干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站



干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞随笔 在国际顶级期刊封面上的中国元素!(ZT)



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在国际顶级期刊封面上的中国元素!(ZT)   [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:09 |显示全部帖子 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:22 编辑 ' A( w9 e- O0 p. [

: P4 j: R+ f. y- _* \       每次看到顶级期刊的封面文章的Cover image 含有中国元素,就很兴奋,尤其是中国科学家本土做出并发表的,这些都能给予我们很大的激励和爱国情怀。故我整理了我看过的这些含有中国元素的发表在国际顶级期刊Cell和国际干细胞研究领域顶级期刊Cell Stem Cell杂志上的封面文章,还有国际癌症研究领域顶级期刊Cancer Cell,罗列如下:8 Q% `5 G% F' G" \$ ^9 z0 {4 `
    $ @6 k7 ]- u, X. R/ G# ^, |
      1. 2015年12月17日,Cell杂志以封面文章的形式报道了北京大学邓宏魁和赵扬研究组的最新研究成果“A XEN-like StateBridges Somatic Cells to Pluripotency during Chemical Reprogramming”。该研究发现化学重编程过程中的一个类似于胚外内胚层细胞的中间态,并据此大幅提升了化学诱导的多潜能干细胞(CiPS细胞)的诱导效率。
+ u$ a5 J4 u. {$ p; u# J* z
; ^& L1 l9 \! C$ ?# G      On the cover: In this issue of Cell, Zhao et al. (pp. 1678–1691) show that chemical reprogramming of somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells requires passage through an extraembryonic endoderm (XEN)-like state and use this finding to establish a robust chemical reprogramming system. In the cover image, the mountaintops depict the somatic, XEN-like, and pluripotent cell states. Small molecules facilitate traversal from one state to another, like the bridges connecting the mountaintops, while the boat represents a transgenic approach that takes a different route. Artwork by Jialiang Zhu and Yang Zhao.
' H% s9 a: Y& o* c* ?- p5 N; z
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细胞海洋 + 10 + 20 极好资料

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:16 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:17 编辑 ! O& ]% K% F. ]

( p# ~4 d' Y8 N       2. 2015年6月4日,Cell杂志以封面文章的形式发表了北京大学心汤富酬研究组和乔杰研究组的最新研究成果——人类原始生殖细胞的转录组和DNA甲基化组概观(The Transcriptome and DNAMethylome Landscapes of Human Primordial Germ Cells)。该项工作系统、深入地研究了人类多个发育阶段原始生殖细胞(PGC)的转录组和DNA甲基化组,发现人类原始生殖细胞不同于小鼠原始生殖细胞的关键独特特征。
7 _: r0 Q! x# L6 E- Z' a' V3 f- w' ^! O0 C0 E
On the cover: The Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu) is a Chinese mythological symbol of reproduction, adapted here to depict the mammalian life cycle (ring) maintained through mating (snake and tortoise), with the red germ cell at the center vital for transmitting genetic information from one generation to the next. The transcriptional and epigenetic landscape of developing human primordial germ cells, provided by Guo et al. (pp. 1437–1452), Gkountela et al. (pp. 1425–1436), and Tang et al. (pp. 1453–1467), reveals a distinct transcriptional network and progressive and conserved global erasure of DNA methylation and suggests potential hotspots of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. This work paves the way toward deciphering the complex epigenetic reprogramming of the germline, with the aim of restoring totipotency in fertilized human oocytes. Cover by Xiaokang Huang and Fan Guo (for Guo et al.).
/ ?8 d7 m8 I( |# k' K) F7 p, n; W( v- |* D4 T* E
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:19 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:20 编辑
7 c* X, T/ s5 G( ]. h' e% O
! _" U# g0 l9 L8 Q4 b; K) z( H- h3. 2015年3月12日,Cell杂志以封面文章的形式发表了中科院植物所种康研究组的一项研究。该研究组与中国水稻研究所钱前研究组等合作,发现了水稻感受低温的重要QTL基因COLD1及其人工驯化选择的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)赋予粳稻耐寒性的新机制。
8 H$ x2 c2 Q# i. c) m* D9 C$ O  G
On the cover: Human domestication of japonica rice extended the growth zone of this cultivar to regions with lower yearly temperature. Ma et al. (pp. 1209–1221) show that a mutation in the COLD1 locus conferred cold tolerance upon ancestral Chinese wild rice by triggering G-protein-coupled calcium influx in response to cold. The cartoon depicts human selection of cold-adapted japonica rice, with the Chinese character meaning “field” representing a grid of rice fields.. S  e+ _& Y) j# z3 c9 ]2 m4 X

