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《cell》细胞杂志 今日: 220|主题: 4054

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A boisterous histone  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 240456477 leeking 18 小时前
Cell 最受关注的十篇文章之第一篇 attachment  ...23456..27 ncRNA 2013-8-13 265531061 chongchong 昨天 23:44
Tmod points the way  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-5 252469054 htc728 昨天 23:44
Back signaling by the Nrg-1 intracellular domain  ...23456..23 杨柳 2009-3-6 221339177 墨玉 昨天 23:33
A Survey of Human Disease Gene Counterparts in the Drosophila Genome  ...23456..25 mx988 2009-3-5 246320845 分子工程师 昨天 23:33
The MKK3/6-p38–signaling Cascade Alters the Subcellular Distribution o  ...23456..22 mx988 2009-3-5 216301431 蝶澈 昨天 23:33
Determinants of the Nuclear Localization of the Heterodimeric DNA Frag  ...23456..23 mx988 2009-3-5 229332564 Greatjob 昨天 23:29
《cell》文献翻译:核糖体与基因表达  ...23456..23 bobo 2009-4-28 228388413 beautylive 昨天 23:19
The J-domain protein Rme-8 interacts with Hsc70 to control clathrin-de  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 246316862 foxok 昨天 23:19
GPR-1/2 support unequal division  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 249394089 sky蓝 昨天 23:19
Regulation of Op18 during Spindle Assembly in Xenopus Egg Extracts  ...23456..28 杨柳 2009-3-5 277372538 海小鱼 昨天 23:19
Regulated yeast death—in colonies  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 234486471 aakkaa 昨天 23:19
Crossovers break SC symmetry  ...23456..22 杨柳 2009-3-6 215459552 水木清华 昨天 23:19
Multimembrane fusion  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 242507662 pspvp 昨天 23:19
The trefoil factor 1 participates in gastrointestinal cell differentia  ...23456..23 杨柳 2009-3-6 220272497 aliyun 昨天 23:19
Identification of XMAP215 as a microtubule-destabilizing factor in Xen  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 241344315 ikiss 昨天 23:05
In Vivo Analysis of Cajal Body Movement, Separation, and Joining in Li  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-5 232283421 20130827 昨天 23:05
Mitochondria sensitive to ER Ca2 stores  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 250442308 tuting 昨天 23:00
Garbage in, garbage out  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-5 238425125 DAIMAND 昨天 23:00
The cell cycle–apoptosis connection revisited in the adult brain  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 251420628 追风 昨天 22:47
Direct measurement of Gag–Gag interaction during retrovirus assembly w  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 239294995 科研人 昨天 22:41
Integrin Dynamics and Matrix Assembly: Tensin-dependent Translocation  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-5 237328411 nauticus 昨天 22:41
Cytokeratins 8 and 19 in the Mouse Placental Development  ...23456..27 mx988 2009-3-5 263430501 化药所 昨天 22:41
Home | Help | Feedback | Subscriptions | Archive | Search | Table of C  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 255498331 SCISCI 昨天 22:17
Localized Ca2 uncaging reveals polarized distribution of Ca2 -sensiti  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 232337397 dada 昨天 22:17
CD44 Is a Major E-Selectin Ligand on Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Ce  ...23456..23 杨柳 2009-3-5 220332133 abc987 昨天 22:14
Severing saves microtubules  ...23456..27 杨柳 2009-3-6 266424229 123456zsz 昨天 22:13
Rap1 up-regulation and activation on plasma membrane regulates T cell  ...23456..23 杨柳 2009-3-6 221331542 初夏洒脱 昨天 22:09
SynCAM and sidekick synchronize synapse synthesis  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 236431555 海小鱼 昨天 22:09
Connexin the dots  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 246468351 苹果天堂 昨天 22:09


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