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miRNA详述(2011-03-07 21:27:25)


精准的基因表达调控对生物体的生长发育和功能至关重要。过去对基因表达调控的研究主要集中在转录因子介导的基因转录调控方面(激活或抑制基因转录)。而RNA一度被认为是DNA和蛋白质之间的“过渡”,但越来越多的证据清楚的表明RNA在生命的进程中扮演的角色远比早前的设想重要,晚近发现一系列小分子非编码RNA(small noncoding RNA),包括miRNA (microRNA),siRNA (small interfering RNA),piRNA (piwi-interacting RNA)和esiRNA (endogenous siRNA)等,这些小RNA组成了RNA调控网络,在转录水平、转录后及表观遗传等水平控制基因的表达,参与调控包括细胞增殖、分化和凋亡等进程,影响着生物体的生长发育和多种病理过程。小RNA的发现也揭示了真核生物全新的基因表达调控方式。

miRNAs是一类重要的内源性小的非编码RNA分子,大约由21-25个核苷酸组成。miRNA通常靶向一个或者多个mRNA,通过抑制翻译或降解靶标mRNAs而调节基因的表达。人类基因组中大约存在超过1000条miRNA,其在多种人体细胞类型中大量表达,估计其调节超过60%的哺乳动物基因。miRNA在植物界和后生动物界间表现不同的特性。在植物中,miRNA与其靶基因通过近乎完美互补的方式相结合;而在后生动物中,经常是一条miRNA可以和靶基因的多个位点相结合,或是一条miRNA调节多种靶基因。另外,在后生生物中,miRNA靶位点位于mRNA的3’ UTR,而在植物中,miRNA靶位点可以位于3’ UTR,更多情况下是位于mRNA的编码区内。第一个miRNA在上世纪九十年代被发现,直到本世纪初才认识到这是一类在功能上保守的生物调节因子。在此时起,miRNA研究揭示其存在不同基因表达负调控形式,包括转录本降解和扣留(sequestering),翻译抑制等,并可能参与了对基因表达的正调控(转录和翻译活化作用)。总之,在不同形式的细胞和组织类型中发现了不同的miRNA表达形式,miRNA可能参与了多数生理过程;并且在多种病理状态下,miRNA呈现异常表达,这些异常表达miRNA在疾病发生、发展和转归中发挥了重要作用,当前,基于miRNA的治疗方式研究当前正在进行中。


miRNA是由Victor Ambros, Rosalind Lee和Rhonda Feinbaum等人在研究lin-14基因在调节线虫发育中作用时发现的。他们发现LIN-14蛋白丰度受到一个由lin-4编码的短RNA产物的调节,来自lin-4基因的61个核苷酸前体生成一个22个核苷酸的RNA,该RNA含有与lin-14 mRNA 3’ UTR部分互补的序列。这种互补特性为抑制lin-14翻译生成LIN-14蛋白的充分必要元件。然而在当时,lin-4却被认为是线虫中特有的现象而被忽视。直到2000年,第二个小RNA let-7被发现,let-7可以抑制lin-41, lin-14, lin-28, lin-42和daf-12等在发育转型中发挥重要作用基因的翻译。很快又发现let-7在多个物种间保守存在,表明在更广泛的生物物种中存在这种调节。


当前,发展了一套标准的miRNA命名系统,前缀mir后紧跟“-”和相应数字,数字通常显示名字的先后次序。而小写的mir-指pre-miRNA,如果使用大写的miR-则指成熟的miRNA。对于差别只有一到两个核苷酸的近似相同的miRNA,在命名时通常另外添加一个小写字母,例如miR-200a和miR-200b。为了区分物种来源,通常在miRNA的前面加上三个字母组成的前缀,如人源性的使用has,而绵羊(Ovis aries)来源的使用oar,其他如v表示来自病毒基因组,D表示果蝇源性的等。如果定位于不同基因组位置的前体miRNA可以生成完全一致的成熟miRNA,则通常使用外加的“-”加数字后缀来区别这种情况,例如hsa-mir-194-1和hsa-mir-194-2位于基因组的不同位置,而剪切生成相同的成熟miRNA序列hsa-miR-194。当两个成熟的miRNA来自于相同的前体miRNA的相反的两个臂,则使用“-3p”和“-5p”后缀(过去曾使用s和as表示,分别来自sense和antisense)。当相对表达水平已知时,通常使用星号表示该miRNA在表达水平上较其对应的反向臂miRNA低。例如miR-31和miR-31*分别来自于同一前体miRNA的两对应臂,且miR-31为主要存在形式。


约40%的miRNA基因位于蛋白的内含子中或是不编码蛋白的基因序列中,甚至位于外显子中。虽有例外,它们通常呈正向分布。因此,它们多数与其宿主基因一起受到调节。另有42-48% miRNA基因呈多顺反子形式排布,虽然这并不表示这成簇分布的miRNA在结构和功能上存在相似性,但它们共用一个启动子区域,由2-7个不同的环结构经剪切加工而来。其启动子在模序结构上与由RNA聚合酶II转录的其它启动子,如编码功能蛋白基因的启动子相似。DNA模版并不是成熟miRNA的最终形式,部分人类miRNA存在RNA剪辑,位点特异的RNA序列修饰导致其产物和DNA模版不一致,从而增加了miRNA的多样性,超出了基因组模版的数量范围。


miRNA通常由RNA聚合酶II (Pol II)转录生成。Pol II结合在以后形成发夹结构的颈环DNA序列附近。生成的转录本经修饰添加5’帽子结构和3’末端多腺苷酸尾巴结构,并剪切,生成的产物称为初级miRNA (pri-miRNA),该产物可能长达数千或数百核苷酸,可能包含多个miRNA环结构。RNA聚合酶III (Pol III)转录生成部分miRNA,尤其是上游为Alu序列,tRNAs和哺乳动物广泛散步重复(mammalian wide interspersed repeat (MWIR))启动子单元的miRNA。


单个pri-miRNA可能含一到六个miRNA前体。这些发夹结构每个由约70 nt左右的核苷酸组成。每个发卡结构附以部分序列以利于有效剪切处理。pri-miRNA中的双链发夹RNA结构被叫做DGCR8的核蛋白(DiGeorge Syndrome Critical Region 8,该蛋白与DiGeorge综合症关系密切,在非脊椎动物中称为"Pasha")辨认,DGCR8同Drosha酶一起形成微处理(microprocessor)复合体。在该复合体中,DGCR8组织Drosha蛋白的RNase III结构域使其在距离发卡结构约11个核苷酸处切割pri-miRNA,使其释放发卡结构。释放的发卡结构即为前miRNA(pre-miRNA), pre-miRNA在3’存在两个悬空的核苷酸,pre-miRNA 5’为磷酸集团,3’为羟基集团。在果蝇和线虫中存在由内含子直接剪切产生的pre-miRNA,并不经过微处理复合体过程,这种miRNA称为mirtrons。部分pre-miRNA可发生核RNA剪辑。多数情况下,作用于RNA的腺苷酸脱胺酶(adenosine deaminases acting on RNA, ADAR)催化腺苷酸生成次黄嘌呤核苷(inosine),RNA剪辑能够阻碍核内处理过程(例如导致pri-miR-142被核糖体酶Tudor-SN降解),并改变下游处理过程,包括在胞浆的miRNA处理和靶向特异性(如在中枢神经系统中改变miR-376种子区序列)。


Pre-miRNA发卡通过Exportin-5蛋白的核胞浆穿梭完成从核输出到胞浆过程。Exportin-5蛋白为karyopherin家族蛋白成员,该蛋白通过辨认Drosha RNase III酶切割留下来的3’两个悬空的核苷酸,介导pre-miRNA的输出,该过程由GTP提供能量完成。


在胞浆中,pre-miRNA发夹结构经RNase III Dicer切割处理。这种内源性核糖核酸酶(endoribonuclease)与发夹结构的3’相互作用并在环的3’和5’臂上完成切割,产生长约22 nt并不完美匹配的miRNA:miRNA*双链结构。不但发夹结构和颈环的大小影响了Dicer酶切割效率,miRNA:miRNA*双链结构的不完全匹配特性也影响了Dicer酶的切割效率。虽然双链结构中的任何一条都可能成为功能miRNA,但是通常只一链可能进入RNA诱导的沉默复合体(RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC),在RISC中与其相应靶基因mRNA发生相互作用。


miRNA在植物中的生成过程与在后生动物中不同,区别主要在核处理和输出过程上。与后生动物在核和胞浆中由两种不同的酶切割不同,在植物中,由Dicer酶的同源基因Dicer样酶1(Dicer-like1, DL1)完成切割处理过程。DL1只在植物细胞核中表达,表明两种反应都发生在核内。植物miRNA:miRNA*双链结构转运出核前,其3’突出序列经RNA甲基化转移蛋白Hua-Enhancer1 (HEN1)甲基化修饰。而后此双链结构被Hasty (HST)由核输出至胞浆,在胞浆中解离生成成熟的miRNA,进入RISC。Hasty蛋白即为后生动物中Exportin 5蛋白的同源蛋白。


