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干细胞随笔 今日: 0|主题: 578

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百年癌症研究的 15 座里程碑(ZT) attach_img agree  ...2 marrowstem 2015-4-10 1748430 oscarshin 2015-12-20 22:31
Nature平息淋巴细胞起源的百年争议(ZT) agree marrowstem 2015-5-22 233430 oscarshin 2015-12-20 22:25
Nature子刊:重编程癌细胞,由恶转善?(ZT)(附原文) attachment agree marrowstem 2015-8-25 238969 oscarshin 2015-12-20 22:06
如何用“代谢酶亚型谱分析”来进行“细胞鉴别”? attach_img agree FreeCell 2013-12-2 190889 sunny15006 2015-11-12 15:06
猛人PD-1的逆袭(ZT) attach_img recommend agree marrowstem 2015-9-14 340499 ambassador 2015-10-28 13:10
最强癌症深度科普(ZT) attach_img agree  ...2 marrowstem 2015-8-16 1458654 knowtumor 2015-10-16 14:46
诺贝尔医学奖候选人:张庭栋,王振义,陈竺 attach_img agree marrowstem 2015-9-23 7112101 knowtumor 2015-10-16 14:20
邂逅 recommend agree bukuro 2015-10-15 032958 bukuro 2015-10-15 14:03
细胞重编程的单细胞分析(ZT)(附原文) attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...2 marrowstem 2015-3-12 1662222 sithbj 2015-9-20 15:25
相信奇迹,相信阿司匹林!(ZT) recommend agree marrowstem 2012-9-24 842398 marrowstem 2015-9-8 20:39
抗“癌”大阅兵(ZT) agree marrowstem 2015-9-3 731094 marrowstem 2015-9-4 20:17
Cell:免疫系统上演007谍战片(ZT) agree marrowstem 2015-8-25 228651 sue 2015-8-31 10:44
Cell: Harnessing Immunotherapy against Cancer(ZT) attachment agree marrowstem 2015-8-13 637164 ziyunfei1982 2015-8-17 11:13
对肿瘤发生机制的一点个人思考 attach_img heatlevel digest agree  ...23456..7 marrowstem 2009-9-23 66200402 jyzqwj 2015-8-12 15:27
STAP细胞事件再生枝节(ZT) agree  ...2 marrowstem 2014-9-14 1149505 jyzqwj 2015-8-12 10:11
干细胞:生命中的相对论 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...2345 marrowstem 2009-10-18 45172594 jyzqwj 2015-8-12 08:52
《万疾之王:癌症传奇》(The emperor of all maladies: A biography of cancer)(ZT) attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...2 marrowstem 2013-2-27 1374753 wulinfeng 2015-8-3 19:43
癌肿还源——退化论之说 attach_img recommend digest agree  ...2 marrowstem 2015-7-4 1572494 FreeCell 2015-8-1 14:56
大家齐心合力贡献攻克肿瘤的思路? agree  ...2 阿里巴巴 2015-4-3 1049449 clairemami 2015-7-29 15:22
Niche of stem cells: 百花齐放…… attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23456..13 marrowstem 2009-10-25 122275942 marrowstem 2015-7-18 09:03
干细胞生物学研究还在一个“黑箱”里探索 attach_img recommend heatlevel digest agree  ...2 marrowstem 2014-12-20 1677838 100RMB 2015-7-17 15:43
《我的老板 or 我的导师》草稿连载开始,求指正 recommend heatlevel digest agree  ...23 hyde 2015-5-26 23119170 hyde 2015-7-9 11:30
当癌干细胞进入冬眠-一种根治癌症的新概念 attach_img recommend heatlevel digest agree  ...2 bukuro 2015-6-24 1789867 三木一叶 2015-7-1 22:08
是STAP细胞技术重现吗?(附原文) attachment agree  ...2 marrowstem 2014-12-16 1156113 bukuro 2015-7-1 12:08
当叶绿体移植变成现实 attach_img recommend agree bukuro 2015-6-24 132597 bioon 2015-6-25 13:44
当生命简化成一枚细胞 recommend agree bukuro 2015-6-24 934593 zb_ming 2015-6-24 21:57
走近干细胞内的量子纠缠 attach_img heatlevel digest agree  ...23 marrowstem 2014-11-28 2497582 zhongzin 2015-6-24 14:29
别再为“癌”纠结! 因为癌症是最浪漫死法(ZT) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 marrowstem 2015-1-4 1459024 huanr006 2015-6-15 10:03
基因组和精密医学 recommend agree hyde 2015-6-9 038862 hyde 2015-6-9 21:59
发现一种兔病毒可以杀死一些癌细胞,提高骨髓移植手术效果 agree hyde 2015-6-8 240193 afei198520 2015-6-9 09:19


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