* m& {0 C/ Y: ?5 j' z
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:22 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:23 编辑
& o5 K6 w$ d" }) n. Q6 v; A3 S
7 g4 e8 \7 ]* ], R& R4. 2013年5月23日,Cell杂志以封面文章的形式发表了北京大学生命科学学院邓宏魁研究组和北京大学定量生物学中心汤超研究组合作的研究,首次证明小鼠体细胞重编程可由调控分化的基因完成,并在此基础上提出细胞命运决定的“跷跷板模型”。同期还配发了希伯来大学nissim benvenisty教授对该工作的评论文章。/ F$ K, \0 g3 |
+ B" F; P! Q1 s  C
On the cover: For years, lineage specifiers have generally been considered as rivals to factors that induce cellular reprogramming into pluripotency, including Oct4. Shu et al. (pp. 963–975) find that a combination of lineage-specifying proteins, however, can replace Oct4 and Sox2 to establish pluripotency. The authors propose a “seesaw model,” in which lineage specifiers facilitate reprogramming when they are balanced with other mutually exclusive lineage specifiers. The cover features a scene in which two children playing seesaw depict the seesaw model. The two children represent two antagonistic forces (mutually exclusive lineage specifiers ME and ECT).
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:24 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:25 编辑
- M- C" X7 a" |7 s$ m" x4 [" ]1 \# B3 Q
5. 2016年2月4日,Cell Stem Cell以封面文章的形式发表了Stower医学研究所研究员华人科学家李凌衡(Linheng Li)博士,第一作者钱鹏旭(Pengxu Qian,音译)的研究成果,他们揭示了,定位在小鼠染色体12qF1上的哺乳动物印记Gtl2,通过限制细胞线粒体中的代谢活动保护了造血干细胞。
0 z( z6 v& a2 U# w2 n4 I$ }; q4 z. J! Y9 c5 A
On the cover: Chinese mythology holds that ten suns once flooded the earth with excessive energy, causing crops to shrivel, rivers to dry, and life to collapse. Houyi, the god of archery, shot down all but one of these suns, restoring energy balance and allowing life to flourish. The cover visually depicts the parallel between this myth and the work of Qian et al., who show that the imprinted Dlk1-Gtl2 locus (Houyi with bow) protects and preserves hematopoietic stem cells (earth) from apoptosis by expressing multiple miRNAs (arrows) to suppress excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, a byproduct of energy (heat) generation from mitochondria (suns). Pengxu Qian and Linheng Li conceived the analogy and Mark Miller drew the image.
$ d3 J; @! Y2 ~) h8 ^, j9 r6 g1 o6 b4 H5 h$ D( g. N
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:26 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:26 编辑 3 {) E, j3 F% T: T( T8 v

# a$ _( T+ X. v( S6 J' O6. 2015年3月5日,Cell Stem Cell以封面文章的形式发表了中国科学院动物研究所周琪课题组与中国科学院基因组研究所杨运桂课题组、中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所王秀杰课题组合作,整合各自在干细胞、RNA修饰、高通量数据分析方面的研究优势,绘制了小鼠胚胎干细胞 (ESC)、诱导多能性干细胞 (iPSC)、神经干细胞 (NSC)和睾丸支持细胞 (SC) 转录组的m6A修饰图谱,发现了m6A修饰在多能与分化的细胞系间的分布差异,和发生在一些决定细胞特异分化的RNA分子上的细胞类型特异的m6A修饰。& V) L3 u) G  B# a8 |

