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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 细胞与微环境 沙龙区 疟原虫感染可能用于肺癌的免疫治疗(附原文)



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疟原虫感染可能用于肺癌的免疫治疗(附原文) [复制链接]

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-12-1 19:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印

3 [  V7 t9 J$ F- O% E3 n0 V" P! v2 N中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院与广州医学院的研究人员在肺癌免疫治疗实验研究取得新进展。相关论文在线发表于美国《公共科学图书馆—综合》(PLoS ONE)杂志上。9 v, c: _! Q, S' F
5 o% }0 m+ `" L7 t: x
中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院感染与免疫研究中心的陈小平研究员与广州医学院呼吸疾病研究所钟南山院士为这篇文章的共同通讯作者。这一研究得到了国家自然科学基金(No. 81001022),呼吸疾病国家重点实验室以及中国科学院佛山产业技术创新与育成中心的资金资助。
+ a# K. h# A" J/ H$ `" Y8 `; ~* g. Q" O  x4 g
* ]4 p  e0 I# D, i( r  D5 W2 y, A+ ?6 S
. _4 ^* B8 i! t6 ]
; `3 r% l; j' `" ]' I该项研究表明,疟原虫感染通过激活天然免疫和特异性免疫反应抑制肿瘤血管生成,进而抑制肿瘤生长和转移。该研究有着积极的应用前景,即疟原虫感染可能用于肺癌的免疫治疗,也可能作为携带肿瘤抗原的新载体用于开发新型有效的治疗性肺癌疫苗。
0 P: E7 V' n4 p  g6 F( Y1 O& @- g$ m5 x6 c, ^/ m* ~* H$ \2 F
5 f6 O! n' V# }! W0 P

/ l" v& c! G) `0 B: BAntitumor Effect of Malaria Parasite Infection in a Murine Lewis Lung Cancer Model through Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
$ F4 g# D4 y/ M) _1 S) {6 `$ ^, [1 }! z0 \$ a
Lili Chen1,3, Zhengxiang He1,3, Li Qin1,3, Qinyan Li1,3, Xibao Shi1, Siting Zhao1, Ling Chen1, Nanshan Zhong2*, Xiaoping Chen1,3*
$ m) Z) F8 x# l$ C) O; ?3 g! P  A
8 u1 @2 X: R% t" z: LBackground
: b4 G. H) H# s; u5 @Lung cancer is the most common malignancy in humans and its high fatality means that no effective treatment is available. Developing new therapeutic strategies for lung cancer is urgently needed. Malaria has been reported to stimulate host immune responses, which are believed to be efficacious for combating some clinical cancers. This study is aimed to provide evidence that malaria parasite infection is therapeutic for lung cancer.- k/ l+ _& z6 ]5 |; w0 }, _
2 n. j  t! B5 {, d
Methodology/Principal Findings
0 O, `1 `/ V2 g7 G& AAntitumor effect of malaria infection was examined in both subcutaneously and intravenously implanted murine Lewis lung cancer (LLC) model. The results showed that malaria infection inhibited LLC growth and metastasis and prolonged the survival of tumor-bearing mice. Histological analysis of tumors from mice infected with malaria revealed that angiogenesis was inhibited, which correlated with increased terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated (TUNEL) staining and decreased Ki-67 expression in tumors. Through natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity activity, cytokine assays, enzyme-linked immunospot assay, lymphocyte proliferation, and flow cytometry, we demonstrated that malaria infection provided anti-tumor effects by inducing both a potent anti-tumor innate immune response, including the secretion of IFN-γ and TNF-α and the activation of NK cells as well as adaptive anti-tumor immunity with increasing tumor-specific T-cell proliferation and cytolytic activity of CD8+ T cells. Notably, tumor-bearing mice infected with the parasite developed long-lasting and effective tumor-specific immunity. Consequently, we found that malaria parasite infection could enhance the immune response of lung cancer DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-hMUC1 and the combination produced a synergistic antitumor effect.
' L, b! ?5 {) O8 i: E3 H" v' [
; q( V8 u& |! K1 \! AConclusions/Significance, N/ g5 `) A+ Z' a0 M7 w
Malaria infection significantly suppresses LLC growth via induction of innate and adaptive antitumor responses in a mouse model. These data suggest that the malaria parasite may provide a novel strategy or therapeutic vaccine vector for anti-lung cancer immune-based therapy) }! ^  I+ Z6 V& l

: B9 t! b3 s! w4 a5 z- K9 Ahttp://www.plosone.org/article/i ... ournal.pone.00244074 |. A- m" j& s: D2 y. I
) ]8 [( y, J4 Y; L7 ]! O& \

+ X& g. x) h( \/ q, W, Y' w; q! h9 X
9 T! J' }6 Z% S* U5 o- N5 T2 U' o, ]7 d. F+ W) J6 i6 A
; _/ |4 z1 \" |' I, x  E
6 Z( m; L& ?# Y9 y8 v; P# w


