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Different Expression Gene in colon cancer cell lines with R/Bioconductor

热度 1已有 1864 次阅读 2015-6-20 01:33 |个人分类:R/Bioconductor|关键词:colon cancer; gene differential expression analysis

I am working on human colon cancer recently. I want to see different expression gene in colon cancer cells lines. I downloaded GSE46549 dataset from NCBI (gene expression analysis of 6 colon cancer cell lines (HCT116, HT-29, RKO, SW480, LIM1512 and CaCo2), http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE46549). Each sample has two time points. The platforms of these microarray is GPL6244 [HuGene-1_0-st] Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST Array [transcript (gene) version]. In R/Bioconductor, we can use package affy to read these microarray raw data. Here is what I did using R.

# using “affy” to read Affymetrix microarray raw data
# using method in “simpleaffy” to see if the RNA samples degrade or not
> library (affy)
> library (simpleaffy)

# Opens file browser to select specific CEL files.
> colon_data <- ReadAffy (widget=TRUE)

# show data information
> colon_data
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=1050x1050 features (20 kb)
cdf=HuGene-1_0-st-v1 (32321 affyids)
number of samples=12
number of genes=32321

# define 12 colors,
> col <- rainbow(12)

# Assessing degree of RNA degradation
> RNA_deg <- AffyRNAdeg (colon_data)

# plotting map
> plotAffyRNAdeg(RNA_deg, col=col)
> legend(legend=sampleNames(colon_data), x="topright", lty=1, cex=0.55, col=col)

# Check if the slopes and profiles of the lines are similar for all the arrays.

# See the distribution of gene expression value of raw data with boxplot. The distribution of raw value show difference
> boxplot(colon_data, col=col)
> lab <- sampleNames (colon_data)
> text(x =  seq_along(lab), y = par("usr")[3]-0.2, srt = 35, adj = 1, labels = lab, xpd = TRUE)

 # normalizing data with rma method
 > colon_data_normal <- rma(colon_data)
Background correcting
Calculating Expression

# get the expression value of samples
> colon_data_exp <- exprs(colon_data_normal)
# See the distribution of gene expression value of normalinzed data with boxplot.
> boxplot (colon_data_exp,xaxt="n", col=col)
> text(x =  seq_along(lab), y = par("usr")[3]-0.2, srt = 35, adj = 1, labels = lab, xpd = TRUE)

Hierarchical Clustering

# calculate the distance of samples
> distance <- dist(t(colon_data_exp))

# Do sample cluster and plote
> hc <- hclust(distance, method="ave")
> plot(hc, hang=-1)

# cut tree into 4 clusters
> rect.hclust(hc, k=4)

# change matrix data type to data.frame
> colon_data_exp <- as.data.frame(colon_data_exp)

# rename data.frame column name
> names (colon_data_exp) <- c("CaCo2_0h", "CaCo2_48h", "HCT116_0h", "HCT116_48h", "HT29_0h", "HT29_48h", "LIM1215_0h", "LIM1215_48h", "RKO_0h", "RKO_48h", "SW480_0h", "SW480_48h" )

# show first 6 rows of expression data
> head(colon_data_exp)

  CaCo2_0h CaCo2_48h HCT116_0h HCT116_48h  HT29_0h HT29_48h LIM1215_0h LIM1215_48h   RKO_0h  RKO_48h SW480_0h SW480_48h
7892501 6.752377  6.592593  7.576409   6.685253 6.006243 6.271173   4.511232    5.958222 5.371307 6.156128 5.779157  5.976742
7892502 6.846297  6.166110  6.173140   5.301924 5.895528 6.652065   5.657238    5.858828 6.478357 6.632395 5.883862  5.483908
7892503 3.592670  4.089133  3.595432   3.983314 3.468884 3.329923   3.598740    4.242956 4.065588 3.548275 3.785297  3.397205
7892504 9.180533  9.308925  8.655324   8.786714 8.101120 8.157576   9.133334    8.804358 8.933208 9.067537 8.494151  8.202562
7892505 3.966066  4.963173  4.181195   4.357158 4.238690 4.334786   3.705270    4.698990 3.530189 4.019916 4.057861  3.633473
7892506 6.161011  5.537104  5.048375   5.354080 6.311650 6.777239   6.325180    6.337767 5.204783 6.191189 6.470301  5.762595

#using corrgram method in corrgram package to see the samples correlation

> library (corrgram)
> corrgram(cor(colon_data_exp), lower.panel=panel.conf, upper.panel=panel.pie, col.regions=cm.colors, main="Sample Correlation")

# loading limma package, using linear model to do gene different expression analysis.

> library (limma)

# separate samples into 6 group
> groups <- c("CaCo2", "CaCo2", "HCT116", "HCT116", "HT29", "HT29", "LIM1215", "LIM1215", "RKO", "RKO", "SW480", "SW480")

# change groups to factor
> groups <- as.factor(groups)

# using model.matrix to b
uild the model matrix
> des <- model.matrix(~groups)
# show matrix design
> des
   (Intercept) groupsHCT116 groupsHT29 groupsLIM1215 groupsRKO groupsSW480
1            1            0          0             0         0           0
2            1            0          0             0         0           0
3            1            1          0             0         0           0
4            1            1          0             0         0           0
5            1            0          1             0         0           0
6            1            0          1             0         0           0
7            1            0          0             1         0           0
8            1            0          0             1         0           0
9            1            0          0             0         1           0
10           1            0          0             0         1           0
11           1            0          0             0         0           1
12           1            0          0             0         0           1
[1] 0 1 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