RNA诱导的沉默复合体(RISC)除了包括成熟的miRNA外,还包含Dicer蛋白和多种其它相关蛋白。RISC也被称为microRNA核酸蛋白复合体(microRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, miRNP),掺入RISC的miRNA也被称为miRISC。现在认为Dicer对pre-miRNA的处理与双链螺旋的解旋是偶联在一起的。通常情况下只有一条链进入miRISC,对双链中某一条链的偏好选择基于相对另一条链的热动力学不稳定性和更差的碱基配对能力。颈环的位置可能也影响了掺入链的选择性。不进入RISC的链被称为passenger链,其miRNA被冠以星号(*),具有更低的稳定性,通常情况下被降解掉。在某些情况下,两条链都具有活性,成为针对不同靶基因mRNA的功能miRNA。Argonaute (Ago)蛋白成员在RISC功能中处于中心地位,该类蛋白为miRNA诱导的基因沉默的必需组分,其含有两个保守的RNA结合结构域。PAZ结构域结合成熟miRNA的3’序列,PIWI结构域组装核酶H (ribonuclease-H),并与导引链(miRNA)5’端结合。Ago蛋白与成熟miRNA结合使其正确朝向,以便对靶基因mRNA完成切割。一些Ago蛋白,例如人Ago2,直接切割靶转录本;另外,Ago蛋白也可能招募其它蛋白行使翻译抑制功能。在人类基因组中含有8个Argonaute蛋白,根据序列相似性分为两个家族:AGO和PIWI。AGO蛋白有4个成员,存在于所有哺乳动物细胞中,在人类这类蛋白称为E1F2C/hAgo;PIWI存在于精细胞和造血干细胞中。RISC的其它组成成分还包括TRBP [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transactivating response RNA (TAR) binding protein],PACT (protein activator of the interferon induced protein kinase (PACT),SMN复合体,脆性X智障蛋白(fragile X mental retardation protein,FMRP)和Tudor-SN (Tudor staphylococcal nuclease-domain-containing protein)等。


miRNA与靶mRNA的典型作用方式主要有两种。在大多数情况下,复合物中的单链miRNA与靶mRNA的3’ UTR不完全互补配对,阻断靶基因的翻译,从而调节基因表达。这种方式主要影响蛋白表达水平,并不影响mRNA的稳定性。近来,有研究对翻译抑制理论提出质疑,发现被抑制的靶mRNAs和miRNAs共同聚集于胞浆中被称为P小体(processing bodies,P-bodies)的区域,这个区域还浓缩了许多参与mRNA降解的酶类。P小体可能是作为未翻译mRNA进行暂时的可逆储存的容器,减少一些特定P小体组成蛋白的表达能够缓和miRNA介导的基因表达抑制作用。P小体是胞浆中的一定区域,它包含参与多种转录后过程的蛋白质,例如:mRNA降解(mRNA degradation)、无义介导mRNA衰退(nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, NMD),转录抑制及RNA介导的基因沉默(RNA-mediated gene silencing)。

另一种作用方式与siRNA类似,当miRNA与mRNA完全互补配对时,Ago2蛋白通过切割mRNA直接导致其降解,实现基因沉默。以siRNA参与的RNAi为例:siRNA可与RISC结合,作为模板识别mRNA靶子,通过碱基互补配对原则,mRNA与siRNA中的反义链结合,置换出正义链。双链mRNA在Dicer酶、ATP和解旋酶共同作用下产生22 nt左右的siRNA,siRNA继续同RISC形成复合体,与siRNA互补的mRNA结合,使mRNA被RNA酶裂解。这个过程也称为转录后基因沉默(PTGS)。

总之,当前认为miRNA以何种方式与目的基因作用和miRNA与目的基因的配对程度有关。miRNA与目的基因配对不完全时,miRNA就以抑制目的基因的表达发挥作用;miRNA与目的基因某段序列配对完全时,就可能引起目的基因在互补区断裂而导致基因沉默。另外,miRNAs有时候也导致组氨酸修饰和启动子区的DNA甲基化,从而影响靶基因的表达。除此外,近来发现快速脱腺苷酸化(accelerated deadenylation)是miRNA抑制基因表达的新机制。在哺乳动物细胞中发现miR-125b和let-7能够促进mRNA聚腺苷酸尾巴(polyA tail)的去除。用3’组蛋白茎-环结构取代聚腺苷酸尾巴,不但可以消除miR-125b对mRNA含量的影响,还可以降低对蛋白质合成的作用,可见miRNA能通过降低翻译效率和聚腺苷酸化mRNA的浓度来抑制基因表达。



目前对miRNA翻译起始抑制机制主要有如下几种观点:认为miRNA可能通过抑制全能性核糖体的组装而阻断翻译起始。EIF6是一种可以抑制核糖体40S和60S亚基结合、阻断80S全能性核糖体形成的蛋白,EIF6与Ago/RISC直接相互作用,并且在哺乳动物和线虫中,缺失EIF6影响miRNA介导基因沉默。然而,RISC是否通过与EIF6相互作用诱导40S和60S核糖体解聚还有待于进一步的研究。第二种观点根据miRNA抑制要求靶mRNA m7G帽子的存在,认为miRISC可能抑制翻译起始复合物的形成。研究发现,增加体外系统中eIF4F复合物(含有m7G帽子结合蛋白、翻译起始因子eIF4E)水平可回复miRNA翻译抑制;另一个研究发现,Ago2中间结构域具有结合m7G帽子的活性,Ago2经miRNA招募到靶mRNA 3’ UTR,与起始复合物eIF4E/G竞争性结合m7G帽子,抑制翻译起始复合物的形成。第三种观点认为miRNA可能通过阻止polyA结合蛋白polyA binding protein (PABP)与mRNA结合影响翻译起始。miRNA引起靶mRNA脱腺嘌呤反应,导致RNA的polyA尾巴缩短,使PABP结合mRNA受阻,从而影响翻译起始。


研究发现一些被miRNA抑制的mRNA与翻译活跃的多核糖体偶联,说明这些miRNA的抑制作用不是发生在翻译起始水平。此外,经内部核糖体进入位点(Internal Ribosome Entry Site, IRES)起始、不依赖于mRNA m7G帽子的翻译过程也可以被miRNA抑制,证明miRNA抑制发生在翻译起始之后。虽然有如上证据,但是关于miRNA究竟如何在翻译起始后发挥抑制作用,目前还没有一致的结论。有研究者推测miRNA可能引起新生多肽链的翻译同步降解,或者是在翻译延伸过程中,miRNA能引发翻译提前终止。


miRNA可以诱导与之不完全配对靶mRNA衰减,下调靶mRNA的水平。发现Ago蛋白定位于降解mRNA的RNA颗粒(RNA granules),如P小体中,这些RNA颗粒中包含mRNA降解酶,提示这些mRNA降解酶可能参与miRNA介导的mRNA衰减。此外,miRISC的核心成分Ago家族蛋白有多种异构体,其中一些成员的内切酶活性也可能协助miRNA介导的mRNA切割或衰减。这些证据支持miRNA可以直接或间接介导靶mRNA的降解。


胞浆的RNA颗粒,如P小体和SG(Stress Granules)颗粒,是细胞储存处于翻译抑制状态mRNA的场所,在此,mRNA被降解或/和释放重新进入翻译机器,在转录后水平的基因表达调控中具有重要的作用。P小体被认为是细胞mRNA代谢场所;SG颗粒因特异性地在受胁迫条件下形成而得名,P小体和SG颗粒可能是miRNA胞内发挥作用的重要场所:在miRNA存在下,miRISC中的核心组分及与miRISC结合的mRNA定位于P小体和SG颗粒中;抑制P小体的形成可抑制miRNA介导的翻译抑制,抑制RISC也同样抑制P小体的形成。推测被miRISC结合的mRNA进入P小体和SG颗粒中,RNA颗粒的翻译抑制子使mRNA处于翻译抑制状态,从而实现基因沉默,靶mRNA被扣押后随即进行一个mRNA衰减或储存的分拣步骤,P小体和SG颗粒可能分工执行mRNA降解和暂时储存功能。


最近的研究发现了一些新型的miRNA作用方式,如miRNA正调控和去抑制作用等。miRNA不总是基因表达的负调控因子,在一些条件下,miRNA上调基因表达。在细胞周期过程中,miRNA效应在抑制和活化作用间摆动,在G0期细胞中,miRNA活化翻译上调基因表达,而在其它时期发挥抑制作用。另外还发现一些增殖细胞中表达的mRNA 3’ UTR保守性地缩短,导致miRNA的靶位点减少,从而避免miRNA负调控作用。


miRNA需要快速实现周期轮转以满足miRNA表达谱快速改变的需求。当miRNA在胞浆中成熟时,Argonaute蛋白结合miRNA过程普遍被认为具有稳定引导链的作用,而同时互补的passenger链被降解消除。argonaute蛋白倾向于保留下可以调控大量靶基因的miRNAs,而清除靶向基因较少和没有任何靶基因的miRNA。在动物中,成熟miRNA的衰减由5’-3’外切核酸酶XRB2(又称为Rat1p)负责,在植物体内由SDN (small RNA degrading nuclease)家族成员来执行此功能,但方向相反(3'-5'),在动物基因组内也编码与植物SDN酶相似的酶,但其作用还不清楚。在多种模式生物(包括拟南芥)的研究均表明miRNA的多种个修饰影响miRNA的稳定性,植物成熟的miRNA可通过3’的甲基化增强miRNA的稳定性。而2'-O甲基化阻止尿苷酰转移酶在此位添加尿嘧啶(该位点的尿嘧啶化和miRNA的降解有关),同时,有观点认为尿嘧啶化具有保护miRNA的作用,因此,当前对该种修饰的确切作用还没有定论。尿嘧啶修饰不止在植物,在动物中也存在。植物和动物miRNA都可以在3’发生腺苷酸修饰,例如肝脏高丰量表达miRNA miR-122,miR-122在丙型肝炎中具有重要作用,miR-122的腺苷酸修饰具有稳定miRNA的作用,在植物中的研究也发现腺苷酸修饰可以延缓miRNA的降解速率。





miRNA具有独特的结构和生物特性:包括miRNA前体具有发夹或折叠的二级结构,不含有大的内部环状结构和突起,成熟的miRNA位于发夹结构的颈部,由Dicer加工而成,成熟miRNA长约22 nt左右,其序列在不同物种间保守等。现今有多种发现miRNA的技术,可分为计算机软件预测和分子生物学实验方法两类。


利用miRNA结构和构相特征预测基因组中可能存在的miRNA,然后在此基础上通过实验方法证实。随着不同生物基因组测序的完成和对miRNA结构和生化特征的深入认识,利用计算机程序对基因序列进行搜索大大提高了miRNA的鉴定效率。人们设计了多种miRNA预测软件,包括miRseeker,snarloop,MirScan等。计算机预测法的主要依据包括以下三个方面:首先,发夹结构是miRNA二级结构的基本特性,几乎所有的预测程序均将这一特征作为预测的首要标准;其次,miRNA序列和结构的保守性,这是区分miRNA候选基因和其它不相关发夹结构序列关键因素;最后,发夹结构的动力学稳定性和序列、结构的相似性等。各种预测软件在预测依据上各有侧重。MiRscan软件就是利用预测序列与已知miRNA的相似性来鉴定潜在miRNA,并对保守发夹结构进行分类,预测了多个C.elegans和人的新候选miRNAs,且通过实验得到确认。其次是根据靶标序列的保守性进行预测,靶标的3’ UTRs都存在保守序列,而且这些保守序列能与miRNAs seed序列互补配对。最后,根据二级结构的热力学稳定性进行预测,利用这一特性能区别miRNAs和其它具有发夹结构的序列。miRNAs折叠的自由能比tRNAS和rRNAs低。RNAz软件为一款结合二级结构的热力学稳定性和序列保守性开发的miRNA预测软件。很多miRNAs以多拷贝或基因簇等形式存在于基因组中,因此利用已知miRNAs基因附近的序列来寻找潜在的miRNAs基因也是一个很有效的方法。但是,软件分析法存在一个明显的缺陷:目前对miRNAs的认识还不足以到使用计算机可以精确鉴定miRNA的程度。设置严格的检测标准将降低预测的敏感性。而较宽松的标准则其准确度会下降。其预测仅局限于在表型或序列保守的RNA,不能预测那些不具有保守性的稀有miRNA。