5 F3 [; L+ G5 v8 e# H9 ]生活史 6 z# R( S) J9 n* g* A. k+ l7 I

$ B* ~! W+ ]" E: k% _! m     寄生于人体的4种疟原虫生活史基本相同,需要人和按蚊二个宿主。在人体内先后寄生于肝细胞和红细胞内,进行裂体增殖(schizogony)。在红细胞内,除进行裂体增殖外,部分裂殖子形成配子体,开始有性生殖的初期发育。在蚊体内,完成配子生殖(gametogony),继而进行孢子增殖(sporogony)。疟原虫在红细胞内生长、发育、繁殖,形态变化很大。一般分为三个主要发育期。
' A! p) ~* Z$ d/ r4 c; S   (1)滋养体(trophozoite):为疟原虫在红细胞内摄食和生长、发育的阶段。按发育先后,滋养体有早、晚期之分。早期滋养体胞核小,胞质少,中间有空泡,虫体多呈环状,故又称之为环状体(ring form)。以后虫体长大,胞核亦增大,胞质增多,有时伸出伪足,胞质中开始出现疟色素(malarial pigment)。间日疟原虫和卵形疟原虫寄生的红细胞可以变大、变形,颜色变浅,常有明显的红色薛氏点(Schuffner’s dots);被恶性疟原虫寄生的红细胞有粗大的紫褐色茂氏点(Maurer’s dots);被三日疟原虫寄生的红细胞可有齐氏点(Ziemann’s dots)。此时称为晚期滋养体,亦称大滋养体。) n& Y/ y6 N0 k4 n, {- q
! t) ~7 B7 J" u3 C6 |   (3)配子体(gametocyte):疟原虫经过数次裂体增殖后,部分裂殖子侵入红细胞中发育长大,核增大而不再分裂,胞质增多而无伪足,最后发育成为圆形、卵圆形或新月形的个体,称为配子体;配子体有雌、雄(或大小)之分:雌(大)配子体虫体较大,胞质致密,疟色素多而粗大,核致密而偏于虫体一侧或居中;雄(小)配子体虫体较小,胞质稀薄,疟色素少而细小,核质疏松、较大、位于虫体中央。8 K- L1 t& l7 V! ^4 T
- ~! w) j4 p& p3 }! j' P4 |1 J
营养代谢3 Z- l; ?3 _' N  a, G2 W
  疟原虫可通过表膜的渗透或经胞口以吞饮方式摄取营养。在肝细胞内寄生的红细胞外期疟原虫,以肝细胞的胞质为营养。9 q5 Q- m4 f0 z4 g8 w7 ?% J
8 a. {' ?1 z- v- {2 n  红细胞内期疟原虫的糖原储存很少,葡萄糖是疟原虫红细胞内期主要的能量来源。疟原虫的寄生使红细胞膜发生变化,增强了葡萄糖通过膜的主动转运,或者除去某些抑制转运的因子,从而使疟原虫可源源不断地从宿主的血浆获得葡萄糖以供代谢之用。6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PD)是戊糖磷酸途径所需要的酶,受染疟原虫的红细胞内G6PD缺乏时,影响疟原虫分解葡萄糖,导致虫体发育障碍。缺乏G6PD的病人对恶性疟原虫有选择抗性是否与此有关尚待进一步研究。. |% f* p: F' \& i
2.蛋白质代谢/ a! w+ u" _% i" o; H; z
  疟原虫获得的游离氨基酸主要是来自红细胞内的血红蛋白的水解产物,还来自宿主的血浆和红细胞内的氨基酸库及有机物碳。血红蛋白从疟原虫胞口被吞入,由胞口基部长出食物泡,胞口孔被膜封闭。血红蛋白被食物泡内的酸性肽链内切酶和氨基肽酶的协同作用消化分解为珠蛋白和血红素。珠蛋白在酶的作用下再分解为几种氨基酸以供合成虫体本身的蛋白质。血红素最后形成一种复合物即疟色素。疟色素不被溶解和吸收而留在食物泡的壁上。在红细胞内裂体增殖过程中,疟色素逐渐融合成团,随着裂体增殖完成后被排入血流。2 c5 U2 G! M+ q4 R
3.核酸代谢0 {- }) k2 L5 d1 i
  疟原虫没有从头合成嘌吟的途径,仅依靠一个补救途径利用现成的嘌呤碱基和核苷。参与嘌呤补救途径的酶有腺苷酸脱氢酶、嘌呤—核苷磷酸化酶等。   在疟原虫的多种生物合成途径中,对氨基苯甲酸(PABA)、四氢叶酸(THF)等都是很重要的辅助因子。如果宿主的食物中缺乏PABA,则影响THF的生成,其体内寄生的疟原虫的生长繁殖发生障碍,感染因而被抑制。: h! S; X- O7 h. L. T; I
; K6 ]. T* l' Y5 a  疟原虫无脂类储存,也不能合成脂肪酸与胆固醇,完全依赖于宿主提供,如从宿主血浆中获得游离脂肪酸和胆固醇,胆固醇对维持疟原虫及受染细胞的膜的完整性都具有重要作用。红细胞内疟原虫所需的脂类可由摄入的葡萄糖代谢的产物组成,其中主要为磷脂,磷脂增多与疟原虫膜的合成有关。6 j- t% v( m7 K. \2 h/ n
% f+ @/ `8 x8 U" X8 j. X! l" E
  B+ _8 {' P$ O0 ?% w1.先天抵抗力(natural resistance)
0 `3 e( v! Q# L$ a& S+ a  这种抵抗力与宿主的疟疾感染史无关,而与宿主的种类和遗传特性有关。如90%以上的西非黑人为Duffy抗原阴性血型,而间日疟原虫裂殖子在红细胞膜上的受体是Duffy血型抗原,裂殖子入侵红细胞需要Duffy血型物质作为受体,Duffy血型阴性者红细胞膜上无此受体,因而间日疟原虫不能入侵红细胞。由遗传因素造成的镰状细胞贫血者,对恶性疟原虫不易感。在非洲患镰状细胞贫血的儿童其恶性疟的感染率低于正常儿童,且前者的重症疟疾及因疟疾而死亡的比例远少于后者。这是因为在缺氧条件下红细胞内钾离子浓度下降,可造成疟原虫死亡;由于镰状细胞血红蛋白较难溶于水,使疟原虫的吞噬和胞饮作用发生障碍;在氧分压较低时血红蛋白可形成微结晶并刺入疟原虫的表膜,从而影响其生存。葡萄糖—6—磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD) 缺乏者对疟原虫也具有先天抵抗力,临床研究证实,G6PD 缺乏的儿童可以免遭重症恶性疟疾。缺乏者的红细胞对氧化剂特别敏感,而疟原虫的发育需利用宿主细胞内的还原型辅酶II,因此受感染的红细胞在疟原虫成熟前就有自然溶解的倾向。研究先天抵抗力的遗传因素有助于抗疟疫苗及抗疟药物的开发。相反,地中海贫血者由于其红细胞内ATP水平较低,有利于疟原虫的发育,因此此类患者对疟原虫的抵抗力较差,罹患疟疾时病死率较高。; O. s& n" a, a, q
5 H0 @, D2 }' q/ `" J* j  人体在感染疟疾后诱导产生有效的免疫。此种免疫为种特异性,对异种疟原虫的攻击基本上无保护作用,此外,还有株和期的特异性,人体对疟原虫某一发育期产生的抗性对其他发育期不一定具有抵抗力。; B. y- Y' k0 \# L6 G' W1 _' [
  (1)疟原虫抗原:疟原虫抗原来源于虫体表面或内部,包括裂殖子形成过程中疟原虫残留的胞浆、含色素的膜结合颗粒、死亡或变形的裂殖子、疟原虫空泡内容物及其膜、裂殖子分泌物及疟原虫侵入红细胞时被修饰或脱落的表被物质。种内和种间各期疟原虫可能有共同抗原,而另外一些抗原则具有种、期特异性。这些具有种、期特异性的抗原在产生保护性抗体方面可能有重要作用。   来自宿主细胞的抗原不仅包括被疟原虫破坏的肝细胞和红细胞,也包括局部缺血或辅助免疫机制的激活(如补体系统)所破坏的许多其他组织细胞。" A/ N' Q3 u7 \1 C8 u) z
% Q% _: s- [0 d; ?4 e   抗体可通过下列几种方式阻止裂殖子侵入红细胞:补体介导损害裂殖子;空间上干扰对红细胞配体的识别以影响侵入过程;阻止表面蛋白成熟;裂殖体破裂时,通过凝集裂殖子阻止其释放。: x" n! [+ q$ {) z- Z( ^
  (3)细胞介导免疫:疟疾感染过程中,细胞介导免疫具有重要的作用。细胞介导免疫主要包括单核吞噬细胞、T细胞和自然杀伤细胞,以及由这些细胞分泌的细胞因子,如IFN-γ、TNF等。+ L4 v: ~3 Q9 ~( O/ [
  y* \5 }$ j- t   (4)带虫免疫及免疫逃避:人类感染疟原虫后产生的免疫力,能抵抗同种疟原虫的再感染,但同时其血液内又有低水平的原虫血症,这种免疫状态称为带虫免疫(premunition)。通过被动输入感染者的血清或已致敏的淋巴细胞给易感宿主,可使之对疟原虫的感染产生抵抗力,这说明机体有特异性抑制疟原虫在红细胞内的发育的免疫效应。
- ^6 o* k" q6 M' H0 N   宿主虽有产生各种体液免疫和细胞免疫应答的能力,以抑制疟原虫的发育增殖,但疟原虫也有强大的适应能力来对抗宿主的免疫杀伤作用。疟原虫逃避宿主免疫攻击的机制十分复杂,与之有关的主要因素包括下列几个方面:! j- X5 `- ?  {8 P* }" o, q
  1)寄生部位:不论红细胞外期或红细胞内期的疟原虫,主要在宿主细胞内生长发育以逃避宿主的免疫攻击。* \3 X5 L8 L( r% M- E
  2)抗原变异(antigenic variation)和抗原多态性(polymorphism):即与前身抗原性稍有改变的变异体。诺氏疟原虫在慢性感染的猴体内每次再燃都有抗原变异。大量证据说明在同一疟原虫虫种内存在着许多抗原性有差异的株。   有效的免疫反应常受到高度多态性抗原的制约。几种疟原虫蛋白质序列多态性很常见,特别是有广泛重复区的蛋白,例如环子孢子蛋白(CSP),该抗原能下调抗体成熟和高亲和力抗体产生;恶性疟裂殖子表面蛋白-1(MSP-1)可以诱导MSP-1的“阻断抗体”,这种抗体可以阻止任何有抑制能力抗体的连接。
! I( o6 O3 u( k  {9 G   3)改变宿主的免疫应答性:患急性疟疾时,机体的免疫应答性和淋巴细胞亚群在外周血液、脾和淋巴结中的分布都有明显改变。一般均有T细胞的绝对值减少,B细胞相对值增加,与此同时,表现有免疫抑制、多克隆淋巴细胞活化,毒杀淋巴细胞抗体(lymphocytotoxic antibody)及可溶性循环抗原等。
) D' Y6 o8 b! b) r" X& t, A9 f   (5)疟疾疫苗:疟疾疫苗的研究在最近的30年中仍取得了明显的成果。已研制出了一系列针对疟原虫生活史各期的候选疫苗。疟疾疫苗可分为子孢子疫苗(抗感染疫苗)、肝期疫苗(抗红细胞外期疫苗)、无性血液期疫苗(抗红细胞内期疫苗和抗裂殖子疫苗)和有性期疫苗(传播阻断疫苗)等。
0 u0 Y6 M9 V  n   由于疟原虫抗原虫期多且抗原成分复杂,因此单一抗原成分的疫苗免疫效果较差。多虫期多抗原复合疫苗是目前研究的重点,其中有些已取得令人鼓舞的结果,如利用疟原虫CS段重复序列的B细胞表位和非重复区的辅助T细胞表位组成的多抗原系统(MASP)免疫动物后能产生较高的保护性免疫力,但离实际应用还有一段距离。
7 D! S9 g: `9 q% M) p* b
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-12-1 20:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-12-1 20:05 编辑 / B: ?$ w9 r, q+ d! X; f3 A
1 \! ^8 y; e* O, s' a' H1 v
* J+ Z0 v9 v5 p" j0 H
4 u; X  G% r; d. j" BCancer biology: Malaria drug shrinks tumours
+ l2 C$ B" H; [Journal name: Nature   Volume: 472,Page:8 Date published07 April 2011)) x% o. _( }+ M
$ w4 ^8 n& G6 S# xPublished online06 April 2011To grow and divide, pancreatic-cancer cells must devour their own contents — an Achilles heel that could render them susceptible to the antimalaria drug chloroquine.
7 S. Z4 `: s6 e! Q
+ u2 Q# R# r( ]+ p'Autophagy' is the regulated degradation of cellular structures and molecules. Alec Kimmelman of Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and his colleagues found that pancreatic-tumour cells have high levels of autophagy. When the researchers reduced expression of the protein ATG5, which is required for autophagy, pancreatic-cancer cells showed signs of stress, including DNA damage and altered metabolism.* k; ~+ z6 Z) v& s; o# z
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v472/n7341/full/472008b.html) m! j; B9 f- H. f' q+ s: V: s( t

