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【 专题】《时代》杂志各年度十大医学突破汇集 [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 新闻小组成员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 12:10 |只看该作者 |正序浏览 |打印
2010年度! l/ T6 _( x. E# N

3 g- A0 O2 o* M转自丁香园
3 }& ?8 X! L) _/ t8 B* U7 S1 P  N0 x! l* c

. a3 \0 E0 {3 q$ a; n9 w" h7 {( t5 E
( G9 j* a# ]: |" `& g1.可降低HIV感染风险的抗艾药3 ?, D+ _5 ^# z4 D

" F5 F' ^4 }& Z- [$ J* o" G, w
6 V, O7 Y9 z# _1 C% x4 @
# v7 u4 d/ ]/ l; h0 _( z可降低HIV感染风险的抗艾药
( D* r/ x% J' m& q0 {" m
! n3 a$ k3 B3 I4 }  j8 c  抗逆转录病毒药物通过挫败HIV阳性患者体内的病毒,已经使艾滋病流行得到好转。但是一项最新研究显示,这种有效的治疗方法或许还有另外一大好处--成为健康个体对抗艾滋病毒感染的一大有力武器。在对来自6个国家的2500名HIV阳性同性恋男性进行的一项高风险试验期间,研究人员发现与安慰剂相比,一种被称作Truvada的抗逆转录病毒药物能降低44%的HIV感染风险。科学家对那些每天服用这种药物最积极的试验参与者进行更进一步研究,发现他们感染HIV的风险甚至更低,比服用安慰剂的参与者低近73%。
1 {% P% H2 ^) j9 x0 J, R* U( e) v! u! N  B
" a: B2 U2 p; e, T% o! H! U/ d8 o- {3 h! d( ^0 \/ x3 d; I( W2 F
  2.人造细胞3 e! \% p4 S8 I/ L

$ v# Q+ |! F, r. r$ e3 P  ]) v" b( [7 r8 ~
! U6 C0 p- F, U$ u& r- W- W
人造细胞& X7 I/ M5 d' T

0 Z- q% x1 n: q: ^' W+ u: w  形象地说,人类基因图谱的联合绘制者克雷格?文特尔就是21世纪版的弗兰肯斯泰因(玛丽?雪莱小说中的科学怪人,他创造的怪物最终毁灭了他本人)。2010年,文特尔又朝着在实验室创造生命的道路上向前迈出一步。通过将构成DNA的化学物质“拼接”在一起,文特尔合成了一种细菌的完整基因组,基因组随后被注入一个细胞进行自我复制。雪莱文特尔的“人造细胞”显然不具备雪莱笔下的怪物那样可怕的性格,但不管怎样,它终究是一个人造生命。8 O% n- y$ _9 R0 I

2 U( b6 Y4 x6 ^+ [( [$ x  文特尔希望他的发现将是合成生物学领域第一个实验室制造的生物。通过混合和匹配遗传物质并与适当的化合物结合,文特尔正制造出可能充当新型生物燃料的生物体,通过允许研究人员将现成不同流感病毒株摆在实验室的架子上,他制造的生物体甚至可以加速流感疫苗生产。
  }+ q2 V( L0 z7 Q+ f) J. v/ i
% z, @% C" w3 [! R4 V  3.老年性痴呆症血液检测
3 F3 L' A9 Z: E# K+ @" c
& Y* Q' `. I. C( ]
+ r- M/ N) @6 h6 I1 R) O2 o9 f1 N% B) K# V9 x
  `# R( t/ E: r% z% \# Z; @8 E2 u1 {3 L
  u9 Y! {; j9 }
( t" n0 \) R3 ~+ O, d* f  @! [1 f  新的检测手段通过分析血液中二十多种蛋白,诊断老年性痴呆症的准确率高达80%。这只是旨在提前发现和确定老年性痴呆症的一系列最新手段之一,这些手段还包括测试脊髓液。提前确诊可以帮助患者充分利用行为干预手段,如保持社会接触和学习新事物以保持大脑活跃,从而减缓老年性痴呆症造成的智力衰退。% ]& @* u0 d+ Q& c7 a

