

so-called medicine is niche regulator!
2011-1-23 21:45 回复
endogenous iPS is the cancer initiating cell!
2011-1-17 16:47 回复
cancer is unicellular organisms!
2011-1-9 22:04 回复
Pandorabox Has Been Opened
2011-1-7 23:24 回复
iPS is the Emperor's New Suit !
2011-1-5 23:50 回复
cell-free is the final solution of stem cell therapy
2011-1-5 21:46 回复
niche is telling the story of stem cell...
2010-12-29 17:32 回复
cancer results from reprogramming of somatic cells
2010-12-25 18:56 回复
cancer——good cells in bad niche!
2010-12-25 16:02 回复
  • deron: 灰常同意,有相关文献么? (12-19 09:41)
  • sunsong7: 呵呵,请来参加讨论——癌细胞的发生可能是一种“返祖”现象? (12-19 11:33)
  • sunsong7: 问题讨论 (12-19 13:29)
2010-12-18 15:54 回复
子曰:上善若水 大成若缺——干细胞治疗的终极解决方案将是不移植外源干细胞!
2010-12-15 15:07 回复
2010-12-13 23:25 回复
can cancer randomly differentiate into norml cell in vivo  
2010-12-13 22:33 回复
omnis cellula e cellula
2010-12-12 09:28 回复
Stem Cell ——The Origin of Disease
2010-12-12 09:27 回复

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