% j& o, G. D8 t& b) E7 a' X8 J# K/ \- @& m: P' }# Q( G
Malaria Drug Slows Pancreatic Cancer Growth in Mouse Models  z' t! B% c3 `$ D4 e
ScienceDaily (Mar. 15, 2011) — Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists report they have shrunk or slowed the growth of notoriously resistant pancreatic tumors in mice, using a drug routinely prescribed for malaria and rheumatoid arthritis.0 r' s$ n# D! ^+ Z0 j

) b9 x/ L2 `( Q# K, M. D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 u5 P  M8 x5 f( C) h0 O: `

/ ^6 x9 Z. y% T. N" f0 M9 e. uThe pre-clinical results, which will appear in the April issue of the journal Genes & Development and is currently published on its web site, have already prompted the opening of a small clinical trial in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest and hardest-to-treat forms of cancer, said the investigators, led by Alec Kimmelman, MD, PhD, a radiation oncologist at Dana-Farber.' m% D! F2 d# l$ U8 M7 P
/ p  x$ l5 O; `
"We are seeing robust and impressive responses in pancreatic cancer mouse models," said Kimmelman, whose laboratory specializes in studies of pancreatic cancer, the fourth-leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The oral drug, hydroxychloroquine, is inexpensive, widely available, and causes relatively mild side effects, he said. A second, planned clinical trial will combine the drug with radiation.
% y( \6 s$ Z! i! l& C3 C# x: X' X7 ~6 u4 N
"While these findings are indeed exciting and a cause for optimism, one needs to be mindful that so far the effects, while impressive, have only been shown in mice," said Ronald DePinho, MD, director of the Belfer Institute for Applied Cancer Science at Dana-Farber. "I eagerly await to see how the human studies will progress."- s& N$ }. X) L1 k
, V4 x( r$ M6 e7 @0 y5 F+ A
A new treatment avenue would be extremely welcome in pancreatic cancer. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 43,140 people were diagnosed in 2010 and 36,800 died. Despite some recent gains with targeted molecular agents and combination regimens, only about 6 percent of patients live five years, and the median survival is less than six months.' `1 s# P7 P6 A1 V0 q

2 x# ~* P# K" d5 M. c  oHydroxychloroquine is a form of the drug chloroquine, which is used to prevent and treat malaria and also prescribed for autoimmune diseases, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These compounds have recently stirred much interest in cancer research, because they inhibit a process called autophagy (from the Greek for "self-eating") that is elevated in cancer cells.
1 Q; a) o$ ~# T& K/ ~! d
- l0 p! Q8 H9 g2 cAutophagy is present in normal cells as well, but at a much lower level. The process enables cells to break down and eliminate proteins, such as damaged cell membranes and worn-out organelles like mitochondria. But it is also a survival strategy. When nutrients are scarce, cells can digest and feed on their own non-critical proteins to avoid starvation.3 v+ x, k$ l9 g% D6 U' S. M& e

$ J, @* o6 ~4 P; X8 a$ r* PCancer cells also use autophagy to outwit chemotherapy treatment. Research has shown that cancer cells can activate this process in response to a variety of cancer treatments, allowing them to survive during the stress of therapy. But, as Kimmelman noted, autophagy can also be a cell-death mechanism. Cancer researchers are intensely studying -- and debating -- how to manipulate autophagy as a potential method to slow tumors' growth or make them more sensitive to other therapies.* E3 Y. V& ?5 a  W. R8 O
, ]" }  |. [! k( O4 s! E% Z0 I% Y) h
In their research reported in Genes & Development, Kimmelman and colleagues were stunned to find that autophagy was turned on at all times in pancreatic cancer cell lines -- not just under conditions of stress, treatment or starvation. "This was a big surprise," he said. "These cells weren't deprived of nutrients; they were swimming in all the nutrients they could ever want." This suggested that for some unknown reason, pancreas tumors are highly dependent on autophagy, and therefore potentially uniquely good candidates for autophagy-inhibiting treatment.& U1 o+ m. q3 X8 ~; z4 Y6 X