遗传学策略(genetic method)



该方法需要制备小RNA的文库。现今发展了多种克隆小RNAs的实验方法,不同的小RNA克隆方法设计基本原理一致。首先将提取的总RNA通过变性PAGE胶电泳分离回收长度20-25 nt的小RNA,接着分别将5’和3’端接头结合于小RNA两端,RT-PCR扩增小RNA片段,获得cDNA片段后克隆入载体表达,构建cDNA文库,再通过测序分析、同源性比对确定这些小RNA的来源。在合成cDNA的第一条链时,先将3’端接头接于小RNA上,为了避免小RNA和接头的自身连接,连接之前对RNA进行去磷酸化处理,对3’端接头的3’进行化学处理或在3’端接头的5’末端加上一个腺苷酸,采用T4连接酶连接,不加入ATP,这样就可以避免去磷酸化处理小RNA。3’接头连接之后可进行5’接头连接,连接之前最好先对其5’磷酸化处理。部分扩增测序是一种PCR扩增技术,它使用一条部分覆盖miRNAs序列的引物,另一条引物为cDNA克隆的适配体。根据预测的miRNAs设计一段生物素标记的寡聚核苷酸,再用这段核苷酸去捕文库中同源的miRNAs,对被捕获的cDNA进行扩增和测序。大量已知生物的高丰度和组成性表达miRNA基因都是通过这种直接克隆而获得的。然而对于在生物体内浓度很低的miRNA,直接克隆法成效较差。


如果某种miRNA在某种特定组织、细胞或者某个发育阶段中特异性表达,说明此miRNA可能在其中发挥某种调控作用;要了解miRNA在机体中时间、空间的表达情况及其在机体生理、病理过程中所发挥的作用,必须有合适的方法检测miRNA的表达水平,在此基础上开展更深入的功能研究。现阶段检测miRNA的表达水平的方法主要包括基于核苷酸杂交和基于PCR的miRNA检测方法。基于探针杂交技术的miRNA检测方法是一种直接检测法,不需要对样本RNA进行预扩增,包括RNA印迹技术、原位杂交技术、微阵列技术和基于微球的流式细胞术等技术。RNA印迹技术是检测RNA的经典方法。基本原理如下:首先在载体(如硅片、微球或膜等)上固定miRNA样本,再与经过标记的探针杂交,洗涤多余的杂交探针后进行信号检测;也可以在载体上先固定与靶miRNA序列互补的DNA探针,然后与经过标记的样本miRNA杂交,再进行信号检测。信号标记的方法包括同位素标记、荧光标记和纳米金标记等。原位杂交技术能够显示miRNA表达的位置,尤其适用于石蜡包埋或福尔马林固定后的标本,LNA特异的构造使其具有更强的杂交特性和敏感性选择性,用于原位检测miRNA是最理想的选择。微阵列技术(microarray)也称生物芯片、特点是高通量,现今广泛应用于功能miRNA的初步筛选。基于微球的流式细胞术(bead-based flow cytometry)是一种液相芯片技术,该方法将流式细胞检测与芯片技术有机地结合起来,兼有通量大、检测速度快、灵敏度高和特异性好等特点。miRNA仅为22nt左右,相当于一个引物的长度,基于PCR基础上的miRNA检测方法需通过接头增加miRNA的长度来使miRNA适于PCR扩增检测,包括有茎环引物逆转录聚合酶链反应(stem-loop RT-PCR)法、RNA加尾和引物延伸RT-PCR法等。基于扩增反应的方法还包括滚换扩增法(RCA),引物浸入法(Invader),测序法等。

(1) Northern杂交


(2) miRNA表达谱芯片

原理同样是使用标记探针检测固相支持物上的目标分子。通过设计芯片上miRNA基因及内参序列,可精确分析出样品中相应miRNA的表达水平。基因芯片具有高通量的优点,可以一次在同一样本中检测出几百个基因的全部表达。Luminex公司研制的液相芯片(Liquid chip)又称多功能悬浮点阵(Multi analyte suspension array,MASA),是出的新一代生物芯片技术。液相芯片体系由许多小球体为主要基质构成,每种小球体上固定有不同的探针分子,为了区分不同的探针,每一种用于标记探针的球形基质都带有一个独特的色彩编号,将这些小球体悬浮于一个液相体系中,就构成了液相芯片系统。该系统可以对同一个微量样本中的多个不同分子同时进行快速的定性、定量分析,这种检测技术被称为FMAP(Flexible multianalyte profiling)技术。分子杂交在悬浮溶液中进行,检测速度极快。

(3) 核酶保护分析技术(RPA)


(4) RAKE法

RAKE法(RNA primed array based Klenow emzyme)是在miRNA microarray的基础上利用DNA聚合酶I的Klenow片段,使miRNA与固定的DNA探针杂交的方法。RAKE可以敏感特异地检测miRNA,适用于大量快速的筛选所有己知的miRNA。能够在特定的细胞和肿瘤中检测miRNA表达谱情况。不仅如此,RAKE法还可以从由福尔马林固定了的石蜡包埋的组织中分离出miRNA并对其进行分析,为从存档标本中分析miRNA开启了希望之门。

(5) 原位杂交(in situ hybridization)

原位杂交技术可直观了解miRNA表达方式,是观测miRNA时空表达的一种较简便的方法,常标记方式包括地高辛、生物素、荧光标记等。锁定核酸基础上的原位杂交(Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) based in situ hybridization (LNA-ISH))是当前应用较多的探针方式。

(6) 实时荧光定量PCR技术(Real-time PCR,RT-PCR)

荧光检测PCR仪可对整个PCR过程中扩增序列的累积速率绘制动态变化曲线。在反应混合体系中靶序列的起始浓度越大,要求获得扩增产物某特定产量的PCR循环数(一般用特定阈值循环数Ct来表达)越少。由于miRNA长度仅为22 nt,传统的qRT-PCR不适合扩增如此短的片段。现今有几种用于miRNA的实时定量PCR方法,只简要介绍一下颈环法。颈环法是一种理想的miRNA检测qRT-PCR方法:首先设计特殊的茎环结构引物,以待测miRNA为模板逆转录合成cDNA第一链,该cDNA一端为茎环状引物,茎环状结构被打开便增加了cDNA的长度,随后以合成的cDNA为模板设计引物进行实时定量PCR扩增。qRT-PCR具有特异性高、灵敏度好、快速简单等多种优点。

(7) 基于padlock探针和滚环扩增的miRNA检测系统

Padlock探针是线性的DNA探针,其末端序列分别可以和miRNA的两端互补杂交。在合适的条件下,当其与RNA模板匹配时,当padlock探针与靶miRNA杂交时, DNA连接酶将padlock探针的 3’和5’末端连接成环,其中miRNA模板随后用作滚环扩增的引物, 从而实现了对目标序列的线性扩增。padlock探针技术不需要特殊的设备,可以对纳克级总RNA中的miRNA进行检测和量化。

(8) 克隆测序法

大部分已知的miRNA都是通过cDNA克隆测序发现和鉴定的。该法需要先构建miRNA的cDNA文库,再进行PCR扩增,扩增产物随后克隆到表达载体上测序。Takada开发了一种改进的扩增克隆法(miRNA amplification profiling,mRAP),mRAP法先在miRNA的3’端连上接头,然后用与接头互补的反转录引物反转录。因为特定的反转录酶具有末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶活性,一些核苷酸(主要是脱氧胞苷酸)会连接到反转录出的cDNA链的3’末端。当5’端接头与cDNA链的poly(C)粘性末端退火后,加入一对共用引物即可实现对cDNA的PCR扩增。由于mRAP高度灵敏,可以直接用克隆和测序技术检测少量组织中miRNA的表达量。标签序列克隆法是一种在在基因表达系列分析(SAGE)技术的基础上发展了检测效率更高的miRAGE (miRNA SAGE)克隆法,该法通过生成大的串联子,通过单个测序反应可检测多个miRNA,明显提高了检测效率。新一代大规模测序技术包括焦磷酸测序技术、Solexa合成测序技术和SOLID连接测序技术等,能在一次测序过程中对几百万个样本进行同时测序,极大提高了测序效率。这类大规模测序技术极大的提高了多个物种遗传信息的解读速度,为获取所有miRNA的序列信息,解密miRNA图谱提供了保证。


绝大多数的miRNAs通过碱基配对的方式结合到靶mRNA的3’ UTR,通过抑制靶基因的翻译达到调控基因表达的目的,因此miRNA靶标的鉴定对研究miRNA的功能至关重要。新miRNA发现的速度相对其功能研究要快的多。到目前为止,已经有15172条miRNA被收录,但是其功能研究进展相对缓慢。阻碍miRNA功能研究进展的主要原因是:miRNAs与其靶基因并非完全匹配,这给筛选miRNA靶基因带来难度;而当前缺乏高通量的实验技术是阻碍miRNA靶标鉴定进程的主要因素。miRNA与其靶基因间存在如下重要特征:靶基因3’UTR区具有与miRNA 5’端至少7个连续核苷酸的完全配对区域(2-8 nt),miRNA的该部分序列称为“种子”序列;mRNA与miRNA种子序列互补的区域在物种中经常具有保守性。研究人员根据对miRNA及其靶mRNA特征的认识,开发了相应的计算机软件推断miRNA的靶基因。但多种因素影响了靶标预测的效率。