# f' d3 W0 d8 Z4 H2 [8 P  4.FDA批准使用肉毒杆菌治疗偏头痛& n2 D5 R  T9 U4 P* M6 X! k) `4 ~- S
/ n# G$ G# V8 [# U

/ T; |4 E  ?; q
8 S! n7 a$ d/ tFDA批准使用肉毒杆菌治疗偏头痛
+ ~# }8 U( {' f8 |4 Z5 h% B8 Z2 u* B$ w: [) R
  在前额处接受肉毒杆菌注射以防止皱纹产生之后,一些患者报告称他们的偏头疼症状似乎也有所缓解。获知此事之后,科学家--尤其是肉毒杆菌生产商Allergan的科学家--决定对此进行研究。依靠1000多名患者参与的两项大型测试获得的数据,Allergan成功让美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)相信,面部注射肉毒杆菌的患者每月出现偏头疼的次数低于那些并未接受这种肌肉麻痹注射的患者。) e4 u- q3 A8 O% E5 `, B2 W2 L4 j, B
6 w) x; P" v. @; x5 U+ E. o
9 O- a: C8 T: k" n3 }% S- m0 b0 b6 v& z3 N
5 l9 v2 w7 q7 m( u* i, s9 X
# ~5 @8 D+ h- A- b; F0 S( p6 y
4 v( F' g$ p, n4 `  u$ n9 K. f5 I
% E% |4 j$ I% J$ b+ \: f* U修订心肺复苏术急救指南
9 q0 h8 y& t- O" B% F  p, j3 \& ~* o7 f" M- m/ r, A8 t7 h: V3 ?
- G9 m( c' e9 q: ?
' T( W  j% O1 P$ h' A* @" p  心肺复苏术的新规定更加注重胸部按压,有时可以辅以口对口人工呼吸。近年来,一系列研究发现,未经专业培训的人更适合实施胸部按压——即便是在经过专业培训的急救人员的帮助下,那些仅接受胸部按压的患者的存活几率同接受心肺复苏术的存活几率一样大。再加上需要心肺复苏术急救的患者当中只有30%接受了这种手段的处理——部分原因是未经专业培训的人不愿实施这种他们认为相当复杂的处理,美国心脏学会被迫对心肺复苏术的急救指南做出修订。
5 v1 c9 j5 |+ d9 r" C; k8 a$ ~" Z* i- v: H" I  ^( k
$ [1 ~6 V  u6 \% J/ C: ?- {0 f1 `$ f7 d, @2 Z
已有 1 人评分威望 包包 收起 理由
lifescience1 + 2 + 5 谢谢

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Rank: 2



发表于 2011-6-12 09:43 |只看该作者
回复 starlancer 的帖子
2 S& o1 P% g7 C$ {: q/ @( s: |; D! f. V4 O4 h. ]7 k1 ?


发表于 2011-6-12 09:26 |只看该作者
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Rank: 4


专家 优秀会员 金话筒

发表于 2011-4-26 18:27 |只看该作者
回复 laputave 的帖子  c$ \" P$ ^+ ]( |: p6 _  H

" D# e( j# C! e看了一下第九条,关于人造卵巢的话题。. v0 C' M8 Y. [1 w
这个工作是很有意义的,不过却发在了j ass repro gen这个不到2分的杂志上。我觉得一方面,该工作意义确实很大,但另一方面,工作做的不够完善,否则可以上到更高级的杂志上。
, F& Z0 ~1 H& M/ E3 W另外说一句,上面的中文翻译不准确,并不是将三个初生卵细胞培养成类似卵巢的三维结构,如果真是这样那就太牛了。。。现在的技术还达不到。而是利用卵巢内的荚膜细胞和颗粒细胞体外共培养,在体外形成一个多空结构,然后将窦卵泡里带有颗粒细胞的未成熟卵母细胞放到孔里,这些卵母细胞能够在这个结构里发育并排出极体。9 Q2 Q# g  }" N) l
已有 1 人评分威望 包包 收起 理由
细胞海洋 + 20 + 30 欢迎参与讨论

总评分: 威望 + 20  包包 + 30   查看全部评分

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 新闻小组成员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 23:01 |只看该作者
回复 lifescience1 的帖子& S# V  P/ |$ q! `

6 ?1 s& s* @& h" C- y8 ~" d嘻嘻 。。不是啦。。从丁香园转的。。

Rank: 3Rank: 3


积极份子 热心会员 帅哥研究员 优秀会员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 17:21 |只看该作者
楼主好厉害   谢谢  