4 F: W: \  M, Y8 V" t3 U3 Q4 gIn their next experiments, the team administered chloroquine to several different pancreatic cancer cell cultures, and also tested its effects in three types of mouse models. In the laboratory cultures, they reported, the drug "markedly decreased" the growth of the tumor cells, showing that the cells were heavily dependent on autophagy to for continued growth." r. _  U4 B" `* X+ d8 W

& S% S: r/ @0 O8 ^In vivo testing involved three types of mouse models -- human pancreatic cancer cells placed under the rodents' skin (xenografts); human cells injected into the animals' pancreases (orthotopic transplants); and a genetic model (mice bioengineered to develop native pancreatic tumors).) \2 ~, Y, m5 M' i4 {
5 w/ W: k+ d8 ^: d) ^4 O
The response to chloroquine was "profound" in the xenograft models, Kimmelman said: All eight untreated mice died of their cancer within 140 days, while only one of eight treated mice had died by 180 days.# w+ _; r& }& |' L; [! Q
. ?* f# }4 |" G" @# L2 u* e, a4 H
The drug's effects were less dramatic but still impressive in the orthotopic and genetic mouse models, the researchers said. The tumors that developed in the genetically pancreatic cancer-prone mice were, like their equivalent in human patients, extremely resistant to all treatments. Among other properties, these tumors were embedded in tough, fibrous tissue that is difficult for drugs to penetrate.
: n$ l( U5 Z: s3 ]' \
& B! }0 S: W$ U: q( [- L$ hNevertheless, the scientists reported that chloroquine treatment as a single agent increased the rodents' survival by 27 days compared with untreated control mice. This is encouraging, Kimmelman commented, because even the newest targeted drugs aimed at pancreatic cancer "don't have much effect in this genetic mouse model."1 H8 C6 |( ?2 n. i# v6 n4 g" c

; q0 |0 S6 T" P) s% [; mThe Dana-Farber trial of hydroxychloroquine, led by Kimmelman and oncologist Brian Wolpin, MD, is designed to enroll 36 pancreatic cancer patients in whom first- or second-line treatments have failed. The drug is taken in pill form twice a day. Results won't become available for at least a year, said Kimmelman.
' y# c# @% i/ l$ X: r
7 ~9 M, X+ _8 w% h, T6 Y0 s* h2 _- TKimmelman said the next step will be to investigate the combination of hydroxychloroquine with radiation in patients with operable pancreatic cancer.
" J' U9 X. D+ D: x: V
1 u# d; s5 v5 W* o( h"This is a very interesting and promising approach, attacking the Achilles' heel in pancreatic cancer's defenses," commented Robert Mayer, MD, of Dana-Farber's Center for Gastrointestinal Oncology. "But it's too early to say whether hydroxychloroquine should be added to chemotherapy, and what the risks and benefits might be, so we want to examine it in a clinical trial."
( F- K# l7 ?7 ^% T" X
, \. S' o. ]8 \" aKimmelman's lab is also investigating other forms of cancer that might be good candidates for inhibition of autophagy by the drug. He said that their work, as well as recent findings from other labs, suggests that those cancers may be ones that are primarily driven by the KRAS oncogene -- as nearly all pancreatic tumors are.9 X( y! h, s( |) G
: U3 n' C% R& M& t" n; r
Funding was provided by Dana-Farber, the Friends of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the Sidney Kimmel Foundation, and the AACR-Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
8 W' F: |$ k/ O2 g
0 K# e" e7 t. G% {5 thttp://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110315141234.htm