最初的几个miRNAs(如let-7和lin-4)的靶标鉴定出来后,研究人员意识到miRNA与靶标转录本的3’ UTRs互补配对,认为可以根据靶标和miRNA互补配对这一特点设计计算机程序进行靶标筛选。但是实践操作过程中,只依据靶标和miRNA互补配对这一原则远远不够,筛选的效率还受以下几个方面因素的制约:第一,植物的miRNA与靶标基因几乎完全配对结合,靶标基因的鉴定相对容易,但在动物中,miRNA与靶基因mRNA以不完全碱基互补配对结合于3’ UTRs,给通过序列相似性来鉴定动物体内的miRNA结合位点带来了相当的困难。第二,miRNAs是序列短小的小分子,与3’ UTRs结合的方式存在多样性,结合位点除了配对区还存在突环和错配区,一般的分析工具只对配对区较长,突环和错配区很少的靶标鉴定相对效率较高。第三,miRNAs存在2-7nt(seed区)与靶标精确的配对,如果忽略GC含量进行大规模seed区与已有物种的全基因组序列配对,在基因组中六个碱基随机出现的几率相对较高,预测出的靶标假阳性现象严重。第四,尽管现在很多生物的全基因组序列测序工作已经完成,但是对3’ UTRs碱基序列、座位、剪接多态性认识尚浅,这也给miRNA靶基因的预测带来困难。第五,在进化过程中物种间的3’ UTR序列相当保守,虽然靶标预测过程中排除那些不具有保守序列的靶标能降低假阳性概率,但3’ UTR序列保守性也不是绝对的,排除所有不保守序列降低了预测的灵敏度。


通过实验方法确定miRNAs的作用靶标非常耗时,尚无高通量的靶标鉴定方法。因此,虽然靶基因鉴定存在上述多种困难,通过理论方法预测miRNAs的作用靶标依旧是当前筛选和识别miRNAs靶标的较为理想的途径。一般情况下,用于miRNA靶基因预测的软件遵循如下几个原理:1 序列互补性:位于miRNA 5’端所谓种子序列(第2-7nt)与靶基因3’UTR可形成Watson-Crick配对是所有miRNA靶基因预测的最重要因素。配对包括如下几种形式:多数情况下为7nt匹配:第2-7nt与靶基因呈互补配对,外加在靶基因对应miRNA第一位核苷酸处为A(7mer-1A site),或是miRNA第2-8nt与靶基因完全配对(7mer-m8 site);而对于miRNA第2-8nt与靶基因完全配对,且外加靶基因对应miRNA第一位核苷酸处为A(8mer site)这种类型,其特异性更高;对于仅miRNA第2-7核苷酸与靶基因完全配对(6mer site)这种方式,其用于搜索靶基因的敏感性更高,特异性相应下降。另外,还有种子序列外的3’ supplementary site和3’ complementary site两种形式。2 序列保守性及其它因素:除了序列互补性外,靶基因预测较关注的还包括序列保守性、热动力学因素、位点的可结合性(accessibility)和UTR碱基分布等多个因素。序列保守性:miRNA结合位点在多个物种之间如果具有保守性,则该位点更可能为miRNA的靶位点。热动力学因素:miRNA:target对形成的自由能,自由能越低,其可能性越大。位点的可结合性(accessibility):mRNA的二级结构影响与miRNA的结合形成双链结构的能力。UTR碱基分布:miRNA结合位点在UTR区的位置和相应位置的碱基分布同样影响miRNA与靶基因位点的结合和RISC的效率。另外,诸如miRNA的分布与靶基因组织分布的相关性也是在做靶基因预测时要考虑的重要因素。用于miRNA靶基因预测的软件种类很多,包括miRanda, EMBL, PicTar, TargetScan(S), DIANA-microT 3.0, PITA, ElMMo, rna22, GenMiR++, TarBase, miRBase, miRGen-Targets等。虽然现有的几种预测程序在技术细节上有所不同,但它们预测的基本原理相似,都是基于miRNAs与靶标的结合机制。2003年,Stark和同事通过程序对黑腹果蝇全基因组搜寻鉴定潜在的miRNA靶标首先得到成功。因为黑腹果蝇全基因组序列提供了丰富而且精确的3 ’UTRs的信息。把果蝇的3’ UTRs与拟南芥、果蝇和冈比亚按蚊的3’ UTRs比对找出保守3’ UTRs的序列组成一个保守的3’ UTRs数据库,然后用HMMer比对搜寻工具搜寻该数据库与已知miRNA第2-8个核苷酸完全互补配对的3’ UTRs序列,再用mfold软件判断miRNA靶标复合体的热力学稳定性。此方法预测出果蝇许多未知的靶标,其中有6个靶标得到实验验证。Enright等建立的miRanda法是第二个公布的miRNAs靶标预测法。其编程原理依据主要是:通过得分矩阵计算出互补程度大小,寻找互补性最高的3’ UTRs;利用vien-naRNA计算miRNAs和靶标复合体热力学稳定性,并淘汰不能形成双连体的假阳性靶标。TargetScan为了在预测的开始过程排除假阳性,首先要求seed严格配对,延伸序列直到不配对的区域,然后根据保守性原则,淘汰不具有3’ UTRs保守序列的分子,最后运用RNAFold进行热力学稳定性筛选。根据miRNA-靶标复合体热力学稳定性这一特性建立的预测法有PicTar、RNAHybrid等。


通过程序预测得到的miRNAs靶标常需通过生物学方法进行鉴定;miRNA的功能也开展详细科学的实验研究。常用的方法包括:报告基因构建,突变研究,基因沉默技术以及经典的遗传学技术。研究miRNA对靶基因的作用与一般的基因研究方法相同,上调细胞中miRNA表达水平获得gain-of-functon表型,而下调或抑制miRNA的表达获得loss-of-function表型。通过改变特定miRNA表达水平可用于鉴定受该miRNA调节的基因以及该miRNA所影响和调控的细胞反应。上调miRNA主要依靠将化学合成的miRNA导入细胞,或构建pre-miRNA表达载体转染细胞,在细胞内表达pre-miRNA并通过细胞中各种酶以及蛋白作用产生miRNA。下调则以阻断miRNA表达为主。miRNA的活性可以通过对与内源性miRNAs互补的锁核酸(locked nucleic acid, LNA)寡核酸,Morpholino(morpholino phosphorodiamidate antisense oligonucleotides)探针或2’-O-甲基RNA寡核酸等技术实现。也可以通过空间位阻寡核酸在多点实现对miRNA的成熟抑制;另外,利用完全互补的antagomir可以实现对特定miRNA的沉默;Thermo旗下Dharmacon产品研发团队人工合成的miRNA模拟物和阻遏物可转染增强或者抑制内源的成熟miRNA,也是研究miRNA功能的重要的工具。


转基因技术(transgeneic technology)通过将外源DNA导入动物受精卵或胚胎干细胞内,以随机插入或同源重组的方式整合到受体染色体中,并随细胞分裂而遗传给后代。“转基因动物”对研究特定基因的功能具有重要的作用。从“转基因”表达水平上看,转基因可分为:过表达(over expression)、基因敲除(knockout,KO)及基因敲减(knockdown)等类型。因转基因导致基因表达水平明显差异,从而导致动物呈现不同表型(phenotype),为功能实验提供重要的研究材料。以往转基因技术通过导入外源DNA片段编码酶、受体等功能蛋白质来研究相应分子的功能,随着对miRNA的研究深入,已将转基因技术普遍应用到小RNA研究中。2002年起有实验室尝试导入编码短链RNA的DNA片段,在动物体内达到RNA干扰(RNAi)使基因沉默的目的。前几年已出现miRNA转基因动物,随着时间推进,miRNA转基因动物模型正成为miRNA功能研究的有力工具,相关研究论文数量不断增长,同时miRNA转基因动物构建策略也不断丰富和翻新。

miRNA编码产物不涉及蛋白质的翻译过程,在构建转基因构件时不必考虑翻译起始位点和开放阅读框等信息。典型的miRNA转基因构件包括:启动子、Pre-miRNA、Pre-miRNA侧翼序列及转录终止信号等。有些miRNA在基因组中成簇分布,各个miRNA方向相同或相反,在研究这个miRNA功能时可将整簇视为整体一起构建。如Lu等研究转基因小鼠模型中,将miR-17-92簇(编码包括miR-18,miR-19a,和mi-20a等7个miRNA)上下游的侧翼序列整体构建入小鼠,结果表明该簇在转基因动物体内能够有效表达。对于具有组织特异性的miRNA,可选择组织特异性的启动子(tissue specific promoter)构建转基因动物。

miRNA的表达具有时序和组织特异性,传统基因打靶过程中,miRNA从发育的开始就在其全部脏器内被“敲除”,这会影响胚胎发育,甚至造成胎死(embryonic lethality)。条件基因敲除(conditional gene targeting)很好的解决了这一问题,该技术需要一种含组织特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因动物,同时经同源重组建立另一种含LoxP重组酶位点的基因打靶动物,二者杂交产生的后代,就可产生组织特异的miRNA敲除动物。目前,重组酶Cre-LoxP系统已在miRNA基因敲除动物中应用。目前,国际上已成立了小鼠基因敲除联盟,方便研究人员间加强信息交流、实现数据共享。

除了针对特定miRNA直接进行过表达或敲除操作这类传统转基因技术,根据miRNA的分子特点、成熟过程及作用机理,另有多种其它转基因策略。如miRNA加工酶RNaseIII (Dicer/Drosha)敲除:Dicer酶敲除使体内所有miRNA不能加工成熟,导致成熟miRNA缺失,直接导致早期胚胎发育异常致死;通过过表达miRNA靶序列(target sequences),对miRNA起到间接基因敲减作用;基于四环素诱导的调控载体用于可逆性条件miRNA敲除等。microRNA调控的生物网络

复杂的生物学过程需要成千上万种大分子通过精确的相互作用和调控来完成,各种分子之间的相互作用可以用网络的形式来表示。例如当前存在的基因调控网络描述了转录因子及其控制的基因之间的关系。网络的拓扑结构由度(degree,指与一个节点连接的边数)、节点间距离(distance)、网络直径(diameter)、聚类系数(clustering coefficient,指与节点连接的所有邻节点间的实际连接数与它们之间所有可能的连接数之比)、模体(motif,为了完成特别的功能相互联系的分子)和模块(module,多个模体组成以完成特定的功能的单元)等描述。




miRNA在植物和动物中广泛存在,通过miRNA数据库(miRBase,http://www.mirbase.org/)可实时查询植物、动物和病毒的miRNA序列的收录情况。miRNAs的广泛性和多样性提示其可能有非常广泛多样的生物功能。miRNA是高等植物、动物生长发育的重要调节因子,miRNAs在胚胎干细胞和多种成体干细胞发育、胚胎后期发育、细胞分化、增殖和凋亡、代谢、器官发生及内分泌、免疫系统调控等过程中发挥着重要作用。miRNA失调节与疾病关系密切,MiR2Disease收录了已知的miRNA失调节和人类疾病关系的相应文献。一些与疾病有关的蛋白质编码基因的转录因子(transcription factors,TFs),如c-Myb、NF-Y、Sp-1、MTF-1和AP-2alpha等,是miRNA异常表达的主要调节因子(master-regulators)。尽管当前对miRNA的研究还处于初级阶段,推测在高级真核生物体内miRNAs对基因表达的调控作用可能和转录因子同等重要,miRNAs可能代表在一个新层次上的基因表达调控方式。


