干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站's Archiver

yuzai1990 发表于 2011-2-25 18:08



marrowstem 发表于 2011-2-25 19:31

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     2、同一肿瘤内的肿瘤干细胞是一样的吗?我们知道干性stemness可以包含不同状态的细胞。另外重要的一点是:一个肿瘤内的肿瘤干细胞是一成不变的吗?他们还可以进一步clone evolution吗?

tpwang 发表于 2011-2-25 20:23

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本期Cell倒是有一篇Targeting Aneuploidy for Cancer Therapy的文章,Identification of Aneuploidy - Selective Antiproliferation Compounds。也属于“靶向”。见:[url]http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-35043-1-1.html[/url]

如果Marrowstem反复指出的,肿瘤的异质性还没有很好的characterization,指望肿瘤干细胞概念一下子找到magic pill,可能也不容易。

深海寂寞鱼 发表于 2011-2-25 20:31

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就是需要对肿瘤干细胞的特性有进一步的了解,并且必须了解肿瘤干细胞和其对应的正常组织干细胞的差别(或者其微环境的差异)。肿瘤干细胞毕竟是肿瘤,所以它一定有不同于正常组织干细胞的地方。 如果真能实现的话,这样才能在靶向肿瘤的同时不伤及无辜。


肿瘤干细胞有没有个体差异性? 一个个体中的肿瘤干细胞会不会也有异质性?



1. Therapeutic Antibody Targeting of CD47 Eliminates Human Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Chao MP, Alizadeh AA, Tang C, Jan M, Weissman-Tsukamoto R, Zhao F, Park CY, Weissman IL, Majeti R. Cancer Res. 2011; 71 (4): 1374-84

2. Anti-CD47 antibody synergizes with rituximab to promote phagocytosis and eradicate non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Chao MP, Alizadeh AA, Tang C, Myklebust JH, Varghese B, Gill S, Jan M, Cha AC, Chan CK, Tan BT, Park CY, Zhao F, Kohrt HE, Malumbres R, Briones J, Gascoyne RD, Lossos IS, Levy R, Weissman IL, Majeti R. Cell. 2010; 142 (5): 699-713



tpwang 发表于 2011-2-25 22:43

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Genetic Predisposition Directs Breast Cancer Phenotype by Dictating Progenitor Cell Fate

Critical Appraisal of the Side Population Assay in Stem Cell and Cancer Stem Cell Research

均发表在Cell Stem Cell 2011.2期,本站下载地址:[url]http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-34366-1-1.html[/url]

附关于这两篇文章的Editor Notes

Striking Out Cancer
Applying the cancer stem cell model to therapeutic strategies depends on the ability to target the tumor-initiating cells. In this issue, Kuperwasser and colleagues examined sample biopsies from individuals who carry BRCA1 mutations but have not yet developed cancer. These individuals are particularly prone to aggressive basal-like breast cancer, but the mechanism underlying this tumor propensity remains unclear. By expressing oncogenes in the mutant mammary epithelial samples to initiate cancer, the authors found that BRCA1 mutations promote differentiation toward the basal cell fate and that the transcriptional repressor Slug is a mediator of this BRCA1-dependent bias. This study highlights that fate-determining differentiation pathways could also serve as functionally effective targets for clinical intervention. Another epigenetic modifier, Lsh, has been identified by Mills et al. as a target of a p63 isoform, which works with Ras to overcome senescence in epithelial stem cells and promote tumorigenesis. Many tumor-forming cells and other stem cell populations can be isolated using a flow-cytometry-based method known as the ‘‘side population’’ (SP) assay, which depends on their ability to efflux Hoescht dyes. As Niclou and colleagues describe in their Protocol Review, the SP assay can be a powerful technique for cell enrichment, especially when used in conjunction with surface marker staining. However, it is also a highly sensitive and variable methodology and its successful use depends on the inclusion of consistent controls and rigorous reporting standards.

evial 发表于 2011-2-25 23:07

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