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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
全局置顶 博雅控股集团:干细胞、免疫细胞自动化设备及实验室、手术室整体解决方案供应 attach_img  ...234 Boyalife 2017-8-11 303902139 randy2002 2024-3-4 11:44
全局置顶 重要通知!近期有人仿冒干细胞之家网站工作人员身份!!! 细胞海洋 2021-8-28 21151947 SKC-SFC 2022-9-13 14:14
全局置顶 博雅控股集团提供CAR-T及其他细胞生产的CDMO服务 attach_img Boyalife 2018-5-31 82096257 xph2557 2022-4-22 09:37
Propagation of centromeric chromatin requires exit from mitosis  ...23456..27 kato 2009-4-20 262542258 知足常乐 5 分钟前
Light-regulated interaction of Dmoesin with TRP and TRPL channels is required fo  ...23456..30 kato 2009-3-6 296445620 小倔驴 半小时前
SEC18/NSF-independent, protein-sorting pathway from the yeast cortical ER to the  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 266423800 榴榴莲 2 小时前
Mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2 coordinately regulate mitochondrial fusion and are esse  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 225324146 bluesuns 2 小时前
Akt2 phosphorylates Synip to regulate docking and fusion of GLUT4-containing ves  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 226410290 365wy 3 小时前
Neurofascin assembles a specialized extracellular matrix at the axon initial seg  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 246458465 锦锦乐道 3 小时前
Three-dimensional arrangement of F-actin in the contractile ring of fission yeas  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 256473744 dreamenjoyer 3 小时前
Distinct roles for Pax7 and Pax3 in adult regenerative myogenesis  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 235362466 依旧随遇而安 3 小时前
An AP-1/clathrin coat plays a novel and essential role in forming the Weibel-Pal  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 251375603 cjms 4 小时前
SCAPER, a novel cyclin A–interacting protein that regulates cell cycle progressi  ...23456..27 kato 2009-4-20 265492042 xiaomage 5 小时前
Macroautophagy〞a novel -amyloid peptide-generating pathway activated in Alzheime  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 239342094 老农爱科学 5 小时前
Integrin-linked kinase is required for epidermal and hair follicle morphogenesis  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 242469537 再来一天 6 小时前
Essential function of Drosophila Sec6 in apical exocytosis of epithelial photore  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 242359166 wq90 6 小时前
Cell migration without a lamellipodium : translation of actin dynamics into cell  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 253382976 happyboy 6 小时前
PATJ regulates tight junction formation and polarity in mammalian epithelial cel  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 250369281 wq90 6 小时前
PPAR1 attenuates cytosol to membrane translocation of PKC to desensitize monocyt  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 241416037 咕咚123 6 小时前
A CDK-related kinase regulates the length and assembly of flagella in Chlamydomo  ...23456..23 kato 2009-4-20 226404579 快乐小郎 7 小时前
The motor activity of myosin-X promotes actin fiber convergence at the cell peri  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 253598961 biopxl 8 小时前
Two ZBP1 KH domains facilitate  ...23456..22 kato 2009-3-6 219317020 生物小菜鸟 8 小时前
The disintegrin and metalloproteinase ADAM12 contributes to TGF-? signaling thro  ...23456..31 kato 2009-4-20 302590406 陈晴 8 小时前
Critical requirement for cell cycle inhibitors in sustaining nonproliferative st  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 230372750 biodj 9 小时前
The conserved kinase NHK-1 is essential for mitotic progression and unifying ace  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 236319075 与你同行 10 小时前
Ultrastructural identification of uncoated caveolin-independent early endocytic  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 245382162 dataeook 10 小时前
Stra13 regulates satellite cell activation by antagonizing Notch signaling  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 241469180 昕昕 11 小时前
Mnt–Max to Myc–Max complex switching regulates cell cycle entry  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 256406798 罗马星空 12 小时前
Formation of microtubule-based traps controls the sorting and concentration of v  ...23456..28 kato 2009-4-20 272577051 昕昕 12 小时前
Early encounters of a nascent membrane protein : specificity and timing of conta  ...23456..28 kato 2009-3-6 271433230 txxxtyq 13 小时前


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