# Do analysis using a linear model
# using limFit() followed by eBayes() method

> fit <- lmFit(colon_data_exp, des)
> fit <- eBayes(fit)
# using toptable to see the different expression gene
> toptable(fit, coef=2)
> toptable(fit, coef=3)
> toptable(fit, coef=4)
> toptable(fit, coef=5)

> toptable(fit, coef=6)

            logFC         t      P.Value    adj.P.Val        B
8139212  6.388442  65.60093 1.119720e-13 3.619048e-09 19.99287
7918694  5.064495  44.59762 3.955354e-12 4.240144e-08 17.78992
7963427  6.126554  43.93864 4.537555e-12 4.240144e-08 17.69051
7906079 -5.324317 -42.03273 6.830113e-12 4.240144e-08 17.38849
7923547  5.250144  41.45834 7.753910e-12 4.240144e-08 17.29302
8168557 -5.885267 -41.27382 8.079409e-12 4.240144e-08 17.26189
8166611 -6.039658 -40.70440 9.183197e-12 4.240144e-08 17.16440
8088180  4.370571  38.74243 1.447748e-11 4.913646e-08 16.81113
7922337 -5.164845 -38.60976 1.494225e-11 4.913646e-08 16.78623
7991070  4.059239  38.27807 1.617830e-11 4.913646e-08 16.72337

# get 5000 differential gene each group
> diff_2 <- toptable(fit, coef=2, number=5000)
> diff_3 <- toptable(fit, coef=3, number=5000)
> diff_4 <- toptable(fit, coef=4, number=5000)
> diff_5 <- toptable(fit, coef=5, number=5000)
> diff_6 <- toptable(fit, coef=6, number=5000)

# get differential gene that there is 1.5 fold changes and adjust p value < 0.01 of each group

> diff_2 <- diff_2[abs(diff_2$logFC) >= 1.5 & diff_2$adj.P.Val < 0.01,]
> diff_3 <- diff_3[abs(diff_2$logFC) >= 1.5 & diff_3$adj.P.Val < 0.01,]
> diff_3 <- diff_3[abs(diff_3$logFC) >= 1.5 & diff_3$adj.P.Val < 0.01,]
> diff_4 <- diff_4[abs(diff_4$logFC) >= 1.5 & diff_4$adj.P.Val < 0.01,]
> diff_5 <- diff_5[abs(diff_5$logFC) >= 1.5 & diff_5$adj.P.Val < 0.01,]
> diff_6 <- diff_6[abs(diff_6$logFC) >= 1.5 & diff_6$adj.P.Val < 0.01,]

# get the row names of differential gene.

> row_2 <- rownames(diff_2)
> row_3 <- rownames(diff_3)
> row_4 <- rownames(diff_4)
> row_5 <- rownames(diff_5)
> row_6 <- rownames(diff_6)

# merge all the gene names to one dataset.
> diff_row_name <- union(row_2, row_3)
> diff_row_name <- union(diff_row_name, row_4)
> diff_row_name <- union(diff_row_name, row_5)
> diff_row_name <- union(diff_row_name, row_6)

# get all the differential expression gene value from gene expression dataset. Now colon_diff_exp contain all differential gene.

> colon_diff_exp <- colon_data_exp[match(diff_row_name, rownames(colon_data_exp)),]

# show the differential expression gene number
> nrow(colon_diff_exp)
[1] 3184

# plot heatmap to see clusters of differential gene.
> library (gplots)

> heatmap.2(as.matrix(colon_diff_exp), trace="none", col=bluered, density.info="none", labRow=F, srtCol=40)

 # k-means cluster for differential gene. Differential gene was classed into 10 group

> km <- kmeans(colon_diff_exp, 10)
> kmeansclus <- km$cluster
> names(kmeansclus) <- NULL

# merge k-means group number to gene expression dataset
> km_colon_diff <- cbind (colon_diff_exp, kmeansclus)

# sorting gene using k-means group number
> km_colon_diff <- km_colon_diff[order(km_colon_diff$kmeansclus),]
> library (lattice)
>  levelplot (as.matrix (t(km_colon_diff)), col.regions=cm.colors, aspect=1.2, xlab="", ylab="")
# using the mean data to do dot plot

> RKO <-rowMeans(colon_diff_exp[,9:10])
> CaCo2 <-rowMeans(colon_diff_exp[,1:2])
> HCT116 <-rowMeans(colon_diff_exp[,3:4])
> HT29 <-rowMeans(colon_diff_exp[,5:6])
> LIM1215 <-rowMeans(colon_diff_exp[,7:8])
> SW480 <-rowMeans(colon_diff_exp[,11:12])
> mean_diff_exp <- cbind(RKO, CaCo2, HCT116, HT29, LIM1215, SW480)
> pairs(mean_diff_exp,col=kmeansclus, pch=19, cex=0.6)

# Show the different cluster






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