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发表于 2011-12-1 20:17 |只看该作者


% c( H9 K" S4 F7 a/ v7 R1 c

8 ^) k' F( p; m: M/ J源自: http://www.med66.com/new/53a273aa2009/200942yuchan16242.shtml5 J- k3 Y4 ~0 k8 a( Y  m& H
  中药青蒿属菊科植物,青蒿素是青蒿叶中分离的抗 疟有效成份,具有过氧基团的倍半萜内酯,是我国首先发现的新构型的抗疟药,体内代谢活性产物为双氢青蒿素,抗疟活性高,毒性小。目前青蒿素类衍生物有:双 氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚及青蒿琥酯。药动学研究证实青蒿素类药物在体内吸收快,分布广,排泄快。毒理学证实其毒副作用轻微,毒性主要靶器官为骨髓,可致 造血抑制;其次是内脏,可致胃肠、肝、肾广泛淤血,严重中毒可出现胃肠粘膜、肝肾实质损伤。急性毒性作用最敏感的变化指标是外周血网织红细胞减少和血清碱 性磷酸酶(A L P)升高,并有明显的量效关系。长期大量用药主要可致中枢神经系统毒性及心肌受损。有研究证实青蒿素类药物无明显的致突变作用。药理学 研究证实青蒿素具有抗疟、抗血吸虫、抗孕及抗肿瘤等多方面的作用,目前临床上主要用于抗疟治疗。青蒿素类药物抗疟作用机制的早期研究观察到药物作用于原虫 的膜系结构,如食物泡、表膜和线粒体、核膜和内网质等,阻断疟原虫摄取营养而导致氨基酸饥饿,同时迅速形成自噬泡并不断排出体外,致使疟原虫损失大量胞浆 而死。后又发现血色素中含有二价铁能催化分解药物的过氧基,生成羧化自由基,从而引起生化反应而导致疟原虫死亡。近年青蒿素类药物具有选择性烷化蛋白质的 作用已被大量实验所证实,被认为是导致虫体死亡的重要原因。青蒿素类药物除用于抗疟外,还可以调节机体免疫功能。在对小鼠免疫功能的影响中观察发现:青蒿 琥酯对体液免疫有抑制作
, @4 `' _* t8 X1 ~, d4 `1 I  Y( z5 X) U3 X% G! U" B9 @
7 @2 k$ U/ P$ v( Q7 [; n6 Y/ i8 q3 j2 D' v" k
0 m6 J. w$ z0 ]4 j, N: k7 E$ w- d. V/ K/ e* R' y4 d9 E  ^
  1991 年我国学者报道了青蒿素衍生物对白血病P388细胞、肝癌细胞SMMC一7721及人胃癌细胞SGC一7901有选择性杀伤活性。此后国内外的研究证实了 青蒿素类药物对白血病、结肠癌、黑色素瘤、乳腺癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌等均有杀伤作用l8,9J。美国华盛顿大学的Lai研究员及Singh副研究员发现, 青蒿素对乳腺癌细胞有明显杀伤作用。在生命科学杂志(LS)刊出的一项研究报告描述青蒿素在16 h内几乎将所有与之接触的人乳腺癌细胞杀死。杨小平等 ul2_采用体外实验证实青蒿琥酯钠对人宫颈癌(HeLa)细胞、人低分化鳞状上皮鼻咽癌(CNE2及SUNE-1)细胞3种人肿瘤细胞体外有杀伤作用, 半数抑制浓度(IC5o)分别为42.7μg/mL、101.6 μg/mL、1.29 μg/mL;对杂种小鼠的3种移植性肿瘤有体内抑瘤作用,在每天 50 mg·kg 和100 mg·kg- 的剂量下静脉给药对S-180、肝癌及LII抑瘤率分别为: % 一53%、21%-49%及42% 58% ,在每天150 mg·kg-1 及300 mg·kg 剂量下灌胃给药对uI和裸鼠移植人鼻咽癌(CNE2及SUNE一1)亦有肯定抑瘤作用,抑瘤率 分别为42.4% ~71.4% 、25% ~42% 及30% ~50%林芳等研究青蒿素及其衍生物青蒿琥酯对人乳腺癌MCF一7细胞增殖的影响并探讨 其作用机制。
* n  Q" P' V- J: q5 B6 H# }5 z( e. ?. o
  结果显示10μmol/L青蒿素和1 μmol/L青蒿琥酯能明显改变MCF一7细胞的细胞周期,使s期细胞显著减少,G0+Gl期 细胞明显增加。青蒿素对MCF一7细胞增殖仅有微弱抑制作用,但其衍生物青蒿琥酯却表现出显著的抑制作用,IC50为0.31μmol/L。 1 μmol/L青蒿琥酯引起MCF一7细胞的凋亡和直接的细胞毒作用明显强于10 μmol/L青蒿素的作用。说明对肿瘤细胞增殖的抑制青蒿琥酯比青蒿 素作用强。此外,青蒿琥酯具有放疗和化疗增敏作用。青蒿琥酯可抑制人宫颈癌HeLa细胞生长,ICso为37 t,#mL,在乏氧条件下,ICso为 30~g/mL,青蒿琥酯在10 tc/mL辐射增敏比(SER)为1.32,在30 t,#mL的SER为2.00,而对照组以第一代放疗增敏感剂咪嗦 哒唑(MISO)治疗,其SER为1.39,在乏氧条件下,1 mmol/L MISO对HeLa增殖抑制率与30 t,#mL的青蒿琥酯作用相似,而在 富氧条件下,1 mmol/L MISO对HeLa增殖抑制率低于30 g/mL青蒿琥酯的杀伤作用,说明青蒿琥酯具有一定的放疗增敏作用 。同时,青蒿 素与传统化疗药如阿霉素等作用机制不同,无交叉耐药,且通过抑制谷胱苷肽-S-转移酶的活性,可逆转肿瘤细胞对化疗药的多药抗性,在理论上应与传统化疗有 协同增效作用。
* r9 K3 d; H) Y" q8 X
% h" H8 U  V/ b7 o* X  2.抗肿瘤机理研究
3 V+ `- a0 ~' @8 i/ Y
- U6 Y; E1 ]) L# d9 F/ Q& c. E* s  目前大多数研究认为青蒿素及其衍生物的抗肿瘤作用主要是通过诱导凋亡,但其促凋亡机制尚未完 全明了。双氢青蒿素对人乳腺癌MCF7细胞有很强的抑制作用,ICso为0.26 panol/L。流式细胞仪测定细胞周期发现,1 panol/L双氢 青蒿素作用24 h后,MCF7细胞被阻滞在G0+Gl期,s期细胞显著减少。说明双氢青蒿素抑制MCF7细胞增殖的机制之一是将细胞滞留在G0+Gl期 _l 。但亦有其他研究显示了不同结果。周晋等研究了青蒿素对人白血病细胞株NB4、K562和原代APL细胞的影响及可能机制,结果显示青蒿素对 NB4、K562和APL细胞的增殖明显抑制,其抗肿瘤机制有凋亡和胀亡两种,且细胞凋亡率随药物浓度增高而增加,随药物作用时间的延长而增加。流式细胞 仪测定结果显示青蒿素将细胞阻滞在G2+M期。作者认为白血病细胞膜是青蒿素作用的靶点 艺一,青蒿素可使白血病细胞内钙升高,致白血病细胞凋亡。青蒿素 同时通过开放某些细胞膜上的离: 通道,使细胞内钙浓度增加,激活caspase非依赖性细胞死亡形式,在没有三磷酸腺苷(ATP)缺乏时发生胀亡。董海 鹰等_研究青蒿素对体外培养的白血病K562细胞的凋亡诱导作用及机制,认为青蒿素对K562细胞明显的促凋亡机制可能与抑制内向整流钾电流有关,使线粒 体跨膜电位下降,导致促凋亡物质的释放激活,使细胞凋亡。分析以上研究可知,无论青蒿素类药物是使肿瘤细胞滞留在G0+G。期还是在G2+M期,亦无论其 促凋亡机制如何,诱导调亡是其发挥抗肿瘤作用的关键。
9 `! J3 {$ w+ r1 W# Q+ _4 j  r/ O4 C: T6 S0 i0 L
  近年来,对青蒿素所致凋亡的分子机制也进行了探讨。王勤等在研究青蒿琥酯对肝癌细 胞的诱导凋亡机制时,发现青蒿琥酯下调增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)和BCL一2基因的表达,上调BAX基因表达,而BCL一2和BAX基因参与调控诱导癌 细胞凋亡的P53非依赖性途径,故认为其凋亡的分子机制是P53非依赖性的。杨小平等的研究也证实了上述结论:肝癌细胞(BEL一7402)经青蒿琥酯处 理后可诱导人肝癌细胞(BEL一7402)凋亡,肝癌细胞中P53、P21蛋白表达水平无明显变化,而bc1—2蛋白表达水平降低.即与P53、P21无 关,而与凋亡调节基因bcl-2下调有关。
9 k; [9 Y# r+ m
3 g8 j; c2 R* l, X  也有研究认为其抗肿瘤作用可能与抗疟机制相似,需Fe2 的参与。青蒿素类药物中的过氧基团 可通过与亚铁原子反应产生自由基或亲电子中间产物,而杀伤肿瘤细胞。美国华盛顿大学 曾提出如下假设:因为癌细胞需要铁才能在分裂时复制DNA,因此,癌 细胞含铁量比普通细胞高很多。如能大大提高癌细胞的含铁量,则癌细胞可被青蒿素选择性杀死。进一步研究发现添加转铁蛋白能提高双氢青蒿素对人乳腺癌细胞 ttTB27的杀伤能力,而对正常人乳腺细胞TB125没有明显的细胞毒作用。国内研究也发现外源添加FeC1 350~150μmol·L 可使双氢青 蒿素对人乳腺癌MCF7细胞的生长抑制率提高约30% ~50%。这种杀伤作用是否与铁离子参与青蒿素类药物的自由基产生过程,从而导致细胞坏死增多有 关,值得进一步研究。同时青蒿素具有选择性烷化蛋白质的作用,这可能与青蒿素结合了癌细胞内特殊的靶蛋白受体,从而导致肿瘤细胞死亡有关。这也可能是其抗 癌的重要机制之一。 3 v1 |2 v' q+ W4 Y

8 a  S* }/ w2 ~% J+ h  综上所述,青蒿素类药物用于治疗疟疾已有上千年历史,在化学结构上有一定的新颖性,具有低毒、价廉等优点,尤其是其毒 副作用明显低于传统化疗药物,而近年来的体内外实验证实了青蒿素类药物显著的抗瘤活性。青蒿素类药物有可能成为具有临床应用价值的抗癌新药,但对其作用机 制和抗肿瘤活性作用仍需进行深入的研究 ! L7 D0 B& F" C* E: t. J' `
6 F3 H! W9 F9 Z# Y/ A7 [& z

