干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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nature:结肠癌细胞中p53的缺陷会抑制代谢 attachment  ...23456..22 chenhuachen 2013-4-25 218413073 三好学生 2024-5-9 11:05
PCR和RT-PCR技术大全 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 smcocr 2010-5-6 314543144 netlover 2024-5-9 06:43
EndNote 使用手册 attachment agree  ...23456..23 eley 2010-7-23 229409969 lab2010 2024-5-9 06:17
再发一个,有用你就来!天然免疫 attachment agree  ...23456..24 kongmingno1 2014-5-8 236414537 舒思 2024-5-9 00:31
PDF电子书:Infectious Disease and National Secrity attachment agree  ...23456..24 yzhbl008 2010-9-6 231370313 墨玉 2024-5-8 23:00
细胞周期 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 weilairen817 2012-12-9 245487210 tian2006 2024-5-8 20:57
2009年中国抗肿瘤药行业最新完整报告 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 aspring 2011-8-24 278494530 ladybird 2024-5-8 20:54
Office Tab 6.00【有破解么?】  ...23456..28 ln8008 2010-9-4 273447245 HongHong 2024-5-8 19:59
关注你的身体(男性卷) attachment agree  ...23456..24 eley 2010-7-23 238410163 haha3245 2024-5-8 19:40
[分享] 《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》官方正式中文版 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..27 eley 2011-11-6 261421916 kaikai 2024-5-8 19:18
酶联免疫吸附试验及其应用 attachment agree  ...23456..24 永远的伊凡 2011-5-17 238420704 xuguofeng 2024-5-8 14:12
《Excel图表之道》.pdf attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 jinwei1114 2010-9-6 272454806 bioprotein 2024-5-8 11:39
How to analyze a new gene attachment agree  ...23456..26 hdc2001 2010-7-28 256411391 leeking 2024-5-8 11:06
脑肿瘤的动物模式---历史启示和未来展望 attachment agree  ...23456..21 wzpwls 2010-6-11 202360908 abc987 2024-5-8 11:00
《Excel图表之道》.pdf attachment agree  ...23456..23 jinwei1114 2010-9-16 229399459 陈晴 2024-5-8 08:53
发表文章中有关realtime PCR实验结果分析方法和MIQE指南 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 leeche 2010-12-18 277537982 tian2006 2024-5-8 08:38
short protocol of amRNAi attachment  ...23456..24 tinaqu 2012-7-20 239380498 咕咚123 2024-5-8 08:12
pdf 百名院士科技系列报告集(上) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..23 yudoudou 2011-3-8 224431220 ikiss 2024-5-8 04:13
如何阅读一本书.(美)艾德勒,(美)范多.zip attachment heatlevel  ...23456..27 细胞海洋 2012-5-5 269453370 yukun 2024-5-8 01:41
基因表达调控动画(超清英文版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 sunyucheng 2010-2-5 297512242 txxxtyq 2024-5-8 01:02
PDF电子书:全面提高你的记忆力(优秀科学家必读) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 wanglbest 2010-11-14 262466062 知足常乐 2024-5-7 20:39
培养基制备指南 attachment  ...23456..15 lxd 2018-9-29 144251221 highlight 2024-5-7 02:36
神经细胞图片集 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 Tim 2013-5-24 260538436 3344555 2024-5-7 01:54
刚刚得到的测DNA浓度的紫外分光光度计使用的动画,分享一下哦 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 lili9999 2010-5-31 292504968 8666sea 2024-5-7 00:06
实验室基本操作大全 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 liutianzhu 2010-7-13 284484557 foxok 2024-5-6 17:22
流式细胞术【精细】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 jhu132llh 2010-11-2 288558804 命运的宠儿 2024-5-6 16:44
PDF电子书:希氏内科学-内分泌和代谢疾病 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 abocide 2010-6-15 262449315 Whole 2024-5-6 16:22
进化生物学中的二十篇经典文献 attachment recommend agree  ...23456..25 eley 2011-8-2 249485796 ladybird 2024-5-6 13:38
通过实例学习GraphPad+Prism作图的流程 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..31 wangming 2010-10-12 303536589 heart10 2024-5-6 13:10
化学、化工、生物免费数据库 heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 sunshine520 2010-9-27 269460760 hmhy 2024-5-6 13:03


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