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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
[经验交流]老外教你写论文 Whiteside's Group: Writing a Paper attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 eley 2010-7-25 751114207 greenhand101 2019-1-7 21:34
[经验交流]嘻嘻,英语也就这么回事! attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 FreeCell 2012-9-25 2995762 xuyang0317 2016-2-17 10:21
[经验交流]【METHOD】how to write a scientific research paper attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 linxingxing 2010-4-27 37103858 thor0504 2014-5-19 08:36
[经验交流]A Critical Thinking Approach to Academic Writing foundations zpf861223 2012-11-17 150328 uniondaivd 2012-11-17 13:56
[经验交流]一本朋友推荐的关于科研论文写作的书 zdmaillist 2010-7-12 220808 lynne1128 2011-10-25 16:29
[经验交流]提高SCI命中率 attachment agree 恋水鱼 2010-6-9 727454 xiaomogu1979123 2011-7-7 11:06
[经验交流]如何写英文版的论文 guoxihan 2011-3-15 114946 细胞海洋 2011-3-15 20:47
[经验交流]100个精选替换词 agree linxingxing 2010-8-11 117927 轩辕之客 2010-8-11 20:27
[经验交流]近义词替换 linxingxing 2010-8-11 017931 linxingxing 2010-8-11 19:14
[经验交流]新手谈点英语写作感受 agree wusl888_ 2010-8-2 013942 wusl888_ 2010-8-2 16:26
[经验交流]如何写英文论文 attachment agree bjyc0 2010-5-30 419171 wusl888_ 2010-8-2 15:48
[经验交流]14 steps to a clearly written technical paper attachment agree mzyysmile 2010-5-6 216402 wusl888_ 2010-8-2 15:42
[经验交流]【METHOD】mistakes in writing papers attachment agree  ...2 linxingxing 2009-10-14 1132803 wusl888_ 2010-8-2 15:40
[经验交流]【METHOD】How to write a review agree  ...2 linxingxing 2009-9-5 1344687 wang_kai1212123 2010-7-30 22:19
[经验交流]中国人写英文文章常犯的错误总结 attachment eley 2010-7-26 110760 fguw 2010-7-28 05:36
[经验交流]请大家谈谈发第一篇SCI的过程与体会 chwu 2010-7-13 113403 bigbiggirl 2010-7-13 17:51
[经验交流]能否推荐几个较好的杂志? shuc.chen 2010-7-6 013394 shuc.chen 2010-7-6 11:27
[经验交流]转:中英文科技论文写作 attachment agree juyue2010 2010-6-4 012958 juyue2010 2010-6-4 11:11
[经验交流]【METHOD】Hypothsis agree linxingxing 2010-5-5 114859 linxingxing 2010-5-5 15:15


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