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 新闻小组成员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 12:18 |只看该作者
2004 Top Medical BreakthroughsBy Whitney Beem
  I/ C$ v+ g9 A$ J; [Published: December 31, 2004, 6:00 PM" ]' o0 Z" ~9 z
var addthis_pub="keloland";
! B& s- o" z5 {; e
) b! P" t( P4 _. p
, ^2 t! a4 G! E+ ]* ]2 y$ f( l. p, b- x% _
Soaring rates of obesity. Skyrocketing cases of heart disease. Startling cancer statistics. They're all negative things that happened this year in the medical world. But there has also been progress and a lot of promise. Some of the new treatments and medical methods discovered in 2004 could change your life. Here's a look at what top doctors and researchers think are the top discoveries of the year.
; x  s) l8 R2 n. B3 h0 A) m# }& K" z0 X$ z* h$ y
. }: I" q. Y3 `4 F  J7 f
. D) w( j7 X0 Q$ tPossibly 2004's biggest breakthrough are tiny pills. Researchers say statins might be the wonder drug of the century. Several studies show that the cholesterol fighting drug is safer, more effective and has more potential than even aspirin.
4 v8 f- w  U( }! g4 U# r
5 r  j/ l8 ?1 A9 `FAT: FRIEND AND FOE
! ?( l& y9 |8 O6 Z0 p5 l% E; y
3 k* E% q& |8 `6 ^  I. w% UScientists also discovered this year- that fat can be your friend. A flurry of obesity studies led researchers to the surprising conclusion. Fat is a living organ. It makes hormones that enhance your health and defend against disease and even infertility. But the news isn't as good for heavier people. Those same fat cells release a chemical that boosts the body's calorie burning ability. But that ability decreases as a person gains weight.2 d/ Q! R7 g* F4 @- A  H; G
8 ?0 i: p  ^$ @1 a8 R) e
. F: T8 x& G; K$ ~6 l5 l6 o( Y! Y' i* ^/ a$ H! l4 c
Telemedicine also tops the list of medical breakthroughs this year. The electronic monitoring system is now in more than one hundred facilities nationwide-- including Avera McKennan hospital in Sioux Falls. The system links rural hospitals to one central station, giving doctors and nurses more resources to monitor patients in critical condition.: ^9 d2 u* P5 c

3 n6 G# ]. T1 J" _; l0 j0 bOTHER TOP BREAKTHROUGHS- J$ m/ K9 Q3 b# |, y1 P0 X
% h% V, i1 y+ B, V7 Z" O2 X* G) _
Other top breakthroughs this year, a new cancer drug Avastin won FDA approval. It's one of a new group of revolutionary therapies to help patients live longer. And doctors are keeping a closer watch on depression. A 2004 study showed it afflicts 10 percent of the population and increases your odds of a heart attack
0 _( x3 Z' V6 u- _3 F2 {" Q6 k, g
3 ^! [9 w/ I" g

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 新闻小组成员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 12:18 |只看该作者
2005. y; l  h5 O$ L$ j

" \. l* c& ]* h5 N1 ?; C6 R# @& f  P. |; {6 z7 N

8 j- `3 _' S9 b+ k4 L
0 G$ ?7 B7 d! S* L8 L9 Q$ A
% y( T  _7 A& i/ n' B, J+ wMANILA, March 27, 2006 (MALAYA)
; B' z; `1 H5 x. F
) m. @. q- X9 T& Z/ j$ w: b9 N4 ]- y6 _: D) _0 X# @