* H- @% J. }4 L  j4 ^4 V  f* x" G9 f  w0 u* h


/ s# i* Z, `; x9 z; T* v8 m& ]3 N2 q3 ?; g+ Z- h
华盛顿大学生物工程系研究教授赖亨利教授和助理研究教授纳伦德拉星在离体实验中证实,从中草药艾蒿(学名Artemesia annua )中提炼的青蒿素(artemisinin)具有神奇的杀死癌细胞的能力。其页面见图1。和青蒿素接触16个小时以后,乳腺癌细胞几乎全部被杀死。赖教授称:“它不但有效,而且选择性非常强。对癌细胞有很高的毒性,但对正常细胞的影响很小。”它有可能成为无毒的抗癌药。
  S: i: ]. J7 j( l- c
) w6 d7 r! @+ M: \5 _- i! h& o  提炼青蒿素的艾蒿我国几千年前就将它作为抗疟疾药使用,后来失传。在20世纪七十年代的考古发掘中重新发现包含它的古方,研制出我国独特的抗疟药青蒿素,青蒿素属于我国建国以后对世界卫生所作的贡献之一。青蒿素在亚洲和非洲广泛用于治疗蚊源性疾病。
1 z/ d$ f0 }2 j* O
6 Y; e  h; J) S+ d; e  青蒿素之所以能够控制疟疾,是因为它能够在疟原虫内部的高铁浓度发生反应。青蒿素和铁接触以后,马上发生化学反应,由此产生称为“自由基”的带电原子。自由基向细胞膜发起攻击,冲破以后就杀死单细胞疟原虫。0 Q5 G- C# J! V/ i& S0 Y1 f0 G; ^

7 E6 q8 l# l6 `3 l: z' n; h  根据这样的理解,大约七年前,赖亨利开始提出这种方法可能具有治疗癌症效果的假设。
0 R: i4 P6 a$ c* F  W! o+ O( T" h3 e9 Z
  他解释说:“癌症细胞分裂时需要大量铁质才能复制DNA,因此癌细胞的铁质含量比正常细胞高出多。我们开始了解青蒿素素的工作特性以后,我就想我们是否可以利用这种知识将目标对准癌细胞。”/ Z9 g) ^2 ~+ s

8 v# v7 R* C+ G  N% Z# O, ^  赖教授设计了一种方法并寻求研究资金的资助。他从乳腺癌基金会获得了研究经费,华盛顿大学为他的构想申请了专利。; E, h. w  {' i# E$ F  u" |

3 |4 o# l3 d5 Z9 e' U* T. ?  根据赖亨利和纳伦德拉星的说法,这个概念的突破点在于通过泵的作用极大限度提高癌细胞的铁浓度,然后引入青蒿素素有选择性地杀死癌细胞。为了使铁摄入的速度大于正常细胞,癌细胞表面聚集了更多的铁传递蛋白受体,它们是让铁进入细胞的细胞通路。乳腺癌细胞也不例外,在它们的表面的铁传递蛋白受体比正常乳腺细胞高5至15倍。
( z1 h& f  ~0 b) F  }2 c
% h3 |: a4 w8 B4 b  在当前的研究中,研究人员将若干组乳腺癌细胞和正常乳腺细胞和全铁传递蛋白(和铁传递蛋白受体结合以后将铁传送到细胞内部)、去氢铁传递蛋白以及这两种化合物的组合接触。只接触一种化合物的细胞没有产生明显的作用。和两种化合物同时接触的正常细胞反应也很小。但是先和铁传递蛋白接触,然后和去氢铁传递蛋白接触的癌细胞是反应极大。0 F( e( e( A7 g6 j. |

$ N+ c0 m0 B# T" y  8小时以后,只剩下25%癌细胞。16小时过去以后,几乎所有癌细胞都死亡了,如图2所示。% @$ H: |$ @: d+ h9 M# T2 f& i

/ D- U9 t; ?7 \& g/ U; P  在这以前,曾经以白血病细胞为对象的研究取得的效果更好。白血病细胞在八个小时内就被消灭,可能的解释是白血病细胞中的铁质含量高。
; \) H. W; i( k6 ^( M5 Z' z; k# v1 {6 U) s9 ]$ h
  赖教授解释说:“白血病细胞是癌细胞中铁含量最高的。其铁浓度可以比正常细胞高1000倍”。& ^$ }1 B" I6 ~' x
. s% I8 Y$ `* K5 H) A
- E6 i/ L8 v5 s* }. Z) P2 O! h' H& O4 k5 b. }* Q; n4 C( y
  赖教授说:“令人感到神奇的是这是中国人几千年以前就使用的东西。我们只是找到了一种不同的应用而已。”1 t5 x% h) g' ~7 [; Q9 o
- k5 O# @1 w  {2 M, u
2 }1 s* P( O* K6 g/ g4 [) n2 O5 `& ~

Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb

0 t8 x" t' X* a. T; E, u* `2 l
1 Y3 r; P- r% u  dSunday, July 31, 2011 by: Len Saputo
- W8 @. G( j, B0 Khttp://www.naturalnews.com/033182_artemisinin_cancer.html
; h6 [% r, H1 M, T3 |! M0 L" t0 e0 a- x/ i$ h
(NaturalNews) There is an epidemic of cancer in the world, and this epidemic is not under control. With the signing of the National Cancer Act of 1971 by then US President Richard Nixon, the war against cancer was officially declared. Some 40 years later, we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on cancer research and the return on this investment has been negligible. Cancer remains a major killer for more than 500,000 US citizens every year and nothing on the horizon looks promising to change this scenario.& g+ J1 \, U! m5 a: `) n

( X& \& {- u; L) lPart of the reason for this is that cancer treatment has become more of a business manipulated by Big Pharma than a service that cures cancer. The bottom line is about return on investment, not about service or helping people.
' F& J: a+ t* N
3 Q9 B, X+ F1 U' w+ ]- W2 nThere are a wide range of natural products that cannot be patented that have potential to treat cancer. You would think that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would sponsor research on these chemicals because it is supported by public funds and should therefore be responsive to public need. It may surprise you that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) research represents less than 1% of the research dollars spent by the NIH. Who, then, is committed to doing the research of the people that Big Pharma will not support because it has no return on investment? Also consider that Big Pharma spends twice as much ($92 billion per year) as NIH.# X  l4 P$ }& l2 |

6 c4 h6 t& s2 I3 V3 eOne of these natural products is wormwood extract, or artemisinin. This herb had been used by the Chinese for thousands of years for treating malaria before it was lost. It was rediscovered in 1970 and has slowly returned to clinical use, especially for drug resistant falciparum malaria, but also for treatment of most cancers.! j, A! X) Q. v* s

- ^7 u" A6 d1 i3 h5 mArtemisinin contains two oxygen atoms hooked together that break down in the presence of iron, by creating very reactive free radicals that kill malaria parasites and cancer cells. Both cancer cells and malaria parasites sequester iron, accumulating as much as 1000 times what normal cells store. Giving artemisinin to people with malaria or cancer results in destruction of these abnormal cells and leaves normal cells unaffected. Artemisinin is a cancer bomb!7 n1 G/ q2 Z4 a# e