首先被确认的miRNA lin-4和let-7可以通过调节一组关键mRNAs的翻译调控线虫发育进程。Bantam miRNA是第一个被发现有原癌基因作用的miRNA。一些miRNAs参与了在细胞分化和组织发育过程中起重要作用基因的转录后调控,例如mir-14、mir-23等。有些miRNA为干细胞特有,推测是维持细胞全能性所必需,并参与细胞分化过程。一些呈组织特异性表达miRN与维持分化细胞的功能关系密切。miRNAs在组织和器官的生长和分化过程中,也扮演着极为重要的平衡角色。例如miR-1家族包括miR-1-1和miR-1-2,在心肌、骨骼肌中特异表达,心脏形成的关键调节因子Hand2 mRNA是miR-1的靶标基因,miR-1能适时关闭Hand2蛋白,促使心脏正常发育。


果蝇bantam是第一个被鉴定的与细胞凋亡和增殖相关的miRNA。bantam的靶基因hid被证实是一种调亡诱导基因,bantam与hid mRNA的3’ UTR互补结合,阻止hid mRNA的翻译,抑制蛋白的表达,最终表现为促进细胞增殖的作用。相反,如果敲除bantam上调hid的表达水平,诱导调亡,抑制细胞增殖。miR-14也是一种调亡抑制miRNA,它通过调节调亡效应因子半胱天冬酶Drice而参与细胞调亡和脂肪代谢。在B-CLLs细胞中miR-15a和miR-16-1直接与BCL2的3’ UTR序列相互作用调控BCL2蛋白的表达,并与之成负相关,而BCL2是作为抗凋亡基因参与细胞凋亡过程的,这里miR-15a和miR-16-1发挥了类似抑癌基因的作用。


miRNA参与了包括调节心脏生成关键因子,心肌肥大,心电传导等病理过程;组织特异性miRNAs,如miR-375,参与了胰岛素分泌的出胞过程,为一些代谢性疾病(如糖尿病)的治疗提供了新的作用靶点。miRNA可以调节神经系统,神经元miRNA参与突触发育的多个阶段,包括树突发生(miR-132, miR-134和miR-124),突触形成和突触成熟(miR-134和miR-138)等过程,一些研究还发现miRNA在精神分裂症患者表达发生改变,可能参与了精神疾病的病理过程。



Calin等发现超过一半的miRNA位于脆性位点、杂合型丢失区(minimal regions of loss of heterozygosity)、微小扩增区(minimal regions of amplication, minimal amplicons)或断裂点区(common breakpoint region),暗示miRNA在肿瘤发生过程中起着至关重要的作用。越来越多的研究表明,miRNA参与了包括神经母细胞瘤、垂体腺瘤、甲状腺癌、乳腺癌、肺癌、肝癌、胰腺癌、结肠直肠癌、宫颈癌及白血病等在内的多种肿瘤的发生、发展过程,因不同肿瘤类型及其阶段不同,miRNA表达谱呈现不同的特征,其在肿瘤诊断及治疗方面具有潜在应用价值。早期诊断和早期治疗是决定肿瘤患者治愈率及预后的一个关键因素,现阶段临床最常用的检查方法包括组织病理学、影像学及血清标志物检验等,但这些方法往往只能在肿瘤发展到一定的程度后才能检测出来。有报道miRNA可能成为肿瘤早期诊断的新型生物标志物。Yanaihara等用基因芯片技术分析了肺癌的miRNA表达谱,发现在104种肺癌miRNA中有43种与相应的正常组织有显著差异,其中8个miRNA和肺癌患者的预后密切相关,如高表达miR-155和低表达let-7a等提示预后较差。不同肿瘤具有不同的miRNA表达模式,通过miRNA表达谱甚至还可以进行肿瘤的组织学类型、开展肿瘤分期及预后估计。Iorio和Michael等发现,miR-143,miR-145在结、直肠癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、宫颈癌和淋巴瘤中表达下调。He等研究发现miR-221,miR-222,miR-146在乳头状甲状腺癌中显著上调。Ciafre SA和Chan等发现在恶性胶质瘤和乳腺癌中表达上调。Johnson SM等发现肺癌let-7表达常降低,let-7的靶点是Ras癌基因,RAS过表达促进肿瘤生长。而细胞中miR-155水平的升高有助于诊断淋巴瘤等癌症。近来人们研究发现血液循环中存在miRNA,且血清miRNA类型可以作为一些病理状况的生物标志物。肿瘤miRNA在血液中的存在可能是肿瘤死亡和溶解、或者由肿瘤细胞释放出miRNA到其周围微环境的结果。因而血液中miRNA可作为未来检测的一种新手段。



肝脏miRNAs表达异常或功能失调与病毒复制、肝细胞增殖和分化、肝脏脂肪变性、肝细胞癌发生等病理生理过程密切相关。(1) miRNAs与病毒性肝炎:早期研究证实miRNAs通过影响病毒复制、宿主免疫应答和抗原呈递,参与多种病毒感染性疾病的发生。宿主细胞miRNAs通过造成病毒mRNA基因沉默灭活病毒。Jopling等的研究发现,肝组织特异性miR-122与病毒感染、复制相关。Shan等通过转染antagomir造成miR-122沉默后,发现HCV RNA减少64%。miRNAs和抗miRNAs寡核苷酸(anti-miRNA oligonuoleotides,AMO)是理想的抗病毒手段,近年来发展的锁核酸(1ocked nuclei acids,LNA)等骨架修饰技术能克服miRNAs和AMO在生物系统内不稳定和易被降解的缺陷。干扰素抑制HCV复制部分就是通过诱导产生miRNAs发挥的。(2) miRNAs与脂肪性肝病:脂肪性肝病是遗传-环境代谢应激性疾病,脂质代谢紊乱是发病的中心环节之一。miRNAs在调节PPAR gamma表达,前体脂肪细胞向成熟脂肪细胞的分化中发挥重要作用。高脂喂养肥胖小鼠的肠系膜脂肪细胞高表达miR-143,且其水平与脂肪细胞分化相关标记物PPAR、脂肪细胞型脂肪酸结合蛋白(adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein,aP2)、血浆瘦素等密切相关。(3) miR-122是调节胆固醇和脂肪酸代谢的关键因子之一,可调控多种基因的表达。以ASO抑制miR-122能增加肝脏脂肪酸氧化、降低脂肪酸合成,降低血浆胆固醇水平。最近又发现miRNA-33与机体胆固醇的转运和代谢关系密切。胰岛素抵抗和高胰岛素血症是非酒精性脂肪性肝病的重要病理生理机制,miR-375可通过靶基因重组胰岛素样生长因子I特异调节哺乳动物的胰岛细胞发育和胰岛素分泌,其过表达可抑制葡萄糖诱导的胰岛素分泌,表达受抑则可促进胰岛素分泌从而改善胰岛素抵抗。目前关于miRNAs调节动物脂肪细胞分化和脂类代谢的具体机制还远没有未明了。(4) miRNAs与肝纤维化:肝星状细胞(hepatic stellate cells,HSCs)活化是肝纤维化发生的中心环节。利用miRNAs检测静止期与活化期HSC miRNA表达情况发现21种miRNAs差异表达,miRNAs调控HSCs凋亡抗性相关基因的表达,影响肝纤维化进程。(5) miRNAs与肝细胞癌: Gramantieri等比较了肝硬化与肝细胞癌的miRNAs表达谱,发现35种差异表达miRNAs。差异表达的miRNAs可用来区分肝硬化和肝细胞癌,某些miRNAs具有用于肝癌诊断、分期、进展及预后估计的潜力。



miRNA是长21-25 nt的非编码RNA,5’有一磷酸基团,3’为羟基。成熟miRNA来自pre-miRNA U形端的一枝,被两个RNaseIII逐步地从pri-miRNA上释放出来。动物miRNA作为转录抑制因子,通过并不完全的匹配,识别、结合靶基因的3’UTR实现转录抑制。lin-4和let-7通过部分互补结合到目的mRNA靶的3’ UTRs诱发蛋白质翻译抑制,这种结合并不诱导mRNA靶的降解。但是其它一些miRNAs可能以类似siRNA的方式介导目的RNA的降解。实验表明引入和let-7目的mRNA靶完全互补的miRNA会诱导mRNA靶的降解。还有实验结果表明一些miRNA,包括在植物中发现的Scarecrow miRNA,能结合完全互补的mRNA链从而降解mRNA序列,抑制蛋白合成。

RNAi即RNA干扰,是一种进化保守性机制,是机体抵抗病毒入侵的一种天然保护作用。当病毒入侵,转座子(TE)转录或基因组中反向重复序列转录时,细胞中的RNA可以通过两个RNA互补链结合成分子间双链RNA,也可以通过单个RNA链自身回折互补形成分子内双链RNA。这种双链的dsRNA在Dicer酶、ATP和解旋酶共同作用下产生大约21-23nt的siRNA (small interfering RNAs);siRNA又与RISC相互作用导致siRNA双链的解离并与靶标mRNA互补结合;siRNA与它的靶标mRNA互补,从而导致mRNA在这些互补位点直接断裂;通过人为设计这种dsRNA或者siRNA可实现对靶基因的降解。这些合成的沉默试剂作为一种新的生物学工具,极大的促进了新基因鉴定、基因功能分析和信号通路的研究。

总之,siRNAs和miRNA在分子特征、和作用机理上很相似。(1) 二者的长度都约在22 nt左右。(2) 二者都依赖Dicer酶加工,具有Dicer产物的特点: 5’端磷酸,3’端均有2个游离核苷酸。(3) miRNA和siRNA合成都由双链的RNA或RNA前体形成。(4) 二者都是RISC (RNA induced silencing complex)组分,都具有组成RISC复合体的Argonaute蛋白家族,二者在介导沉默机制上有重叠。miRNA和siRNA区别包括:(1) 根本区别是miRNA是内源的,在基因组中有固定的基因座位;siRNA可以是人工体外合成的,也可以是基因组的转录片断,降解片断和转座片断,病毒基因组转录片断等,但siRNA没有固定的基因座位,加工位点不是保守的。(2) miRNA作用于固定的靶基因,有特定的作用位点,一般在靶基因3’UTR区,而siRNA由于是随机产生的或者人工设计的,可作用于mRNA的任何部位。在作用方式上,没有本质区别,是否降解或翻译抑制取决于互补程度,siRNA也可抑制靶标基因的翻译。(3) miRNA的生理功能在于调控发育分化和调亡,适时调节内源基因表达,而siRNA抑制转座子活性和病毒感染,是生物抵抗外来核酸片断入侵的一种方式。