0 o& V, A( u4 f# |HUNDREDS of new drugs, biologics and devices enter the market each year, giving health consumers fresh hope in their continuing battle against disability and disease. 3 S/ n+ ^/ }3 C, v; m4 {
In 2004 alone, the global pharmaceutical industry was estimated to have spent US$50 billion on research and development, and the cost of bringing a new drug to the market has soared to more than US$800 million from US$100 million in the 1980s. The financial risks for pharmaceutical companies have grown leaps as it usually takes 10-15 years from discovery before a new product gets regulators? nod and debuts in the market, and yet only one out of seven million compounds ever reach the point of clinical trial to product approval.
, o$ b2 T, G0 e( s% g6 n
2 r: f( C2 |1 p7 F" g+ |4 ^6 MAnd while there抯 still an overwhelming need for further innovation, these medical breakthroughs have nonetheless contributed to making the world a better, safer place. Following is a list of medical breakthroughs that made waves in 2005: * P* Q) E* I3 N+ Y3 ~, M1 S( t8 o( I* i
5 m" @! l5 V5 T
"Smart bomb" for cancer $ `" F2 n! l5 s4 \2 X
# D) N& Q6 U$ {# N8 \: G' @! @9 }
Doctors may soon be able to use a multi-targeting cancer drug to treat patients of several malignancies. Leading pharmaceutical firm Pfizer, Inc. recently sought USFDA approval for Sutent, a breakthrough oral medication that selectively targets multiple protein receptors and starves tumors of blood and nutrients, thus inhibiting their growth.
. ~- l$ M# {& y
" a  h! d5 ~6 v4 D/ ]% P+ xDuring clinical trials for the proposed new cancer drug, where more than 2,000 patients participated, Sutent proved its effectiveness sooner than expected. It is now under consideration for use, either alone or in combination with other medications, in the treatment of breast, lung, prostate, gastrointestinal, kidney-related and colorectal cancers. (Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)
+ p4 F7 ^6 v) q" \& c+ T0 B
( J$ [. X, x) C& ~, JProtecting the cervix , t' e# v$ m# i8 D$ D/ {
$ E7 [3 H& L/ e) E- j4 X
Before the Pap smear was introduced in 1940, cervical cancer killed more women worldwide than any other type of cancer. Regular screening has cut down the rates of cervical cancer in developed countries by as much as 70 percent but remains a big problem in developing countries where Pap smears aren抰 as widely used. - W" l' _8 F; Y# t

3 n# Y6 Q2 S) I/ U" d# u1 \So to prevent the cancer from even starting, major pharmaceutical firms Merck Sharpe and Dome and Glaxo Smith Kline are now seeking USFDA approval for a cervical cancer vaccine. Respectively dubbed Gardasil and Cervarix, both biologics have undergone large-scale clinical trials that proved their effectivity in preventing the most important strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted virus present in 99.7 percent of all cases of cancer of the cervix. (Source: www.prevention.com)
7 G( W+ O$ [$ T1 C1 ?
' f3 y5 _" [6 G$ L# bClog-clearing cholesterol / U# C5 p6 {" v3 W  B- j
. R- C! M* B+ k9 E
It all began when Dr. Steven E. Nissen, medical director of the Cleveland Clinic Cardiovascular Coordinating Center, discovered a group of related people in Limone sul Garda, Italy with extremely low HDL (good cholesterol). While LDL (bad cholesterol) aids the progress of heart disease by clogging arteries with plaque, HDL helps suppress it. ( Q0 O( D# A0 r! M2 }; ]9 t6 @
* w) N: K9 n4 f1 k% ?2 Q
Yet despite the near-absence of HDL in their blood, the people from Limone were all plaque-free. It seemed that a genetic mutation that creates a sort of supercharged HDL, dubbed Apo A-1 Milano, kept their arteries clean.
- ?) ^; ~& J# n9 O. j7 R, u0 |& [. @9 d9 ], Q! K' z% _; u' d
Finding the aberration promising, Nissen and his colleagues worked with Esperion Therapeutics (recently purchased by Pfizer) to bioengineer a synthetic form of Apo A-1 Milano, and tested it on a small group of people. 6 ?, i/ V! H6 u9 ]. O/ v$ \9 s. \

. C0 `3 B. x! `" E' c2 h3 n/ \1 b1 x5 I4 {The result? A significant reversal of plaque in the arteries, and a reduction in the risk of heart disease. More testing, however, is needed before the drug can be released to the public. (Source: www.prevention.com)
7 e6 F' I' ]# |; q
. ~$ s" f2 Q& M. I/ f* `. ]7 [. zStill on good cholesterol
+ C4 j4 e6 ~: D/ ~9 ?
: {1 V& b% ^! }8 O" Z- RA second HDL therapy, also developed by Pfizer, has already begun clinical trials. In pill form, Torcetrapib uses a different mechanism to help raise the patient抯 own HDL by as much as 50 to 60 percent. 6 \9 w  `/ |' ]$ M
. n+ ]3 |% V; a$ W  g# D
Torcetrapib can work with Apo A-1 Milano, says Nissen. "We could get a head start on reducing the plaque in a high-risk patient with the powerful but expensive intravenous therapy (Apo A-1 Milano), and then follow it up with the oral drug to sustain the benefit for months or years as needed." Nissen says these therapies will begin to become commercially available in three or four years, assuming study results are positive. (Source: www.prevention.com)
* o9 a( [+ D# ~( d$ e7 p- P/ j  K2 h+ ^9 N# ]8 y
Genes on a chip
. `& i1 A* k! T/ `" q" _3 F2 M$ N+ S- q
Wouldn抰 you want to be able to take a new drug without fear of side effects? Aware that adverse drug reactions kill hundreds of thousands of people a year, Affymetrix, a technology company in Santa Clara, California, and Roche Diagnostics teamed up to develop a genetic analysis tool that will help doctors better predict how a patient will respond to certain kinds of medication. : ~, X3 E1 p5 b( `1 x7 d1 n