# ^; m1 O, T& m8 P; GGenerally, chemotherapy is toxic to both cancer cells and normal cells. In the case of artemisinin this is not true; only the cancer cells are damaged. In more than 4000 case studies, no significant toxicity from artemisinin has been found, which makes it far different than conventional chemotherapy.
% A5 g3 j- P( Y$ u
  `4 G6 P2 \# o1 i8 H1 vResults from clinical trials are conspicuously absent. However, there a numerous individual case reports suggesting that artemisinin works in vitro (in test tubes) and in both animals and human beings with far advanced cancer. I would suggest reviewing the work of Christina L. White's two part series on Cancer Smart Bomb at http://www.mwt.net/~drbrewer/canart....
) {" t* ~/ W( p: B$ o) L+ I( L+ a0 P  j7 c9 r5 h7 B
There are three forms of artemisinin: artemisinin, artesunate, and artemether. All are absorbed well after oral intake and cross the blood brain barrier. They are best absorbed on an empty stomach. The intestine builds up resistance to absorbing, so it is wise to only take the drug for a few days and then stopping for a few days as this resistance is reversible.! l6 h% }" t# e; r

% A! C$ u+ J6 ]# bArtemisinin and its derivatives offer the possibility of using a non-toxic form of chemotherapy that is inexpensive and readily available. Because of its excellent safety profile, it should be a consideration for cancer treatment when conventional treatments have failed or when people refuse conventional therapies. For more information check out our video on NaturalNews.tv at http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=5E89C...
0 h, [. E* n" p7 n% c- Q3 T
4 X/ E& l2 R& e% o) A" e; c7 g3 e- F/ b4 A( `$ Q$ U, I9 _
About the author:
" G! T7 D7 M; u& Y/ zLen Saputo, MD is board certified in internal medicine and is in private practice focused on integrative, holistic, person-centered care at the Health Medicine Center (http://www.doctorsaputo.com/a/healt...) in Walnut Creek, CA. Dr. Saputo is the founder of the Health Medicine Forum (http://www.doctorsaputo.com/a/healt...) and the author, with Byron Belitsos, of the Nautilus Gold Award winning book, "A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine" (http://doctorsaputo.com/a/a-return-...). He and his wife, Vicki, have hosted KEST radio's "Prescriptions for Health" show that airs daily for more than a decade.+ O9 I! [7 @9 _  u' s+ H

% Y1 `& |2 k0 XDr. Saputo's highly interactive health and wellness website www.DoctorSaputo.com has more than 1500 audio and video media files that are organized and targeted to address your specific and unique health issues. Take the free Health and Wellness Assessment Survey on the home page and experience how his surveys on a wide range of health care conditions provide immediate personalized integrative suggestions for your health challenges!
+ b. H% \2 ^* Z( [: i( C9 n3 }9 V3 q

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-12-1 20:26 |只看该作者
疟原虫与癌相关...! r! w/ e" H# V

% `# T, W; n3 |2 h3 |0 H+ fAssociation Between Malaria Incidence and All Cancer Mortality in Fifty U.S. States and the District of Columbia
& }& i1 p. i8 y' o( XAssociate Professor Radiation Oncology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 30 W 60th Street 5M, New York, New York 10023, U.S.A.
+ d+ @: V! y; o$ j: x7 HCorrespondence to: Steven Lehrer, Associate Professor Radiation Oncology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 30 W 60th Street 5M, New York, New York 10023, U.S.A. E-mail: stevenlehrer@hotmail.com + l7 ?6 U. N1 X; D5 g- |4 l
AbstractBackground: There is a relationship between malaria in the United States and brain tumor incidence, seen in data on malaria outbreaks in 2004 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and reports of brain tumor incidence by state from 19 US states. Methods: In the present study, data from 50 US states and the District of Columbia on malaria outbreaks in 1994, compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was analyzed in relation to state by state all cancer mortality data, 1950-94, from the National Cancer Institute. Results: There was a significant association of malaria incidence with all cancer mortality in 50 US states and the District of Columbia. The association was independent of state population size, percentage black population by state, and median population age. Conclusion: The association between malaria and cancer mortality can be possibly explained by the well established ability of Plasmodium to induce suppression of the immune system. A second explanation may be that the anopheles mosquito, the vector of malaria, transmits an obscure virus that initially causes only a mild transitory illness but much later predisposes to cancer. & i  ?1 x* H7 p8 F7 }; M4 J

* `) B! i$ A; f/ U+ Khttp://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/30/4/1371.abstract
9 d' U0 i" w7 X4 S4 L8 D
9 N2 o* u7 [4 o! E5 G# lMalaria linked to child cancer in Africa - ]2 z+ c, |/ P8 m, P
17:45 08 June 2007 by Roxanne Khamsi " H% O. [/ {( k2 S; g3 q
A protein produced by the malaria parasite can trigger an aggressive and torturous form of cancer called Burkitt's lymphoma, according to new research.
8 d2 o, K3 K6 A& B( J
! o5 I+ y# T. \5 ^* L( P5 w" qAlthough Burkitt's lymphoma rarely strikes in rich countries such as the US, the disease accounts for the vast majority of malignancies suffered by children in equatorial Africa, outnumbering all other forms of tumours combined in many parts of the region.; I! |+ Y( g1 i5 K! X% F
- c& N4 Y, l9 U+ u- @0 F0 p# a
The illness causes horrendous suffering. Immune cells turn cancerous and tumours develop in the lymph nodes, often making the tongue swell and cheeks bulge. One doctor described a youngster with the illness as resembling "a gargoyle not a child"., u. _+ U4 N! x$ j0 K) {( W3 ?

% W2 ]" A- w4 ~6 C9 S2 ]3 G  l, O. cThe deformities make it increasingly difficult for patients to eat. Burkitt's lymphoma proves fatal in parts of sub-Saharan Africa where access to necessary medication remains limited.
0 t  E0 G2 c5 s; z4 T* G
$ u# h, Y0 Y3 U9 z& |  P) b# O* S, w9 UScientists believe that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which commonly causes mononucleosis - also known as glandular fever or "the kissing disease" - can cause this type of lymphoma. But the virus typically remains dormant, and thus relatively harmless, in the body after inserting itself into the carrier's DNA." Z  y7 Y/ z( e

8 S* S+ k7 d) f. Q: L, k% HReactivated virus: ?: t8 {  f3 j8 Y( t. \. _
Arnaud Chêne at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues investigated a theory that a protein produced by the malaria parasite - called CIDR1 - may reactivate EBV.
7 \! S1 K2 h; {8 J0 H3 K) N& ?" a6 `$ Z. r  D# L( y7 f) x9 d: G  z3 T
In a laboratory dish, Chêne's team exposed the immune cells of healthy African children, who tested positive for the Epstein-Barr virus, to CIDR1. In a separate laboratory dish they exposed the same cells to another parasite-related protein for comparison.
! e# ?1 _8 J2 ]* [+ t0 w- Q# e8 T: C" J6 S5 o7 y6 d1 ]4 n- z5 h
Within the span of three days the levels of EBV in the CIDR1-exposed cells was five times that in the control dish. Moreover, there were twice as many immune cells in the dish containing CIDR1.2 N2 z% Y/ R- H. i7 O& j2 }2 i
2 k$ k& I! v* G3 ?8 W
This suggests that CIDR1 can reactivate the Epstein Barr virus, which in turn creates a massive overproduction of immune cells leading to lymphoma, the researchers say.$ v$ B& I9 R2 o$ v9 |% }; Y  v- ?