2 W7 `, S: Y. h; H8 k0 K( C9 oOn the cover: In this issue, Chen et al. (289–301) show that m6A modifications on mRNAs are enriched at microRNA target sites, the formation of m6A modification is regulated by microRNAs via a sequence pairing mechanism, and increased m6A formation promotes cell reprogramming to pluripotency. The cover art depicts the formation of m6A on mRNA sequences. m6A (the fire) is formed on adenosine (the beacon towers) within the RRACH motif, with the help of microRNAs (the firewood). The image was designed by four of the authors, Tong Chen, Xiu-Jie Wang, Yun-Gui Yang, and Qi Zhou, who would like to thank Gui-Hai Feng for inspiring discussions and Jessica Tang for the image creation.
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:27 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:32 编辑 " @- l: m" v. Z! D

* s: K) z) [, I" Z, G! o7. 2013年4月4日,Cell Stem Cell以封面文章的形式发表了北京生命科学研究所高绍荣课题组在Cell Stem Cell封面:使用复古风格的航海图寓意细胞实现重编程过程中发生的各种阻碍和不同路径,使用多桨的中国帆船寓意重编程过程中细胞内部的多种动力和复杂调控网络。作为DNA修饰的重要因子,Tet1对于DNA修饰的调节如同直接调节帆船的风帆,成为快捷安全的重编程实现的重要动力。
2 [( w  y$ j2 C- ?  g- P: Z; M+ w7 n4 O' Z
On the cover: In this issue, Gao et al. (453–469) show that Tet1 promotes the demethylation and reactivation of pluripotency genes during reprogramming and can in fact replace Oct4 in the “reprogramming cocktail.” The cover is an artistic representation the reprogramming process and the role of Tet1. A voyage to reach the treasure (pluripotency) may take a range of different routes and passes various islands (barriers) on the way. With oars (transcription factors) and sails (DNA modification dynamics) working together under the control of the watchtower (Tet1), the voyage can become safer and faster. Cover design and illustration by Ning Yang, Yawei Gao, and Jiayu Chen.
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 优秀版主 专家 金话筒 精华勋章 优秀会员

发表于 2016-3-15 21:33 |显示全部帖子
本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2016-3-15 21:35 编辑 & ?. ^, A  q+ r3 _

: U2 l! P4 @, j% [4 ~- g- }8. 2015年5月11日,Cancer Cell 以封面文章的形式发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所季红斌研究组的最新研究成果“LKB1 Inactivation Elicits a Redox Imbalance to Modulate Non-Small Cell LungCancer Plasticity and Therapeutic Response”。该研究深入揭示了LKB1失活调控非小细胞肺癌可塑性及药物响应的重要功能和相关机制,为认识人类肺癌的发病机理提供了新的视角和思路,对肺癌的诊断和治疗具有重要的临床指导意义。" K0 N8 e" R) m, W; ^

# j! O" h0 e% AOn the cover: In a Chinese fairy tale, the Monkey King was captured and burned with Samadhi fire in the stove of Taishang Laojun for 49 days. However, the Monkey King not only didn't die, but also gained even stronger power with piercing eyes. Similarly, LKB1-deficient lung adenocarcinoma harbors strong plasticity, and, even under highly deregulated oxidative stress, these lung adenocarcinomas go through systematic reprogramming and gain drug resistance through the transition to squamous cell carcinomas. See Li et al. (pp. 698–711) for details.  d6 ]8 O( Q- O* P, e

/ Y  c( ^' F3 a5 a, a& ]) x       从上面的信息可以看出,我们中国科学家在国际顶级期刊Cell上面发表的封面文章近3年就达到了4篇,其中邓宏魁教授就有2篇。而Cell子刊Cell Stem Cell的封面文章有3篇,其实不算封面文章,中国科学家在该杂志发表的文章更多。难能可贵的是,中国科学家发表封面文章,都渗透进去了伟大的中国元素,可见他们的爱国情怀。所以,我们不仅要向上面的科学家学习他们踏实认真做科学的精神,还要学习他们的爱国情怀。+ v+ n) Y) f( o" o

* O$ X! _$ W% B- D3 W/ ^8 w# L向以上的科学家致敬!
* f0 V  H# q; h
! A7 _; n8 }- \  \2 X1 n转自科学网秦逸人博客
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