/ z9 [. u  |5 S- s5 uNo bigger than a thumbnail, the AmpliChip CYP450 Test contains tens of thousands of DNA strands and can detect about 30 variations in two genes that regulate how people are affected by many commonly prescribed medications, including a number of anti-depressants, beta-blockers and pain relievers. The test is already available in Europe and is currently undergoing FDA review in the United States. (Data Source: www.rd.com)
. h7 m0 m4 [" H1 T! s. v* |3 F% w: t; X# p7 R! q* ^% v& d
Brain power
! y5 \7 {! ~0 R" g7 k9 b
2 w1 _) ^- K  z7 F/ `. PIt抯 now possible for people with nerve or muscular damage to write email, play video games or change the TV channel ?just by virtue of thought.
( r. ~+ E& ]1 q& p3 M- j( ~1 s9 ]
! L: a  O" x1 Z" Z% Z! D/ DScientists at Brown University and the University of Utah recently developed a system dubbed the BrainGate Neural Interface System that allows a paralyzed patient to direct his thoughts to a cursor on a computer screen.
0 F5 R) }6 J( R; ?4 D6 q  \& j2 L, H! [* V
How? A tiny sensor implanted in his brain picks up electrical signals and sends them through three computers that process them into signals just like those from a computer mouse (these processors currently sit on a cart and are not mobile, but will eventually become wireless and small enough to fit inside the body). When connected, the patient can just "think" the cursor from place to place like the rest of us use a mouse. He can also use the computer connect to other devices, such as a TV set. The system has been tested on a small group of people and is set to undergo a large-scale clinical trial. (Data Source: www.ivanhoe.com) ! k6 M! _( w. U: ~/ z+ v3 L; d
" w' J7 d5 Z& @  l$ l
Stroke patients move again " p% ~3 p1 t$ N0 b! k
" [' B% d5 H3 Y& o
A new device is giving stroke patients who have lost the use of hands or arms new hope. Developed by Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Systems Ltd. (NESS), an Israeli firm, the NESS H200 is a palm-sized microprocessor that delivers a mild electrical charge that stimulates muscles in the hand and wrist to perform a sequence of movements, allowing patients to utilize their hands.
; I0 p2 ?1 v1 P" n4 g; M, C" |7 I; Q' w9 d. k
Made of soft, polymer prosthesis, the device fits the patient抯 hand and forearm. In addition to improving functional use of the hand, the NESS H200 can also reduce or prevent complications associated with central nervous system disorders, including spasticity, disuse muscles atrophy, pain and edema. (Source: www.ivanhoe.com)
" B; ]( \0 s9 L- P- u- o: i2 Y2 ~6 ?+ W9 Q  C
New children抯 vaccine - m, f* x+ w3 Y- `1 u. r" H9 t, R
/ e( O4 t+ u. q* e  ?! Z$ s5 D
Parents have something new to be happy about. New research shows that Merck & Co, Inc.抯 investigational vaccine, Rotateq, can safely prevent 98 percent of the viral infection rotavirus. The most common cause of severe diarrhea in children, rotavirus kills an estimated 600,000 children every year.
( A, w6 O9 }- D) Y1 B3 X# N
( s& o6 [" _0 [  Q& o7 Z  U; R$ fDavid O. Matson, M.D., professor of pediatrics at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, and leader of the ongoing Rotateq study, said: "Development of a safe and effective rotavirus vaccine has been a worldwide priority since the virus was discovered in the 1970s, [as] it became clear at that time that it was one of the major killers of children, and [that] there was no effective treatment." Now it seems that there just might be. (Data Sources: www.medicalnews.today and the New England Journal of Medicine) 2 G" g, J2 V+ T4 g8 y