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  www.ebiotrade.com  时间:2005年08月05日     来源:生物通

2000年,RNA的研究进展被美国《科学》杂志评为重大科技突破;2001年“RNA干扰”作为当年最重要的科学研究成果之一,再次入选“十大科技突破”;20021220日,Science杂志将“Small RNA & RNAi”评为2002年度最耀眼的明星。同时, Nature杂志亦将Small RNA评为年度重大科技成功之一。2003年,小核糖核酸的研究第四次入选十大科技突破,排在第四位。RNA研究的突破性进展,是生物医学领域近20年来,可与HGP(人类基因组计划,生物通网站注)相提并论的最重大成果之一。 



MiRNA到底是谁?你知道miRNAsiRNA的区别在哪里以及如何区别它们吗?它与RNAi有着什么样的关系呢? MiRNA与疾病、生长发育有着什么样的关系?有关它的最新研究进展如何?…… 


第一回 MicroRNA的自白





MicroRNA也可以写做miRNA ,是一种2125nt长的单链小分子RNA。它广泛存在于真核生物中,是一组不编码蛋白质的短序列RNA,其本身不具有开放阅读框(ORF)。成熟的miRNA5′端有一个磷酸基团,3′端为羟基。编码miRNAs的基因最初产生一个长的pri-RNA分子,这种初期分子还必须被剪切成70-90个碱基大小、具发夹结构单链RNA前体(pre-miRNA)并经过Dicer酶加工后生成。成熟的miRNA 5’端的磷酸基团和端羟基则是它与相同长度的功能RNA降解片段的区分标志。

miRNA 5'端第一个碱基对U(尿苷)有强烈的倾向性,而对G却排斥,但第二到第四个碱基缺乏U。一般来讲,除第四个碱基外,其他位置碱基通常都缺乏C这些分子能够与那些和它的序列互补的mRNA分子相结合,有时候甚至可以与特定的DNA片断结合。这种结合的结果就是导致基因的沉默。这种方式是身体调节基因表达的一个重要策略。据推测,miRNA调节着人类三分之一的基因。



miRNA的研究起始于时序调控小RNAstRNAs)。1993年,Lee等在秀丽新小杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegan)中发现了第一个定时调控胚胎后期发育的基因lin-42002年,Reinhart等又在线虫C.elegan中发现第二个异时性开关基因let-7200110月《science》报道了三个实验室从线虫、果蝇和人体克隆的几十个类似C.eleganlin-4的小RNA基因,称为microRNA。随后多个研究小组在包括人类、果蝇、植物等多种生物物种中鉴别出数百个miRNAs,并且发现它与多种重要的生命过程有关。 









第二回  miRNA与近亲siRNA的差异









1.  MiRNAsiRNA都是由22个左右的核苷组成;

2.  它们都是Dicer酶的产物;

3.  它们在起干扰、调节作用时都会和RISC复合体结合;

4.  它们都可以在转录后和翻译水平干扰以抑制靶标基因的翻译;








MiRNA:在细胞核中转录的较大的pri-miRNA经由Drosha(一种RNAse )Pasha(含有双链RNA结合区域)加工成为单链pre-miRNA;接着,发夹状、部分互补的pre-miRNA在细胞质中被Dicer*(一种RNAse 酶)酶切割形成miRNA;在生物体中的表达具有时序性、保守性和组织特异性。




MiRNA:它和RISC形成复合体(利用的AGO蛋白家族成员为AGO1)后与靶标mRNA通常发生不完全结合,并且结合的位点是mRNA的非编码区的3’端;它不会降解靶标mRNA,而只是阻止mRNA的翻译; miRNA能够调节与生长发育有关的基因。


注:RISC, RNA诱导的沉默复合物(RNA-induced silencing complex; RISC)的组装是在RNAimiRNA通路中最为复杂的过程。新的研究表明,与siRNAmiRNA结合的RISC复合物并不完全相同其中的AGO蛋白质有AGO1AGO2之分。刚产生的siRNAsmiRNAs都是双链结构,这种双链结构需要解螺旋才能被组装到RISC中发挥作用。组装后的复合物分别称为siRISCmiRISC。从dsRNA引发RNAi的发生大致划分为三个阶段,即启动、剪切和扩增。





第三回 MiRNA研究与疾病及研究进展




200569日的《自然》杂志上的文章显示microRNA的活动模式能够被用于诊断癌症。研究人员Todd R. GolubRobert Horvitz等人证明miRNA表达特征能用于划分人类癌症以及区别正常细胞和癌细胞。研究表明miRNA表达特征甚至能够鉴别出那些从外形上无法确定的癌细胞。发表在同期《自然》杂志上的第二篇文章表明一种特殊的miRNA束能够导致小鼠的淋巴瘤。由霍普金斯大学医学院的Joshua Mendell和同事发表在《自然》的第三篇文章显示一些miRNA与一种已知能导致人类癌症的基因相互协作。这让人怀疑miRNA可能充当一种新型的癌基因。通过确定出大多数常见癌症中表达的特殊miRNA以及分析它们对癌症发生和癌症基因的影响,这三项同期公布在《自然》杂志上的研究改变了癌症遗传学的前景。

第四回 RNA干扰




1999年, Hamilton等在植物基因沉默的研究中首次发现2125nt dsRNA 的出现对转基因导致基因沉默十分重要,而在转基因正确表达的植株中则未出现。随后,Hammond 等进行的细胞提取物核酸酶活性实验证明了小分子RNARNAi 中的作用,这些小分子RNA就是由dsRNA形成的siRNA 









  MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类内生的、长度约20-24个核苷酸的小RNA,是发夹结构的约70-90个碱基大小的单链RNA前体经过Dicer酶加工后生成。其在细胞内具有多种重要的调节作 ......
目录 MicroRNA的概念

  MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类内生的、长度约20-24个核苷酸的小RNA,是发夹结构的约70-90个碱基大小的单链RNA前体经过Dicer酶加工后生成。其在细胞内具有多种重要的调节作用。每个miRNA可以有多个靶基因,而几个miRNAs也可以调节同一个基因。这种复杂的调节网络既可以通过一个miRNA来调控多个基因的表达,也可以通过几个miRNAs的组合来精细调控某个基因的表达。随着miRNA调控基因表达的研究的逐步深入,将帮助我们理解高等真核生物的基因组的复杂性和复杂的基因表达调控网络。miRNA广泛存在于真核生物中,是一组不编码蛋白质的短序列RNA,其本身不具有开放阅读框(ORF)。成熟的miRNA,5′端有一个磷酸基团,3′端为羟基。编码miRNAs的基因最初产生一个长的pri-RNA分子,这种初期分子还必须被剪切成约70-90个碱基大小、具发夹结构单链RNA前体(pre-miRNA)并经过Dicer酶加工后生成。成熟的miRNA 5’端的磷酸基团和3´端羟基则是它与相同长度的功能RNA降解片段的区分标志。miRNA 5'端第一个碱基对U(尿苷)有强烈的倾向性,而对G却排斥,但第二到第四个碱基缺乏U。一般来讲,除第四个碱基外,其他位置碱基通常都缺乏C。这些分子能够与那些和它的序列互补的mRNA分子相结合,有时候甚至可以与特定的DNA片断结合。这种结合的结果就是导致基因的沉默。这种方式是身体调节基因表达的一个重要



    1. pre-miRNA
   2. pri-miRNA
      从染色体基因文库中调取300bp-1000bp完整的microRNA基因,克隆到质粒载体(普通载体或病毒载体),以强大的CMV启动子操纵该300bp-1000bp microRNA。
      选择一个完整的microRNA基因,克隆到质粒载体(普通载体或病毒载体)。以人工合成的约70bp含miRNA茎环结构的目标pre-RNA替代原pre-RNA,并以pol Ⅱ/pol III 启动子操纵、该microRNA结构单元。








1.  MiRNA和siRNA都是由22个左右的核苷组成;

2.  它们都是Dicer酶的产物;

3.  它们在起干扰、调节作用时都会和RISC复合体结合;

4.  它们都可以在转录后和翻译水平干扰以抑制靶标基因的翻译;




MiRNA:在细胞核中转录的较大的pri-miRNA经由Drosha(一种RNAse Ⅲ酶)和Pasha(含有双链RNA结合区域)加工成为单链pre-miRNA;接着,发夹状、部分互补的pre-miRNA在细胞质中被Dicer*(一种RNAse Ⅲ酶)酶切割形成miRNA;在生物体中的表达具有时序性、保守性和组织特异性。



MiRNA:它和RISC形成复合体(利用的AGO蛋白家族成员为AGO1)后与靶标mRNA通常发生不完全结合,并且结合的位点是mRNA的非编码区的3’端;它不会降解靶标mRNA,而只是阻止mRNA的翻译; miRNA能够调节与生长发育有关的基因。
注:RISC, RNA诱导的沉默复合物(RNA-induced silencing complex; RISC)的组装是在RNAi和miRNA通路中最为复杂的过程。新的研究表明,与siRNA和miRNA结合的RISC复合物并不完全相同其中的AGO蛋白质有AGO1和AGO2之分。刚产生的siRNAs和miRNAs都是双链结构,这种双链结构需要解螺旋才能被组装到RISC中发挥作用。组装后的复合物分别称为siRISC和miRISC。从dsRNA引发RNAi的发生大致划分为三个阶段,即启动、剪切和扩增。

     2.人工pri-miRNA效果较pre-miRNA好,也有足够多的成功使用的经验报道,但这种人工microRNA采用固定的mir155 flank,制备的microRNA功能不及天然原始microRNA,故也逐渐较少使用。
AAV、或retrovirus microRNA:与腺病毒和lenti-virus microRNA一样,具有病毒产品的优势与缺点。




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The stem-loop secondary structure of a pre-microRNA from Brassica oleracea.

A microRNA (abbreviated miRNA) is a short ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule found in all eukaryotic cells, except those of fungi, algae, and marine plants.[citation needed] A microRNA molecule has very few nucleotides (an average of 22) compared with other RNAs.