6 W1 t" N, o" GAccess problems
/ j* ?# n6 e- n- J7 M0 qThe finding also hints at why adults in equatorial Africa do not develop Burkitt's lymphoma anywhere near as frequently as children there. "If you get malaria first [before the Epstein-Barr virus], then you acquire some immunity to malaria after that. So if you are exposed again the parasite cannot stimulate the overproduction of cells" that leads to lymphoma, suggests Qijun Chen, who helped carry out the study.
8 b4 z0 J; R9 b9 |: q
( F# T8 r( b9 D' }% ZBurkitt's lymphoma can be treated with chemotherapy and antibody therapy. But many patients and their families face great difficulties in gaining access to appropriate care "since 99% of children with the tumour live in rural settings, often miles away from roads," paediatrician John Phillips explained in an essay published in late 2006 (Lancet, vol 368, p 2251).
( r* z1 ]' E& l
3 _, w' u$ Q- mChen says that one way to reduce the number of cases of Burkitt's lymphoma might be to intensify efforts to curb the malaria epidemic.
5 D' {4 T" G2 u7 w2 T  [( m  k5 u$ N  h2 O8 U
Journal reference: PLoS Pathogens (DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.0030080), b$ C! Q$ G1 A4 G

. f9 d8 d, @& O* w8 s# G& yhttp://www.newscientist.com/arti ... ncer-in-africa.html

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-12-2 15:39 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子
& i+ C) d& M4 l% r
( ^' N+ ^& d/ A5 Q, V- V& e& f' s首先 非常感谢sunsong7提供的信息
8 D5 A+ j& L* m, F% W% `( w. P# {2 e9 E5 s
: w! y! p. k$ w: }' z
& C. [: t& A$ I& m! O) O2 i! t: J. j' Q9 H1 c

- p! a/ p2 {3 F很佩服作者们的工作,做得很详细,想法很有新意,评价工作也做得很到位,不管是疫苗设计思路还是具体的工作执行都给我很大的启示。该设计思路中,疟原虫的作用类似于佐剂,不过这个佐剂与一般意义上的佐剂不一样,这采用的活的病原体。在评价工作中,其NK细胞的评价给我提供了方法借鉴,以至整个癌症疫苗的评价方法也是可以借鉴的。
- a9 {+ s3 Z6 I$ y7 f2 J  C3 M) S  }% y' ]5 F
看完之后,关于整个文章还存在如下两个问题:  l- M: ?# r' J2 w9 M2 h4 u) {
# m2 t6 s! A3 o2 D       2.在文章的最后部分,也就是利用虐冲感染和MUC1的DNA疫苗DNA-MUC1所作的探讨我觉得不太合理。理由如下:
0 g$ y5 E2 o. h' |1 j          该模型所使用的是LLC-MUC1的癌细胞,其具有标志性的抗原MUC1。这与通常的癌细胞是有差别的,正常的癌细胞其抗原性很低。在这样的情况下,使用DNA-MUC1和疟原虫组合治疗,效果好是抗原遇见的。问题是这不代表正常的情况。. x7 }8 r7 [6 X5 S

0 H( I* i( {) X, B( }4 q: d      基于这种情况,我提出了一些改进研究策略:
5 s. T5 B. X. G1 ~             开发一种病毒载体,能特异的侵染肿瘤细胞,并能在肿瘤细胞中表达特殊的抗原,再设计针对这个抗原的疫苗,诱生强的天然免疫,获得性免疫应答,包括体液免疫应答和细胞免疫应答。
; l  `. A% R3 x# ?2 C      我想也是一种可以尝试的方案。其难点就是,如何出这么一种病毒载体。: ?  t9 S* `6 r9 O; D
. R* c$ W  b5 ^/ n6 V5 l* J$ G' F1 ^      
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-12-2 19:37 |只看该作者
回复 mimimi2256 的帖子
: w$ K, ~  r3 U1 u) c3 Y6 |
( R6 S$ I$ d  z) V! L我认为疟原虫+MUC1的DNA的实验还是很有意义的,因为与对照组相比无论是肿瘤体积和生存率都有改善,我想这很好模拟了疟疾作为工程疫苗佐剂的效果,我认为是没有什么不妥。
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-12-2 21:39 |只看该作者
回复 shixibao 的帖子7 D0 C3 }& W0 R1 R, H% T

- K. r" F3 J$ e恩 是的 就讨论这个疟原虫的潜在激活免疫应答来说是没有问题的  " e) a6 O) y' C' J, N3 J& F; A7 e

; e6 ~+ q: L( K) j我说的不妥是 从站在应用疟原虫和DNA-MUC1来治疗LLC-MUC1这个动物模型本身的。% X6 c, a. N: j& P7 c
# l6 }- \; e" u3 f; _
% s$ O; G5 J6 j我倒是觉得要是作者能加这样的一个设计更好:就是直接使用LLC上潜在的抗原分子来设计DNA疫苗,再联合使用疟原虫,我想知道这么一个实验设计的效果。我觉得这样给我的数据更具有说服力,如果在这样的一种情况下,还能有一半的存活,那更能突出疟原虫的免疫激活能力。
7 v- d& }  ~# ~2 t
  _' Q' \5 \; f9 ]6 b8 \' g+ w所以在此基础上,我以有一个改进的方案:针对癌细胞的病毒载体增加癌细胞的免疫原性+疟原虫免疫激活+针对抗原的疫苗
2 e5 }2 `( O. h3 g/ p& {+ {# i1 z$ K$ |2 a6 w( I
个人意见 呵呵
. p7 e7 X" k8 y, c7 C# o
3 [- m: R$ m1 P6 W& r, I% K
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-12-2 23:28 |只看该作者
回复 mimimi2256 的帖子, w* n; n5 k. O) \& U. {9 @3 q

- k& o  J; O: W# o0 x) J很好的思考,还可以考虑以下问题:& M' x9 ?. L- l3 p
0 W, p3 i& S7 X. x( D/ c5 L疟原虫治疗药物为何对肿瘤有抑制作用?' |" L- ~2 X% S$ M( O3 j- K
( b5 _1 O' D( @【扩展阅读】+ {; Q: U4 h) s  o/ ?; v" D
治癌新思路——“以癌治癌”http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-34147-1-1.html% B% z" A7 J" z2 m0 l
Duesberg博士提出新的癌症成因观点——癌症是新进化寄生物种 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-44456-1-1.html
! \: o3 C/ W& [$ J5 t
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金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-12-3 11:04 |只看该作者
如果能开发出特异的针对肿瘤细胞的病毒载体,还不如直接靠病毒携带的治疗基因直接杀死肿瘤细胞,哪里用绕这么远去激活免疫系统再来杀伤肿瘤?倒是楼上的想法很好,在病毒激活免疫系统主要是表达的病毒蛋白,有可能疟原虫也表达了特殊的自身蛋白,激活了免疫系统。第二个问题,疟原虫治疗药物对肿瘤的抑制作用与这片plos one有些矛盾,这个该具体分析,我觉得可能是plos one和其他人的模型不一样或者plos one 作者可能只注重了很小的一块自己关心的方面,未对其他方面有研究。
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发表于 2011-12-5 08:35 |只看该作者
回复 mimimi2256 的帖子
% C8 D5 B$ S* s- H3 w
) G% [' B8 T) d我认为你的想法很严谨的,如果能用LLC上的潜在抗原会更有说服力的,但是LLC-MUC1应该是很好的模拟了LLC的主要抗原表位,再加上现在的肿瘤疫苗设计的一个重要思想是激发机体对肿瘤隐蔽抗原的识别从而提高对其杀伤能力,基于这点我觉得这样设计没问题的,不过,我觉得mimimi2256战友的提出的观点也是很好的。
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