& P# d" h! y; T% s" xKidney cancer therapy $ W2 f; w$ v% t( k, E
' u3 l% k' K" S* m6 n
Kidney cancer has just found itself a new, formidable enemy. Bayer Pharmaceuticals recently obtained USFDA approval for Nexavar, an anti-cancer drug used to treat adults with advanced renal cell carcinoma, the most common type of kidney cancer.
$ ~4 l' s" r" M2 V& @
) t0 l( N6 T+ ^+ MNearly 208,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma each year and more than 102,000 of them die. If detected early enough, the cancer may be curable surgically. However, tumors that are advanced (i.e., cannot be surgically removed or have spread to other parts of the body) are difficult to treat. "The approval of Nexavar to treat advanced kidney cancer brings a much needed option for this group of cancer patients," said Dr. Steven Galson, Director of FDA抯 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. (Data Source: www.fda.gov). / _7 x) H- l6 g6 r

8 A: `9 ?; X% w+ E( oArresting aneurysms
0 Q8 e! W7 ~' M  C: T: g9 ^) F. q
" A1 r7 R( m5 o: f1 ^, S( {' N$ C% `The USFDA recently approved a device to treat bulging weak spots in the body抯 main artery, a condition called aortic aneurism. Aneurysms are serious health risks because they can burst or rupture, cause severe internal bleeding, leading to shock or death. , K1 m; ~* a0 P$ s9 V- i& W5 z7 u
* N& N( j! [9 X
The GORE TAG Endoprosthesis System is designed to make a new path for blood flow around the arterial bulge in order to prevent the aorta (main chest artery) from rupturing. The device, made by Arizona-based W.L. Gore and Associates, is a graft made of a Teflon-like substance that re-lines the inside of the weakened aortic wall. Implantation is less invasive than traditional surgery to treat aneurisms. The FDA said it approved the device after its success was proven during clinical trials involving about 200 people. (Data Source: www.wilmed.org)
( Z+ Q8 Q# X7 c5 W# q7 C6 D; Q
Battling blindness
; `% o7 w, ?; s" \* c% |, Y
  ]3 ~9 }& b5 f% ?An estimated 500,000 people worldwide lose their vision each year from age-related muscular degeneration (AMD), an eye disease that destroys central vision in older people. Since the number of people over the age of 60 is expected to reach 1.2 billion by 2025 and two billion by 2050, the need for a definitive treatment to combat this disease has steadily grown.
3 e8 e9 C+ ^, s
% s% O: e5 a" |1 x$ {5 ]Fortunately, hope is on its way in the form of a pegaptanib sodium injection. Developed and marketed by Pfizer, Inc. under the brand name "Macugen," pegaptanib sodium is the first molecule indicated for the treatment of neovascular (wet) AMD. The largest clinical trial ever conducted for AMD patients showed that Macugen significantly reduced vision loss when compared to a placebo across all AMD patients. It also reduced the rate of vision loss by 70 percent. These results are significant because currently, up to 75 percent of patients with wet AMD do not have a treatment option.
1 N& z- t! m* v# _
# G/ d" y1 U# X9 C# z6 k) L; ]1 x3 N+ W( v/ @$ C
; a9 y4 X- G; n9 }

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 新闻小组成员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 12:17 |只看该作者
2006" ?- L* W+ x/ v- e( W( T

/ m0 g4 ^) ?& D  F4 P1.宫颈癌疫苗加德西(Gardasil)" L# p3 }9 M( }. Y9 I; b* m, r

) {+ ]% l0 K4 q& q0 t+ X  宫颈癌疫苗加德西是全球首支癌症疫苗。宫颈癌主要由人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)引起,而加德西可以预防HPV6、HPV11、HPV16和HPV18型感染引起的宫颈癌和生殖道癌前病变,能保护病人免受通过性传播的HPV的侵袭。去年6月,美国食品与药物管理局批准加德西上市,临床使用对象为9岁~26岁的女性。去年9月,加德西在英国也批准上市。3 h: M& t  Y2 a1 l5 g$ f