MiRNAs are post-transcriptional regulators that bind to complementary sequences on target messenger RNA transcripts (mRNAs), usually resulting in translational repression or target degradation and gene silencing.[1][2] The human genome may encode over 1000 miRNAs,[3][4] which may target about 60% of mammalian genes[5][6] and are abundant in many human cell types.[7]

miRNAs show very different characteristics between plants and metazoans. In plants the miRNA complementarity to its mRNA target is nearly perfect, with no or few mismatched bases. In metazoans, on the other hand, miRNA complementarity typically encompasses the 5' bases 2-7 of the microRNA, the microRNA seed region,[5][8] and one miRNA can target many different sites on the same mRNA or on many different mRNAs. Another difference is the location of target sites on mRNAs. In metazoans, the miRNA target sites are in the three prime untranslated regions (3'UTR) of the mRNA. In plants, targets can be located in the 3' UTR but are more often in the coding region itself.[9] MiRNAs are well conserved in eukaryotic organisms and are thought to be a vital and evolutionarily ancient component of genetic regulation.[10][11][12][13]

The first miRNAs were characterized in the early 1990s. However, miRNAs were not recognized as a distinct class of biological regulators with conserved functions until the early 2000s. Since then, miRNA research has revealed multiple roles in negative regulation (transcript degradation and sequestering, translational suppression) and possible involvement in positive regulation (transcriptional and translational activation). By affecting gene regulation, miRNAs are likely to be involved in most biological processes.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Different sets of expressed miRNAs are found in different cell types and tissues.[21]

Aberrant expression of miRNAs has been implicated in numerous disease states, and miRNA-based therapies are under investigation


MicroRNAs were discovered in 1993 by Victor Ambros, Rosalind Lee and Rhonda Feinbaum during a study of the gene lin-14 in C. elegans development.[25] They found that LIN-14 protein abundance was regulated by a short RNA product encoded by the lin-4 gene. A 61-nucleotide precursor from the lin-4 gene matured to a 22-nucleotide RNA that contained sequences partially complementary to multiple sequences in the 3’ UTR of the lin-14 mRNA. This complementarity was both necessary and sufficient to inhibit the translation of the lin-14 mRNA into the LIN-14 protein. Retrospectively, the lin-4 small RNA was the first microRNA to be identified, though at the time, it was thought to be a nematode idiosyncrasy. Only in 2000 was a second RNA characterized: let-7, which repressed lin-41, lin-14, lin-28, lin-42, and daf-12 expression during developmental stage transitions in C. elegans. let-7 was soon found to be conserved in many species,[26][27] indicating the existence of a wider phenomenon.


Under a standard nomenclature system, names are assigned to experimentally confirmed miRNAs before publication of their discovery.[28][29] The prefix "mir" is followed by a dash and a number, the latter often indicating order of naming. For example, mir-123 was named and likely discovered prior to mir-456. The uncapitalized "mir-" refers to the pre-miRNA, while a capitalized "miR-" refers to the mature form. miRNAs with nearly identical sequences bar one or two nucleotides are annotated with an additional lower case letter. For example, miR-123a would be closely related to miR-123b. Pre-miRNAs that lead to 100% identical mature miRNAs but that are located at different places in the genome are indicated with an additional dash-number suffix. For example, the pre-miRNAs hsa-mir-194-1 and hsa-mir-194-2 lead to an identical mature miRNA (hsa-miR-194) but are located in different regions of the genome. Species of origin is designated with a three-letter prefix, e.g., hsa-miR-123 is a human (Homo sapiens)miRNA and oar-miR-123 is a sheep (Ovis aries) miRNA. Other common prefixes include 'v' for viral (miRNA encoded by a viral genome) and 'd' for Drosophila miRNA (a fruit fly commonly studied in genetic research). When two mature microRNAs originate from opposite arms of the same pre-miRNA, they are denoted with a -3p or -5p suffix. (In the past, this distinction was also made with 's' (sense) and 'as' (antisense)). When relative expression levels are known, an asterisk following the name indicates an miRNA expressed at low levels relative to the miRNA in the opposite arm of a hairpin. For example, miR-123 and miR-123* would share a pre-miRNA hairpin, but more miR-123 would be found in the cell.

MicroRNAs are produced from either their own genes or from introns. A video of this process can be found here.

Most microRNA genes are found in intergenic regions or in anti-sense orientation to genes[30] and contain their own miRNA gene promoter and regulatory units.[30][31][32][33] As much as 40% of miRNA genes may lie in the introns of protein and non-protein coding genes or even in exons of long nonprotein-coding transcripts.[34] These are usually, though not exclusively, found in a sense orientation.[35][36] and thus usually are regulated together with their host genes.[34][37][38] Other miRNA genes showing a common promoter include the 42-48% of all miRNAs originating from polycistronic units containing multiple discrete loops from which mature miRNAs are processed,[31][39] although this does not necessarily mean the mature miRNAs of a family will be homologous in structure and function. The promoters mentioned have been shown to have some similarities in their motifs to promoters of other genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II such as protein coding genes.[31][40] The DNA template is not the final word on mature miRNA production: 6% of human miRNAs show RNA editing, the site-specific modification of RNA sequences to yield products different from those encoded by their DNA. This increases the diversity and scope of miRNA action beyond that implicated from the genome alone.


miRNA genes are usually transcribed by RNA polymerase II (Pol II).[31][40] The polymerase often binds to a promoter found near the DNA sequence encoding what will become the hairpin loop of the pre-miRNA. The resulting transcript is capped with a specially-modified nucleotide at the 5’ end, polyadenylated with multiple adenosines (a poly(A) tail),[31][35] and spliced. The product, called a primary miRNA (pri-miRNA), may be hundreds or thousands of nucleotides in length and contain one or more miRNA stem-loops.[31][35] When a stem-loop precursor is found in the 3’ UTR, a transcript may serve as a pri-miRNA and a mRNA.[35] RNA polymerase III (Pol III) transcribes some miRNAs, especially those with upstream Alu sequences, transfer RNAs (tRNAs), and mammalian wide interspersed repeat (MWIR) promoter units.[41]

 Nuclear processing

A single pri-miRNA may contain from one to six miRNA precursors. These hairpin loop structures are composed of about 70 nucleotides each. Each hairpin is flanked by sequences necessary for efficient processing. The double-stranded RNA structure of the hairpins in a pri-miRNA is recognized by a nuclear protein known as DiGeorge Syndrome Critical Region 8 (DGCR8 or "Pasha" in invertebrates), named for its association with DiGeorge Syndrome. DGCR8 associates with the enzyme Drosha, a protein that cuts RNA, to form the "Microprocessor" complex.[42] In this complex, DGCR8 orients the catalytic RNase III domain of Drosha to liberate hairpins from pri-miRNAs by cleaving RNA about eleven nucleotides from the hairpin base (two helical RNA turns into the stem). The resulting hairpin, known as a pre-miRNA (precursor-miRNA), has a two-nucleotide overhang at its 3’ end; it has 3' hydroxyl and 5' phosphate groups.

pre-miRNAs that are spliced directly out of introns, bypassing the Microprocessor complex, are known as "Mirtrons." Originally thought to exist only in Drosophila and C. elegans, mirtrons have now been found in mammals.[43]

Perhaps as many as 16% of pri-miRNAs may be altered through nuclear RNA editing.[44][45][46] Most commonly, enzymes known as adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) catalyze adenosine to inosine (A to I) transitions. RNA editing can halt nuclear processing (for example, of pri-miR-142, leading to degradation by the ribonuclease Tudor-SN) and alter downstream processes including cytoplasmic miRNA processing and target specificity (e.g., by changing the seed region of miR-376 in the central nervous system).[44]

 Nuclear export

pre-miRNA hairpins are exported from the nucleus in a process involving the nucleocytoplasmic shuttle Exportin-5. This protein, a member of the karyopherin family, recognizes a two-nucleotide overhang left by the RNase III enzyme Drosha at the 3' end of the pre-miRNA hairpin. Exportin-5-mediated transport to the cytoplasm is energy-dependent, using GTP bound to the Ran protein.[47]

Cytoplasmic processing

In the cytoplasm, the pre-miRNA hairpin is cleaved by the RNase III enzyme Dicer.[48] This endoribonuclease interacts with the 3' end of the hairpin and cuts away the loop joining the 3' and 5' arms, yielding an imperfect miRNA:miRNA* duplex about 22 nucleotides in length.[48] Overall hairpin length and loop size influence the efficiency of Dicer processing, and the imperfect nature of the miRNA:miRNA* pairing also affects cleavage.[48][49] Although either strand of the duplex may potentially act as a functional miRNA, only one strand is usually incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) where the miRNA and its mRNA target interact.

 Biogenesis in plants

miRNA biogenesis in plants differs from metazoan biogenesis mainly in the steps of nuclear processing and export. Instead of being cleaved by two different enzymes, once inside and once outside the nucleus, both cleavages of the plant miRNA is performed by a Dicer homolog, called Dicer-like1 (DL1). DL1 is only expressed in the nucleus of plant cells, which indicates that both reactions take place inside the nucleus. Before plant miRNA:miRNA* duplexes are transported out of the nucleus its 3' overhangs are methylated by a RNA methyltransferaseprotein called Hua-Enhancer1 (HEN1). The duplex is then transported out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm by a protein called Hasty (HST), an Exportin 5 homolog, where they disassemble and the mature miRNA is incorporated into the RISC.[50]

 The RNA-induced silencing complex

The mature miRNA is part of an active RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) containing Dicer and many associated proteins.[51] RISC is also known as a microRNA ribonucleoprotein complex (miRNP);[52] RISC with incorporated miRNA is sometimes referred to as "miRISC."

