emerging market. Become well versed in all of the potential solutions that might address this market and then start talking about it. You will be seen as an expert or perhaps even a visionary and will be very well positioned to jump into that window of opportunity in whatever capacity you choose.


You know what your next big decision needs to be and understand what it will take to position your business to act. When is the right time to act?

Even when you are ready to act, there often is a finite Window of Opportunity in which you have the best chance of achieving your objective. This window is determined by growth projections at current levels of investment, minimum acceptable results and thresholds of new investment. A typical Window of Opportunity looks like the graph on this page.

Each Next Big Decision comes with implied time and financial constraints. When will current growth projections assure minimum acceptable results? At what point does it take an incremental level of financial commitment to sustain the growth? Are you prepared to invest more time and money to achieve your minimum acceptable results?

These are questions Fulcrum Partners can help you analyze and answer.


“机会窗”对某种事物干预的最佳时期。比如在医学上讲,化疗手术后二周是肿瘤复发的最危险时期,同时也是干预的最佳时期。比如对于房地产来讲,当国家各项调控政策到位,楼盘价格下降,同时购房者购买力充足的时候,就是楼市的“机会窗”。 简单点说就是机会的窗口,一伸手就能抓到。。。http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/124522224"Window of Opportunity:A short period of time during which an opportunity must be acted on or missed.
不为婊子动真心, 不为口号去献身.见到领导要服小,遇事先把水搅混.






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