0 W" @$ l7 L+ |6 f0 ^8 ]. q2.戒烟药物Chantix/ B% y% c, G# ], X8 n5 b& b9 G- E
9 s- A, d1 r, h
8 ^8 ~* X& n% G/ Y* |4 ?$ e" p; L6 f4 T
 3.紧急避孕药Plan B
$ W8 L2 d+ i' R9 {+ Z  g9 z
$ d" A( Z! {7 b+ s# E# ?5 T  紧急避孕药“Morning-after Pills”的英文直译是“第二天一早避孕药”,又叫B计划(Plan B),一般是在无防护措施的性行为或者其他避孕措施失败后72小时内使用。它可以影响卵子在输卵管中的传送,在无保护性行为发生72个小时内阻止怀孕。去年3月,美国食品与药物管理局批准Plan B转为非处方药物,允许药店或有医药执照的便利店对18岁以上女性销售。9 B& t4 k0 h) N+ K, B8 O0 a* w
4.抗艾新药Atripla/ x5 k; s3 Q( [- t

. o$ l8 Q  D$ z5 B- h  去年7月,美国食品与药物管理局批准治疗艾滋病的新型药物Atripla生产和销售。Atripla将此前使用于“鸡尾酒疗法”的三种治疗艾滋病药物合为一体,患者每天只需服用一次,每次服用一粒。
+ O# O2 \" f5 |' |+ g7 h
" G. k0 s9 o- E8 r$ W5.硅胶隆胸解禁2 G0 L! ^0 h. f% a7 }8 F

/ h7 }. `4 D( {7 u  1992年,由于许多妇女投诉在使用了某医药公司的隆胸硅胶产品后得了乳腺癌,美国食品与药物管理局开始禁用硅胶隆胸。14年后,在另外两家医药公司的申请下,硅胶隆胸在美国得以解禁,22岁以上的女性被批准使用隆胸硅胶产品。据报道,美国新研制的硅胶产品在密封性、防破裂方面比以前的产品有了较大的改进,4吨卡车压上去也不会烂。
) ^! m  v% N+ D, c1 b' w3 X, i6 ]1 b, L9 d% g! N
% `% M# W2 A2 c! [0 y9 D0 p- D# j
3 z5 U' e; E  X7 e3 J  美国疾病控制中心在2006年首次建议13岁到64岁的病人到医疗中心做艾滋病毒 测试。此前,该机构仅建议在艾滋病毒发现率高的医院或高危人群中普及艾滋病毒测试。
  s* \, P; C( P% R) F
/ r+ M) T) t' G) b0 c7.抑郁症治疗药Emsam透皮剂
1 ]0 o0 @! f" K6 {2 U' l  H& h- `2 Q% i% g% F/ _7 |, i
  美国食品与药物管理局2006年2月批准治疗成人重度抑郁症的Emsam透皮剂上市。这是第一种用于治疗重度抑郁症的透皮剂片,可以在24小时内使药物成分直接并持续地进入人体血液系统。此前,服用治疗重度抑郁症药物的病人不能同时食用芝士、辣香肠和啤酒等食物,否则将引发血压升高,而Emsam透皮剂将不会有食物限制。) E8 m3 ~" S3 {9 E) }6 R( t9 q
: q1 Z  P# ~( C, l貌似现在有人遇到这个好男人了,嘿嘿.....
* M7 S& M) }/ r2 \  |, w门外一只小花狗在啃一根肉骨头,啃啊,啃啊...
5 z. t0 m' T2 H( ^0 }+ Q' q 8.干细胞提取新方法8 I, g6 a" e/ W6 o0 \; |
! I- Q( j  P/ w9 k# D* d: Y, U
  干细胞研究的最大争议是,从晶胚中提取干细胞会破坏胚胎,等于间接杀害生命。美国“先进细胞科技公司”去年宣布,他们在干细胞提取科技上取得一些突破,可以在不损害晶胚的情况下提取干细胞。; m# s# n: w4 _& [2 {: E
4 i( y1 ?  j& \; ?# v
* y/ r* Z4 L; L: Z4 G  `0 x: [! P6 v6 N
, `; i) Y! I$ {7 ]' a
: a4 |) P; x3 z# B 10.绘制老鼠“脑地图”  B' ?4 H7 s) N! P  }

0 |( r' P7 E/ {1 F# C5 G5 g& f  在微软公司的合伙人保罗·艾伦的赞助下,美国一个科研机构绘制出完整的老鼠大脑的图谱——“艾伦大脑图谱”。图谱精确到了老鼠的每个细胞,对大脑各个部分的功能也有了比以前更为详细的说明。
4 }$ c6 ~  X& X) a& ]; c; N# v. \4 p+ d* A; Q. n
, M6 y$ Z/ \$ u* b3 n1 ^1 J) s3 G8 p9 t$ q/ i