Dicer processing of the pre-miRNA is thought to be coupled with unwinding of the duplex. Generally, only one strand is incorporated into the miRISC, selected on the basis of its thermodynamic instability and weaker base-pairing relative to the other strand.[53][54][55] The position of the stem-loop may also influence strand choice.[56] The other strand, called the passenger strand due to its lower levels in the steady state, is denoted with an asterisk (*) and is normally degraded. In some cases, both strands of the duplex are viable and become functional miRNA that target different mRNA populations.[57]

Members of the argonaute (Ago) protein family are central to RISC function. Argonautes are needed for miRNA-induced silencing and contain two conserved RNA binding domains: a PAZ domain that can bind the single stranded 3’ end of the mature miRNA and a PIWI domain that structurally resembles ribonuclease-H and functions to interact with the 5’ end of the guide strand. They bind the mature miRNA and orient it for interaction with a target mRNA. Some argonautes, for example human Ago2, cleave target transcripts directly; argonautes may also recruit additional proteins to achieve translational repression.[58] The human genome encodes eight argonaute proteins divided by sequence similarities into two families: AGO (with four members present in all mammalian cells and called E1F2C/hAgo in humans), and PIWI (found in the germ line and hematopoietic stem cells).[58][59]

Additional RISC components include TRBP [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transactivating response RNA (TAR) binding protein],[60] PACT (protein activator of the interferon induced protein kinase (PACT), the SMN complex, fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), and Tudor staphylococcal nuclease-domain-containing protein (Tudor-SN).[61][62]

 Mode of Silencing

Gene silencing may occur either via mRNA degradation or preventing mRNA from being translated. It has been demonstrated that if there is complete complementation between the miRNA and target mRNA sequence, Ago2 can cleave the mRNA and lead to direct mRNA degradation. Yet, if there isn't complete complementation the silencing is achieved by preventing translation.[63]

 miRNA turnover

Turnover of mature miRNA is needed for rapid changes in miRNA expression profiles. During miRNA maturation in the cytoplasm, uptake by the Argonaute protein is thought to stabilize the guide strand, while the opposite (* or "passenger") strand is preferentially destroyed. In what has been called a "Use it or lose it" strategy, Argonaute may preferentially retain miRNAs with many targets over miRNAs with few or no targets, leading to degradation of the non-targeting molecules.[64]

Decay of mature miRNAs in animals is mediated by the 5´-to-3´ exoribonuclease XRN2, also known as Rat1p.[65] In plants, SDN (small RNA degrading nuclease) family members degrade miRNAs in the opposite (3'-to-5') direction. Similar enzymes are encoded in animal genomes, but their roles have not yet been described.[64]

Several miRNA modifications affect miRNA stability. As indicated by work in the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress), mature plant miRNAs appear to be stabilized by the addition of methyl moieties at the 3' end. The 2'-O-conjugated methyl groups block the addition of uracil (U) residues by uridyltransferase enzymes, a modification that may be associated with miRNA degradation. However, uridylation may also protect some miRNAs; the consequences of this modification are incompletely understood. Uridylation of some animal miRNAs has also been reported. Both plant and animal miRNAs may be altered by addition of adenine (A) residues to the 3' end of the miRNA. An extra A added to the end of mammalian miR-122, a liver-enriched miRNA important in Hepatitis C, stabilizes the molecule, and plant miRNAs ending with an adenine residue have slower decay rates.[64]

 Cellular functions

The function of miRNAs appears to be in gene regulation. For that purpose, a miRNA is complementary to a part of one or more messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Animal miRNAs are usually complementary to a site in the 3' UTR whereas plant miRNAs are usually complementary to coding regions of mRNAs.[66] Perfect or near perfect base pairing with the target RNA promotes cleavage of the RNA.[67] This is the primary mode of plant microRNAs.[68] In animals, microRNAs more often only partially base pair and inhibit protein translation of the target mRNA[69] (this exists in plants as well but is less common).[68] MicroRNAs that are partially complementary to a target can also speed up deadenylation, causing mRNAs to be degraded sooner.[70] For partially complementary microRNAs to recognise their targets, nucleotides 2–7 of the miRNA (its 'seed region'[5][8]) still have to be perfectly complementary.[71] miRNAs occasionally also cause histone modification and DNA methylation of promoter sites, which affects the expression of target genes.[72][73]

Unlike plant microRNAs, the animal microRNAs target a diverse set of genes.[8] However, genes involved in functions common to all cells, such as gene expression, have relatively fewer microRNA target sites and seem to be under selection to avoid targeting by microRNAs.[74]

dsRNA can also activate gene expression, a mechanism that has been termed "small RNA-induced gene activation" or RNAa. dsRNAs targeting gene promoters can induce potent transcriptional activation of associated genes. This was demonstrated in human cells using synthetic dsRNAs termed small activating RNAs (saRNAs),[75] but has also been demonstrated for endogenous microRNA.[76]

Interactions between microRNAs and complementary sequences on genes and even pseudogenes that share sequence homology are thought to be a back channel of communication regulating expression levels between paralogous genes. Given the name "competing endogenous RNAs" (ceRNAs), these microRNAs bind to "microRNA response elements" on genes and pseudogenes and may provide another explanation for the persistence of non-coding ("junk") DNA.[77]


MicroRNAs are significant phylogenetic markers because of their astonishingly low rate of evolution.[78] Their origin may have permitted the development of morphological innovation, and by making gene expression more specific and 'fine-tunable', permitted the genesis of complex organs[79] and perhaps, ultimately, complex life.[80] Indeed, rapid bursts of morphological innovation are generally associated with a high rate of microRNA accumulation.[78][79]

MicroRNAs originate predominantly by the random formation of hairpins in "non-coding" sections of DNA (i.e. introns or intergene regions), but also by the duplication and modification of existing microRNAs.[81] The rate of evolution (i.e. nucleotide substitution) in recently-originated microRNAs is comparable to that elsewhere in the non-coding DNA, implying evolution by neutral drift; however, older microRNAs have a much lower rate of change (often less than one substitution per hundred million years),[80] suggesting that once a microRNA gains a function it undergoes extreme purifying selection.[81] At this point, a microRNA is rarely lost from an animal's genome,[80] although microRNAs which are more recently derived (and thus presumably non-functional) are frequently lost.[81] This makes them a valuable phylogenetic marker, and they are being looked upon as a possible solution to such outstanding phylogenetic problems as the relationships of arthropods.[82]

MicroRNAs feature in the genomes of most eukaryotic organisms, from the brown algae[83] to the metazoa. Across all species, in excess of 5000 had been identified by March 2010.[84] Whilst short RNA sequences (50 – hundreds of base pairs) of a broadly comparable function occur in bacteria, bacteria lack true microRNAs.[85]

 Experimental detection and manipulation of miRNA

MicroRNA expression can be quantified in a two-step polymerase chain reaction process of modified RT-PCR followed by quantitative real-time PCR. Variations of this method achieve absolute or relative quantification.[86] miRNAs can also be hybridized to microarrays, slides or chips with probes to hundreds or thousands of miRNA targets, so that relative levels of miRNAs can be determined in different samples.[87] MicroRNAs can be both discovered and profiled by high-throughput sequencing methods.[88] The activity of an miRNA can be experimentally inhibited using a locked nucleic acid (LNA) oligo, a Morpholino oligo[89][90] or a 2'-O-methyl RNA oligo.[91] Additionally, a specific miRNA can be silenced by a complementary antagomir. MicroRNA maturation can be inhibited at several points by steric-blocking oligos.[92] The miRNA target site of an mRNA transcript can also be blocked by a steric-blocking oligo.[93][94] For the “in situ” detection of miRNA, the use of LNA is currently the only efficient method.[95] The locked conformation of LNA results in enhanced hybridization properties and increases sensitivity and selectivity, making it ideal for detection of short miRNA.[96]

 miRNA and disease

Just as miRNA is involved in the normal functioning of eukaryotic cells, so has dysregulation of miRNA been associated with disease. A manually curated, publicly available database miR2Disease documents known relationships between miRNA dysregulation and human disease.[97]

miRNA and cancer

Several miRNAs have been found to have links with some types of cancer.[98][99] MicroRNA-21 is one of the first microRNAs that was identified as an oncomiR.

A study of mice altered to produce excess c-Myc — a protein with mutated forms implicated in several cancers — shows that miRNA has an effect on the development of cancer. Mice that were engineered to produce a surplus of types of miRNA found in lymphoma cells developed the disease within 50 days and died two weeks later. In contrast, mice without the surplus miRNA lived over 100 days.[98] Leukemia can be caused by the insertion of a viral genome next to the 17-92 array of microRNAs leading to increased expression of this microRNA.[100]

Another study found that two types of miRNA inhibit the E2F1 protein, which regulates cell proliferation. miRNA appears to bind to messenger RNA before it can be translated to proteins that switch genes on and off.[101]

By measuring activity among 217 genes encoding miRNA, patterns of gene activity that can distinguish types of cancers can be discerned. miRNA signatures may enable classification of cancer. This will allow doctors to determine the original tissue type which spawned a cancer and to be able to target a treatment course based on the original tissue type. miRNA profiling has already been able to determine whether patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia had slow growing or aggressive forms of the cancer.[102]

Transgenic mice that over-express or lack specific miRNAs have provided insight into the role of small RNAs in various malignancies.[103]

A novel miRNA-profiling based screening assay for the detection of early-stage colorectal cancer has been developed and is currently in clinical trials. Early results showed that blood plasma samples collected from patients with early, resectable (Stage II) colorectal cancer could be distinguished from those of sex-and age-matched healthy volunteers. Sufficient selectivity and specificity could be achieved using small (less than 1 mL) samples of blood. The test has potential to be a cost-effective, non-invasive way to identify at-risk patients who should undergo colonoscopy.[104][105]

 miRNA and heart disease

The global role of miRNA function in the heart has been addressed by conditionally inhibiting miRNA maturation in the murine heart, and has revealed that miRNAs play an essential role during its development.[106][107] miRNA expression profiling studies demonstrate that expression levels of specific miRNAs change in diseased human hearts, pointing to their involvement in cardiomyopathies.[108][109][110] Furthermore, studies on specific miRNAs in animal models have identified distinct roles for miRNAs both during heart development and under pathological conditions, including the regulation of key factors important for cardiogenesis, the hypertrophic growth response, and cardiac conductance.[107][111][112][113][114][115]

 miRNA and the nervous system

miRNAs appear to regulate the nervous system.[116] Neural miRNAs are involved at various stages of synaptic development, including dendritogenesis (involving miR-132, miR-134 and miR-124), synapse formation and synapse maturation (where miR-134 and miR-138 are thought to be involved).[117] Some studies find altered miRNA expression in schizophrenia.[118][119]

 miRNA and non-coding RNAs

When the human genome project mapped its first chromosome in 1999, it was predicted the genome would contain over 100,000 protein coding genes. However, only around 20,000 were eventually identified (International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2004).[120] Since then, the advent of bioinformatics approaches combined with genome tiling studies examining the transcriptome,[121] systematic sequencing of full length cDNA libraries,[122] and experimental validation[123] (including the creation of miRNA derived antisense oligonucleotides called antagomirs) have revealed that many transcripts are non protein-coding RNA, including several snoRNAs and miRNAs.[124]

See also


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 Further reading

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