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 新闻小组成员 小小研究员

发表于 2011-4-23 12:16 |只看该作者
! y8 H- }3 x" |. ?4 G9 ?, a, D- L& A- P& k0 d( Y. J

7 f6 V$ k1 [* O# _
' E- B7 u: \" G( N) X% Z0 @4 M5 q0 b1 `0 w3 E
  几乎所有的女性都梦想不再有月经周期的烦恼,现在证实连续服用的避孕药物Lybrel确有此功效。该药与传统避孕药相似,只是没了安慰剂成分。一般情况下,要使避孕期达到一月有效,就需服用四至七天药物,这会带来月经;而服用Lybrel,则以激素类药物取而代之,从而也不会再来月经了。接下来,大多数女性可能会有小量的点状出血,尤其是在服药的第一年。$ S7 ^# h5 ?7 y# m5 H) _2 J
+ P( d8 W1 v- L$ T0 T/ y" V, Y7 X
  7. 新药让人摆脱肌肉酸痛7 d" D; I+ _) o5 r8 i. W: @

$ @/ k( C4 i5 s2 [, F) a* t1 P4 ~7 Y% X
2 w7 |) k3 k1 ~6 T
& B% u+ h# P- _7 G3 t
8 l8 T  k' C! r" ^5 e
' M2 i6 g" `2 L6 e, V: g9 \  8. 肺癌早诊断变容易" c3 ?1 P% l" l2 a* G% e- u# X& b
  \9 v* ~2 i; j  j

- C9 G& N+ O7 v
" p5 M2 ~8 D% G3 ^7 z
. [/ ^; d+ `4 U. M  肺癌是致死率最高的癌症杀手,其如此致命的一大原因是因为当其被确诊之时,通常已出现了咳血等明显症状,此时一般已经发展到了相当程度并很难治疗。最新的血液测试能较早地极为准确地诊断出患病的几率,被称作LC测试,检测在肺癌各个不同阶段时血液中的蛋白质含量,这在健康人群中非常少见。只凭此一项检测就可确诊肺癌,同时也可与胸部X透视、CT断层扫描和其它成像技术一起确认早期肿瘤。: m6 c$ _. U: s. b9 _# a6 F' c
+ F& n) ]6 z' @! }9 w
  9. 干细胞有新来源———羊水
0 W% K0 M9 ]5 [) L! [1 U- t7 X
1 d. E3 t4 ^- D3 L7 `. d- w$ B
, Q6 `' ]% f$ P6 A) _( _( M
3 z, n, v8 V: p- l) E
  今年是干细胞研究取得重大突破的一年,尤其是关于羊水的课题。研究人员认为,从羊水中提出的干细胞,简称AFS,具有激发人体内已知含有的220种专有干细胞中绝大多数并不是全部的潜能,从而可能在胚胎和成人之间的AFS干细胞之间发挥某些作用。最重要的是,AFS比较容易取得,可以通过产前例行的羊水诊断取得足量的羊水;另外还可在“产后”即产妇生完孩子后取得AFS干细胞。  P* _8 W9 ?' D# S" T( Q( y
0 l3 L1 A) y: t( i( K
  10. 发现维生素D更多益处
" s/ E" Q7 X  t4 Z8 N
1 C+ }7 ?- l6 B1 X3 l) \( d, l. W9 A8 g  J

# x; ^. Q* Q' X, I8 Q  长期以来,研究人员一直明白,“阳光维生素”能够促进人体对钙的吸收,增加骨骼密度,2007年的最新研究成果进一步证明了维生素D还有很多其它好处:饮食中若含有丰富的维生素D会减少得糖尿病、口腔疾病和多发性硬化症、甚至癌症的机率。虽然关于维生素D和癌症发病之前的联系还有待进一步考证,但关于肝癌的新闻仍然令人振奋。在一项大型测试中,对卫生从业人员和女性卫生护理的后续研究发现,那些血液中维生素D含量较高的人比另外的人罹患肝癌的机率要小一半。为最大限度地发挥维生素D的好处,建议每天补充摄入1000国际单位。 + i5 J( s# g% o3 J5 f: d

. Z' v& \0 m+ f% B* }+ C9 K5 [6 Q5 o
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